Chapter 864
There was a sudden sharp pain in my stomach, and then I felt something flow out.

Ou Ruting looked down, and happened to see a stream of blood flowing from her feet.

Ou Ruting was stunned and stood there for a while without any reaction. It was when Yi Fei came in from the outside after making a phone call that she discovered the clue, and then she shouted: "Doctor, doctor, what's wrong with my daughter, why? Suddenly there will be blood."

Ou Ruting had a miscarriage, this is something Yi Fei and Ou Ruting didn't expect!
Ou Ruting instantly felt like the sky was falling, she couldn't figure out why the child suddenly disappeared since she hadn't eaten the food Yi Fei gave her?

The doctor arranged a ward for Ou Ruting, and Ou Ruting was in a depressed mood, so she didn't talk much during the few days in the hospital!

Ou Ruting's pregnancy month is not high, so the miscarriage is not so serious, and she can leave after staying in the hospital for a few days!
Hu Xianya also kept Ou Ruting out as promised.

Yi Fei took Ou Ruting out of the hospital and went straight to the airport!
Ou Ruting let Yi Fei command along the way, without saying a word.

Yi Fei only thought about her because she was in a bad mood, so she didn't care much!

At the airport, Yi Fei went to get the boarding pass, and then went to check in the luggage, but asked Ou Ruting to sit on the waiting chair beside her and wait for her.

Ou Ruting still seemed to be absent-minded, but she obediently listened to her and sat down.

Yi Fei wanted to leave as soon as possible, thinking that she would not be able to marry Han Jianfeng because she had no children, and she couldn't accept it for a while, so she didn't care much about Ou Ruting's current situation, but told Ou Ruting to let her stay where she was. Obediently wait for yourself.

What Yi Fei didn't expect was that after waiting for her to check in her luggage, when she came back, Ou Ruting was gone!

Yi Fei was in a hurry right now, and kept searching in the entire airport waiting hall, and even went to the information desk to ask the radio to help broadcast the search several times, but still couldn't see Ou Ruting's figure.

Yi Fei had no choice but to leave the airport in a hurry and rushed to the hospital where Han Jianfeng was hospitalized.

She remembered that Ou Ruting once asked herself before, the hospital where Han Jianfeng was hospitalized, she didn't think so much at the time, so she told the truth!

Yi Fei knew that Ou Ruting was her daughter.

Although Ou Ruting hasn't said much in the past few days, she knows that Ou Ruting's heart is not reconciled, and there must be some.

It's just that there is a little bit of luck in Yi Fei's heart, thinking that now that she has no children, she knows that she can't marry Han Jianfeng, so she simply doesn't bother!

But a fluke is a fluke after all, or in other words, she still doesn't really understand Ou Ruting very well.

Ou Ruting did go to the hospital where Han Jianfeng was hospitalized, and said she was unwilling, so there must be!
I have been thinking about it for so many years, and I am only one step away from marrying Han Jianfeng, but now everything is ruined, how can she be reconciled, how can she figure it out.

She was going to find Han Jianfeng, she didn't want to leave the capital at all, and she didn't want to leave him at all, even now he was lying on the hospital bed, a vegetable who couldn't do anything.

But as long as she can be by his side, she doesn't care about anything!
(End of this chapter)

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