After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 861 Do You Want Me To Die For You?

Chapter 861 Do You Want Me To Die For You?

It was also her intention to satirize Ou Shangli, she just wanted to annoy Au Shangli.

Hitting her made him feel guilty, so that Ou Shangli would obediently listen to her.

Things went well. Although she was beaten, Ou Shangli was finally shaken by her proposal to leave the capital. Although she was still reluctant, she was not as repulsive as before!
So now as long as she can make Ou Ruting shake, everything else will go smoothly!

Ou Ruting looked at Yi Fei's outstretched arm and the injury on her arm, and was so startled that she didn't speak for several seconds.

After a while, the unbelievable voice said: "Mom, are you kidding me, my dad loves you so much, why would he beat you?"

"That's because you haven't seen what your father looks like now." Yi Fei looked at Ou Ruting with red eyes, with a pitiful look, as if she could burst into tears in the next second.

The moment Ou Ruting looked at Yi Fei, she suddenly felt a little distressed, no matter how irritable she felt, but Yi Fei was her mother after all, and the broken bones were still connected, so how could she not care.

"Dad may have been too depressed during this period. The company is gone. This kind of change is too big. He can't accept it for a while, so it's like this. Look at how good Dad was to you before. I believe this is The first time will definitely be the last time, so Mom, you have to forgive me."

When Ou Ruting spoke, her tone was very soft.

"It's because I forgive him, otherwise I would have run away long ago. Will I stay here and be angry with you two father and daughter?" Yi Fei suddenly said aggrieved.

"Mom, you can't go, you have to find a way to get me out."

Although she felt sorry for Yi Fei, what Ou Ruting was thinking about was how to get out of here.

Just now Yi Fei said that she is likely to be regarded as an accomplice and continue to be imprisoned here.

How could she be locked up here, she still hasn't done a lot of things.

Yi Fei said: "What can I do, the only way is that you abort the child and agree to leave the capital with me, but you are not willing to do this way."

"Except for this, everything else is fine." Although Ou Ruting was anxious, she definitely would not agree so easily to want her to leave the capital and lose her child.

"Then I can't help it."

Yi Fei took a look at Ou Ruting, pondered for a while, and then said earnestly: "Ru Ting, I know it must be very painful for you to make this decision, but you must see our current situation clearly. Now that the mud bodhisattva is crossing the river, it is hard to protect yourself, if you insist on going your own way, our whole family may fall into the river together."

"I don't know what you came to Song Yiran to ask her to do, or whether you succeeded in the end, but now my mother needs to remind you that Song Yiran is already unreliable, and she can't even keep herself safe. , not to mention protecting you."

"I don't want her to protect me either."

Yi Fei's words surprised Ou Ruting, but in order not to let Yi Fei discover anything unusual, she still pretended to speak calmly.

Even if there is no Song Yiran now, as long as she can get that person's hair and replace it when the paternity test is done, she will still be able to succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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