After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 881 Paternity Test Report

Chapter 881 Paternity Test Report
Of course Ou Ruting wouldn't listen to Hu Xianya, she directly retorted excitedly: "Why should I listen to you? What are you? You let me go if you say so?"

Hu Qianya suddenly laughed: "I am indeed not a thing, I am a human being, but why are you so excited? Didn't you say that my report is fake, since it is fake, you can get a copy of the real one." Come and see."

"After I came out of Jianfeng's room, I found out that I was pregnant. Isn't this the best evidence? Hu Qianya, don't think I don't know what you think. I tried every means to get rid of my child before. Now you say that my child is not from Jianfeng, isn’t your purpose just to drive me away from Jianfeng? It’s just a pity, even if the child is gone, but Jianfeng still wants me if he touches me Responsible to me."

Ou Ruting quibbled, she was indeed very excited, but of course she would definitely not admit that the child belonged to Han Jianfeng.

After listening to Ou Ruting's words, Hu Qianya shook her head suddenly, as if she was speechless to Ou Ruting.

"What are you doing shaking your head? Hu Xianya, let me tell you, the child in my stomach belongs to Han Jianfeng, so don't try to use this fake thing to deceive everyone."

Anyway, Ou Ruting insisted that the child in her belly belonged to Han Jianfeng, this was her last hope, and she didn't want to lose it.

"Is someone else here?"

Hu Xianya suddenly turned her head to look at Hu Yanqian who had been standing at the door of the ward!

If she had known that talking to Ou Ruting so much was nonsense, she might as well not have said it!
Hu Yanqian glanced behind him sideways: "Here we come."

As soon as the words fell, a middle-aged man with a beard appeared at the door!
When Ou Ruting saw that person, her face turned pale with fright, and her legs became limp. Fortunately, Yi Fei was beside her, so she could hold Yi Fei for support, so that she would not fall to the ground.

Yi Fei glanced at Ou Ruting with some doubts: "Do you know this man?"

Ou Ruting's actions actually made her a little puzzled, but she didn't think about it in other directions, she just thought that the two had known each other before, and there might be some unpleasant things happened.

"It should be more than just acquaintance."

Hu Xianya glanced sideways at Ou Ruting, but suddenly answered the conversation, but the eyes she looked at Ou Ruting were somewhat intriguing.

"What do you mean?" Yi Fei looked at Ou Ruting questioningly!
"Oh, mom, can you be quiet for a while?" Ou Ruting was anxious and afraid, but Yi Fei was still standing beside her, asking and talking, which naturally made her very irritable.

"Then you can tell me."

Yi Fei was also anxious, afraid that something would go wrong, and then Ou Ruting would not be able to marry the Han family, and her wish would come to nothing.

Ou Ruting was so panicked that her mind went blank, she didn't know what to say!
"Okay, Ou Ruting doesn't want to say it, so you can say it."

Hu Xianya suddenly said something to the middle-aged man standing at the door.

The man nodded and walked a few steps towards the ward before he spoke: "The child in Ou Ruting's belly is mine."

As soon as the man's words fell, the ward fell silent instantly!
Both Yi Fei and Lorna looked at the man in disbelief!

Ou Ruting also stared blankly at the man, with her eyes wide open, full of grievances!

(End of this chapter)

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