After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 896 Going to Get a Marriage Certificate

Chapter 896 Going to Get a Marriage Certificate

"But even during that time, I was very indifferent to you and hated you, but fortunately, you are still a little self-aware. You know that you have done wrong things before and you have to repent, so seeing your performance is very good, I plan to forgive you gone."

As Hu Xianya spoke, her eyes couldn't help but turn red!

Thinking about the sad past, can you not feel wronged!
"I know, it was all my problem before. I was too stupid to express myself, that's why I made you suffer so much."

Seeing Hu Xianya's little face full of grievances, and the tears she was holding back in her eyes, Han Jianfeng really felt distressed and wished he could slap himself a few times.

"You hit me, hit me a few times now." Thinking of this, Han Jianfeng already went to hold Hu Xianya's hand, and hit him in the face.


It's just that Hu Xianya was willing to hit Han Jianfeng so hard, so she withdrew her strength, and then patted him lightly, which broke through her tears into a smile, and then pouted like a baby: "Then if you still bully me in the future, what to do?"

"No, I promise I won't bully you." Han Jianfeng shook his head seriously.

"What guarantee do you have?" Hu Xianya stared at her, blinking her big eyes full of sly expressions.

"Kneeling durian?" Han Jianfeng really thought about it seriously.

Hu Xianya suppressed a smile: "Cut, I'm not sincere, let me tell you, if you dare to bully me again in the future, I will hug Zai Zai and disappear completely, so that you will never find us."

For Han Jianfeng, this was probably the cruelest and most merciless punishment.

Han Jianfeng took Hu Xianya's hand, put it on his face, and suddenly said softly: "Okay, if I treat you badly or bully you in the future, you can hold Zai Zai and leave far away." I."

He can guarantee that in the future, he will be good to Hu Qianya forever and ever!

After Han Jianfeng woke up, he went for a series of examinations, and the results showed that there was nothing wrong with him. He stayed in the hospital for another week, and he was discharged from the hospital.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Han Dong came to pick him up in person, along with Luo Na who was holding the cub.

Zai Zai hasn't seen Hu Xianya for a long time, so when he sees her, he rarely stretches out his arms to let Hu Xianya hug him.

You must know that this little guy, Zai Zai, is usually a boring one. Although he is only a one-year-old kid, but for some reason, the little guy feels like an adult. His personality is a bit like Han Jianfeng, cold and arrogant very.

This is the first time Hu Xianya has been treated like this, Hu Xianya hugged Zai Zai and kissed him several times on the face.

So much so that the little guy wiped his cheeks in disgust.

Hu Xianya couldn't help pointing at Zai Zai lightly, and then complained: "You little guy, I'm your mother, you still despise me?"

"Just your saliva, even your own son can't stand it."

Hu Yanqian also came here at some point, teasing Hu Xianya when he came up.

Hu Xianya gave him a white look: "I want you to take care of it."

He just paused and asked again: "Why are you here? The company is okay today?"

Hu Yanqian went to pick up Zai Zai, and handed a notebook in his hand to Hu Xianya by the way: "I brought you this."

Hu Xianya took the notebook in doubt and glanced at it: "Why did you bring me the account book? I don't want this!"

(End of this chapter)

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