After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 882 The Child's Biological Father Appears

Chapter 882 The Child's Biological Father Appears
"What nonsense are you talking about? What benefit did Hu Qianya give you, that you want to come here so unjustly to frame our family Ru Ting?"

But Yi Fei was the first to react.

"I did take the money, but I didn't wrong Ou Ruting. There was surveillance in the hotel that night. If you don't believe me, we can watch it together." The man was honest, he didn't tell a single lie!
But there's no need to lie, he took Hu Xianya's money, otherwise he wouldn't have come to the hospital.

And if it wasn't for the fact that Ou Ruting's child was gone, he wouldn't have come to admit it. After all, if he was pregnant with a child, he might have to bear the responsibility.

"Ru Ting, come out and say it yourself."

Yi Fei was really taken aback by what the man said, paused for a moment, but still didn't quite believe it, so he pulled Ou Ruting to make her come out and deny it.

Ou Ruting looked at the man in panic, her legs were weak, she was pulled by Yi Fei so much that she almost fell out, let alone come out to say something!

"Ru Ting, hurry up and say something."

Yi Fei noticed something was wrong, so he carefully pulled her, and then reminded her in a low voice.

"Speak first and send this man away."

How to get rid of it, this man is the man who made Ou Ruting pregnant that night.

Ou Ruting never thought that Hu Qianya would find this man.

Ou Ruting was trembling, she was guilty and scared, she even wanted to turn around and leave, but she was not reconciled, leaving like this meant that she had nothing left.

After a pause, he still gritted his teeth: "Could you be mistaken? I don't know you."

Ou Ruting didn't dare to say anything too harsh, even the words she refuted at this moment made her throat tremble.

"Miss Ou, do you still remember this?" The man suddenly raised his hand and took out an earring.

A plain pearl earring!

Although ordinary, it was given to her by Lorna on her birthday, and the price was not cheap.

When the man took out the pearl earring, everyone at the scene changed their faces except Hu Xianya!

"Show me." Lorna stepped forward to get the earrings, then lowered her head and took a serious look.

Although the earrings are ordinary in style, Lorna put a lot of effort into ordering them in advance from a well-known brand. Because it was Ou Ruting's 20th birthday, Lorna was very concerned about the earrings. The initials of Ou Ruting's name are marked, so if you want to determine whether the earrings belong to Ou Ruting, you only need to see if there are any initials!

"This is really Ou Ruting's. I gave this earring to her back then. It has her name on it."

Luo Na just glanced at it, and realized that the earrings were the pair she gave Ou Ruting back then.

"I accidentally dropped this earring when I went out. I have been looking for it for a long time. It must have been picked up by this man, and then came to frame me on purpose."

Ou Ruting was so panicked that her back was covered in cold sweat, and even her face turned pale unnaturally, but she was still struggling to defend herself.

But the man said: "Miss Ou, you really know how to joke, why should I frame you, and if I really picked up this earring, how would I know that she is yours? Just relying on this earring The abbreviation above?"

(End of this chapter)

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