Chapter 869
Yi Fei couldn't bear to watch from the sidelines, so he stepped forward and scolded her just like Lorna!Yi Fei knew that Lorna was soft-tempered, even if she was very angry, she couldn't say anything, that's why she had been so strong in front of Lorna all these years.

It's just that Yi Fei forgot one thing, that is, the present is not what it used to be!

Han Jianfeng, who was hit by them, is still lying unconscious on the hospital bed!

That was Lorna's own son!
Lorna glanced at Yi Fei and said calmly, "That's right, I just don't bother to associate with you."

There is no way to change her personality. Lorna still can't say anything harsh, but even if she isn't mean, such a simple sentence is enough to change people's face in an instant.

"Okay, Lorna, I didn't expect you to be such a powerful person. I didn't expect you to really be able to pretend. Looking at the surface, you seem to be polite to everyone, and you seem to be very educated. Everyone looks like a lady, but in fact she is a snobbish person at heart."

Seeing that shrew Yi Fei swearing at the street, Lorna really didn't want to talk to her, but the place where she quarreled was at the door of Han Jianfeng's ward: "This is a hospital, if you want to quarrel, please leave, otherwise I will call security."

After finishing speaking, Lorna turned around and wanted to go into the ward.

"Hey, let me say..." Yi Fei was not reconciled, and wanted to drag Lorna to continue talking.

But Ou Ruting directly pulled her to stop her: "Mom, what are you doing, I beg you, can you stop making trouble?"

Ou Ruting was so anxious that tears were about to come out. Now Lorna is the last hope left for her. Originally, Lorna's avoidance of her actions just now made her feel wronged. She didn't expect that Yi Fei would still Trying to quarrel with Lorna, isn't this simply destroying her last hope?
When Yi Fei turned back to look at Ou Ruting, he realized that her eyes were red, he was stunned for a moment, but remembered the business, and pulled Ou Ruting to go out: "Okay, I won't make trouble, you can come with me. "

"I've already said, I won't leave, I want to stay here." Ou Ruting hurriedly shook off Yi Fei's hand, and rushed into Han Jianfeng's ward.

"Hey, don't..."

Yi Fei tried to hold her back, but it was too late, Ou Ruting had already entered the ward.

Yi Fei had no choice but to follow her in hastily.

When Luo Na entered the ward, she first asked Hu Qianya with concern if she was hurt by Ou Ruting or what happened!
Hu Xianya shook her head honestly.

Luo Na breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked to the hospital bed to see Han Jianfeng.

Hu Xianya and Lorna got along, but it was actually a little awkward. The most important thing was that when they met before, something happened, so getting along was not so natural.But Hu Xianya is still very grateful to Lorna, after all, she entrusted Han Jianfeng to her care.

This shows that Lorna still regards her as her own.

It was quiet in the ward, Hu Xianya was thinking about what to talk about, but Ou Ruting suddenly broke in.

"Aunt Luo." Ou Ruting stood not far from the hospital bed and called out to Luo Na.

Without the shameless arrogance she had when she was arguing with Hu Xianya just now, Ou Ruting now looks like a little daughter-in-law who has suffered all kinds of grievances.

(End of this chapter)

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