After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 860 Do You Want Me To Die For You?

Chapter 860 Do You Want Me To Die For You?

"Didn't I ask her for something at the time, otherwise who would want to go to her." Song Yiran also suddenly became anxious.

Only then did Yi Fei realize that something was wrong in Song Yiran's words. He glanced at her, and then said, "Please Song Yiran? What are you begging her for?"

Ou Ruting realized that she had slipped her tongue, her eyes flickered, she pondered for a moment, and finally said: "It's nothing, it's just a little thing."

"Small matter?" Yi Fei is not a fool, how could he believe her perfunctory words.

"Oh, this is between me and her, so don't ask." Of course Ou Ruting would not tell the matter between her and Song Yiran.

"Then do you want to stay here? If that's the case, then I won't come to see you in the future. Your father has nothing now, and it doesn't make sense for me to follow him. Why don't you find another good one?" A way out." Yi Fei also knew that Ou Ruting didn't want to say it, and she couldn't ask anything if she forced her, so she said it on purpose.

"What do you mean? You don't want to ignore mine or my father's?" Song still didn't expect Yi Fei to say that, so he was naturally very angry.

Yi Fei still seemed to be very confident: "Then what can I do? Now your father's company is gone, and his money is gone. He can't even support himself, let alone me. After I leave, he can still give me money." He takes some of the burden off."

"Yi Fei, do you think I don't know what you're thinking? Don't you just think that my father has no money and can't bring you a good life, so you want to leave. Yi Fei, you really agreed. That saying that people often say, husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes, you really make me despise you."

Song Yiran was so angry that even his mother didn't want to call her, so she called her by name directly.

"Ou Ruting, what you said is too much, do you know what kind of life I am living now?"

In fact, Yi Fei just said that on purpose, but what Ou Ruting said later really angered her, but it really made her excited.

"Your dad is like a cripple now. He knows how to drink in the room all day long and does nothing. Our house is gone, and we rent a small house. All the expenses of the family depend on me. In exchange for my bags and jewelry, our company is gone, and I don’t know how many cold receptions and blank stares I will suffer when I go out now, let’s not talk about it, do you know, your dad actually beat me.”

The more Yi Fei talked, the more excited he became. When he was talking, his eyes were red. He lifted up his sleeves and stretched them out in front of Ou Ruting, and said, "Look for yourself, this bruise is the Your dad just hit it yesterday."

There was indeed a bruise on Yi Fei's arm, and it was indeed caused by Auchan.

Because Yi Fei satirized Ou Shangli at home, saying that he was useless, his company could be acquired so easily, and even his daughter was arrested, and there was no way to save him.

Auchan had suppressed it for a long time, and he had drunk some wine at the time, so he went straight to the head and hit Yi Fei.

It's just that Ou Shangli quickly regained consciousness after the fight, and began to regret it.

He kept apologizing to Yi Fei, hoping that Yi Fei could forgive him.

In fact, Yi Fei planned it beforehand, and all he wanted was this result.

(End of this chapter)

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