After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 852 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

Chapter 852 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

However, Song still reacted quickly and calmed down quickly.

"You are not even a family member, so you are naturally not qualified."

Qin Zexi was not angry, but smiled: "Then who do you think is qualified?"

Qin Zexi's unreasonable play made Song Yiran stunned again: "Of course it's the Gu family, and the Gu family belongs to the Gu family."

Originally, the "I" that Song Yiran was talking about had already reached the edge, but in the end he turned a corner.

"Oh, the Gu family."

Qin Zexi still nodded calmly, then suddenly turned his head and raised the corner of his mouth: "But you are not the Gu family either."

"Why am I not the Gu family?" Song Yiran was confused by Qin Zexi's smile, and became nervous for no reason.

Qin Zexi said flatly: "Your name has been removed from the Gu family's household registration book."

"So what, but the paternity test proves that the old man and I are related by blood." Song Yiran said hurriedly.

"Yeah, so what, did grandpa admit you? If he did, why didn't he bring you back to the Gu family's account book? And the paternity test you mentioned, no one knows whether it's true or not Yes, what does this mean?"

Qin Zexi's two simple sentences negated all that Song Yiran said just now, and he really felt like he was slapping someone with his face stretched out.

Song still only felt his throat stagnate, and he didn't know what to say when he stood there.

She was inexplicably guilty, squeezed the microphone in her hand tightly, and Song Yiran glanced at the bottom of the stage.

A look of begging for help quickly swept across his eyes without any trace, but he quickly returned to his original state.

Qin Zexi looked at her with a smile on his lips.

"Are you going down by yourself, or shall I ask you to go down?"

"Why do you let me go down? The place you are standing now is mine, and if you want to go down, you are going to go down."

Song Yiran was naturally unwilling to be kicked out by Qin Zexi like this.

"It seems that you need me to invite you down."

"President Qin, if what Miss Song said just now is not true, why did Mr. Gu give her half of the property?"

At this moment, someone below the stage did not know who it was, and suddenly said something.

Because there were too many people, and the lights in the hall seemed not too bright, it was impossible to see who the speaker was, but it was only possible to determine the location of the speaker.

Qin Zexi tilted his head and gave a chuckle, and met Zhong Lian's eyes seemingly unintentionally, and Zhong Lian immediately understood and walked towards the direction of speaking.

Only then did Qin Zexi speak slowly: "I'm afraid you have to ask Mr. Gu about this question, but I'm too embarrassed. Mr. Gu has been in a coma due to poor health recently, so it may take a while."

"However, I can briefly answer your question for him first. Regarding the matter of giving Song Yiran's family property, it was decided a long time ago when Gu Ping was still in the Gu family. The main reason is that no matter what Gu Ping said, she has worked so hard for the Gu family for so many years, and there is hard work without credit."

"And I think the will flashed too fast on the screen just now. You may not have seen it clearly. Mr. Gu said that he gave Song Yiran half of his family property. You may have misunderstood which half he gave."

(End of this chapter)

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