After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 853 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

Chapter 853 Song Still "Forcing the Palace"

"What do you mean? What do you mean the half given to me? The half of the property that the old man gave me is the half of the property under the name of the Gu family. Including the current Gu family, I also have half of the property."

Song still seemed a little irritated by Qin Zexi.

Listening to Song Yiran's excited flowers, Qin Zexi couldn't help laughing.

Song Yiran looked at his extremely beautiful smiling face, and suddenly had an ominous premonition: "What are you laughing at? Am I wrong?"

"Yes, that's right, but there is one thing I need to correct, that is, the Gu family is now under my name, so it doesn't belong to the Gu family, and naturally it doesn't have half of yours."

"What? You lied?"

Qin Zexi's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and Song still felt his scalp tingle for a while, and he almost fell down weakly.

"You must be lying. I don't believe it. How could the Gu family be in your name? When we went to the notarization before, there was no..."

Of course Song Yiran couldn't believe Qin Zexi's words, and looked at him with disbelief.

Qin Zexi raised his eyebrows: "When I went to notarize the will, the Gu family was already in my name. At that time, you only cared about whether grandpa gave you an inheritance, so naturally you didn't notice it."

"So you and the old man teamed up to lie to me?" Song Yiran seemed really angry, even staring at Qin Zexi with anger.

"It can't be considered a lie. I can only say that you are too stupid. You think you can do whatever you want with the bargaining chip in your hand, but you don't have any real skills at all. If you knew it at the time, you wouldn't be ashamed here, right?" Who knew Qin Zexi chuckled without paying attention at all.

"The Gu family was established after several generations of hard work by the Gu family. How could it be given to a person with a foreign surname casually, and it is a person with a foreign surname without the slightest blood relationship."

Someone began to sing the opposite tune again, but this time it was in another direction, and the voices seemed to be two different people who were completely unrelated.

And after finishing speaking, there were still several people echoing in succession.

Song Yiran, who was a little flustered at first, suddenly seemed to understand something when he heard the words below, and hurriedly followed up with the man's words: "Qin Zexi, don't fool me, I have stayed with the old man for more than ten years anyway. , I still understand the character of the old man. It is impossible for him to give you the Gu family. You don't have the blood of the Gu family on your body, and you can't pass on the blood for the Gu family. It is impossible for the old man to care about these things so much. For you."

There was a lot of discussion below, although I couldn't hear it clearly, but I could tell that it was all about Qin Zexi's doubts.

"I know he's not lying."

At this time, Hu Xianya, who was standing under the stage, suddenly spoke.

Many people present knew Hu Xianya. The multinational group "Little Fox" has been doing a lot in the capital recently, and it also cooperates frequently with Gu's. What surprised everyone most recently was that the "Little Fox" group actually outperformed the market. Several times the price, he directly bought Ou Shi, and directly suppressed Au Shangli, so he didn't get a single penny of benefits.

The Ou family is like a rat crossing the street, everyone avoids it!

Some people in the industry have speculated that the "little fox" group has a deep hatred with the Ou family, which has driven the Ou family to such an extent.

(End of this chapter)

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