After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 866 Because You Make Me Sick

Chapter 866 Because You Make Me Sick

Hu Xianya didn't want to make much noise, so she suppressed her anger with a calm voice.

"Hu Qianya, you despicable woman, in order to drive me away from Jianfeng, you even killed my child. Let me tell you, when Jianfeng wakes up, I must tell him your truth face."

Who knew that Ou Ruting didn't seem to have heard her at all, she was still lying on Han Jianfeng's body, and even sued Hu Xianya.

When Hu Xianya heard Ou Ruting's words, she felt it was funny: "Ou Ruting, when you said these words, what were you trying to explain? I lost your child, and you want to tell Han Jianfeng? Your child Is it Han Jianfeng's?"

Ou Ruting was obviously stunned for a moment, she never expected that Hu Qianya would raise such a question.

But soon, she reacted again, and she seemed to be very reasonable: "My child belongs to Jianfeng, aren't you afraid that if I give birth to this child, it will affect you and your child? Get rid of my child and drive me out of the capital?"

Regarding Ou Ruting's mysterious self-confidence, Hu Xianya really didn't know what to say, she shook her head helplessly, Hu Qianya chuckled, and then said: "Why should I be afraid of you, Ou Ruting? You will treat me What effect? ​​What effect do you think you will have on me?"

It's just a joke, she, Hu Xianya, the dignified president of the "little fox" group, is afraid that a person who has nothing will affect her!

Even if she doesn't rely on anyone, she can lead a beautiful life with her cubs!

Hu Xianya's words made Ou Ruting inexplicably feel a strong sense of depression, Hu Xianya's words clearly despised her.

Although Ou Ruting felt unwilling, she had to admit that what Hu Xianya said was correct!
She did not pose any threat to Hu Xianya. In fact, to put it cruelly, it was not that she threatened Hu Xianya, but Hu Xianya threatened her. It was just that she was unwilling to face it!
"Then why do you want to drive me out of the capital so urgently?" Even though she felt that there was nothing wrong with what Hu Qianya said, Ou Ruting still didn't want to admit it on the surface.

"Because I feel sick when I see you."

Hu Xianya spoke lightly, without any ups and downs in tone, but it made people's hearts tremble inexplicably. Ou Ruting felt a twinge in her heart for a moment, she seemed to be really disgusted to Hu Xianya.

Ou Ruting's face turned pale in an instant, and her mind was so blank that she couldn't think of anything to say back, as if someone was choking her throat.

"So, can you get up now?"

But before she could react, Ou Ruting felt her arm being grabbed, and then pulled her forward with a strong force.

Then Ou Ruting threw herself directly from the hospital bed to the ground!

Hu Xianya really used her strength, so when Ou Ruting fell to the ground, she rushed forward and hit her head on the table beside her!
Ou Ruting was hit so dizzy, she leaned against the table for a long time before she got better.

"Hu Xianya, don't go too far." Ou Ruting was furious as she covered her head and stared at Hu Xianya who was standing aside.

(End of this chapter)

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