Chapter 868
At first, Ou Ruting thought it was Lorna who came, and she looked up happily, but she didn't want to hear Yi Fei's voice all of a sudden, her face stepped down, and she said reluctantly: "Why are you here? "

"Let's go, leave here with me." Yi Fei glanced at Han Jianfeng's ward next to him, and pulled Ou Ruting to leave.

Regardless of whether Ou Ruting went in before, or whether she met Hu Qianya, for the money Hu Qianya gave her, she had to drag Ou Ruting out of here.

Ou Ruting threw away Luo Na, and shouted impatiently: "Mom, what are you doing? I won't leave the capital with you. I still have to wait here for Aunt Luo." .”

"Lorna? What are you waiting for her to do?" Yi Fei frowned in obvious doubt.

"Wait for her to give me justice." When Ou Ruting was talking, she glanced over Yi Fei and looked towards the corridor.

Yi Feidang couldn't help but said: "What can she host for you..."

Yi Fei looked down on Lorna quite a bit, but before she finished her disdainful words, she saw Ou Ruting standing up quickly, and then happily shouted: "Aunt Luo."

As soon as Yi Fei turned his head, he saw Lorna rushing over. Lorna was wearing a seasonal red dress of a certain brand, and was holding a high-end bag of the same brand in her hand, which was also a new season, because The one who came out was in a hurry, so I didn't dress up much, but because it was well maintained, there was nothing that people could fault.

It's just that the clothes and bag on her body made Yi Fei's eyes red instantly.

Yi Fei subconsciously wanted to cover the A-grade bag she was carrying. Unfortunately, the bag she was carrying was a copy of the bag in Lorna's hand.Because she had no source of livelihood before, and in order to pay off her debts, she sold all the valuables she could pawn, but for her own vanity, she still bought some brand A goods.

It's just that the A product is the A product, and it will always look so cheap in front of the genuine one.

Lorna didn't mean to show off. Bags and clothes are brands she often wears, and she has worn them for many years. Because she is a regular customer, every year when the seasons change, the brand will send her some. Keep it and wear it when you go out.

When Rona saw Ou Ruting and Yi Fei, she obviously frowned, a little unhappy, but when she spoke, she was not too impolite, she still asked very peacefully: "Why are you here?" here?"

She remembered that Ou Ruting was imprisoned in JCJ, but she didn't expect to be released so soon, and she ran directly to the door of Han Jianfeng's ward.

"Let me take a look at Jianfeng." Ou Ruting is not stupid, and she can naturally see that Lorna is not very friendly to her, but she wants to ask Lorna to help her now, so naturally she directly ignores Lorna's expression and intends to In the past, he went to hold Lorna's arm to express his intimacy.

Who knew that watching her pass by, Rona stepped back a few steps on guard, and put a distance away from Ou Ruting, which made Ou Ruting, who was stretching out her hand to hold Rona's arm, paused in place instantly, and Still embarrassed.

"Lorna, what are you doing? Did Ruting offend you? Or do you think our Ou family has fallen and disdain to associate with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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