After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 865 Ou Ruting went to find Han Jianfeng

Chapter 865 Ou Ruting went to find Han Jianfeng

Ou Ruting quickly found the ward floor of the department where Han Jianfeng was hospitalized, but she didn't know the specific ward number of Han Jianfeng, so she planned to find one by one.Because it is impossible for Han Jianfeng to live in a multi-person ward, the only ones left are single ones, which is actually very easy to find.

What she didn't expect was that she was lucky. When she came up, she saw Hu Qianya and a doctor in a white coat walking out of a ward.

The doctor seemed to be talking to Hu Xianya about Han Jianfeng's condition. The two were talking while walking, and they were very serious. Naturally, they didn't notice Ou Ruting who was standing at the other end of the corridor!
Seeing the two of them bypassing the nurse's desk and then going to the doctor's office, Ou Ruting quickly ran towards the ward where Hu Xianya came out just now.

Excitedly pushing open the door of the ward, it turned out that Han Jianfeng was really lying inside!

Because Hu Xianya usually takes care of Han Jianfeng alone, so now that Hu Xianya is gone, there is no one in the ward!
Seeing Han Jianfeng lying on the hospital bed, Ou Ruting burst into tears of excitement.

Stretching out her hand tremblingly, she caressed Han Jianfeng's cheek. She hadn't seen him for a long time. When she was locked inside, she touched her stomach every day, and she would miss him, thinking that she would be able to marry after she went out. After giving it to him, I feel extremely happy!

But now the child is gone!
All her hopes were dashed in an instant, and Hu Qianya was still determined to drive her out of the capital and drive her away from him!

But she couldn't bear him, she didn't want to leave him, she didn't want to leave the capital!

Thinking of this, Ou Ruting actually started to cry, she suddenly lay on Han Jianfeng's body, hugged him, and then said as if she was wronged: "Jianfeng, I don't want to leave the capital, I don't want to leave you, Can you wake up and help me, Hu Qianya has driven me to nowhere, if this goes on, I will really have to die in front of you."

"what are you doing?"

It's just that just as Ou Ruting finished speaking, she heard Hu Xianya's stern roar at the door.

Hu Xianya never expected that Ou Ruting would appear in Han Jianfeng's ward.Originally, the doctor asked her to go out to talk to her about Han Jianfeng's condition. Han Jianfeng has been having ups and downs recently, and he is always in a coma, showing no signs of waking up. Hu Xianya said that she is not worried, then How is it possible!
However, the doctor said that this situation is very normal, and Han Jianfeng's body functions and these data show that they are normal, so Hu Xianya needn't worry too much, but just told her to take good care of Han Jianfeng, and if there is a situation, she should notify the doctors and nurses in time Personnel will do.

Hearing what Han Jianfeng's doctor in charge said, Hu Xianya was relieved and felt a little better, but she didn't want to see Ou Ruting crying on Han Jianfeng's body when she came in.

When Ou Ruting heard Hu Xianya's roar, she didn't intend to get up at all. Instead of getting up, she hugged Han Jianfeng even harder.

"What do you care about me, does it have anything to do with you?"

Hu Xianya really didn't realize that Ou Ruting would be so shameless, her face turned blue from anger.

"Get off Han Jianfeng for me."

(End of this chapter)

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