After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 897 Going to Get a Marriage Certificate

Chapter 897 Going to Get a Marriage Certificate

"I made him bring it."

Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng came over suddenly, and naturally put his arms around Hu Xianya's shoulders, and then raised his wrists.

He also has a notebook in his hand that is the same as hers!
Obviously it was the household registration book of Han Jianfeng's family!
"What are you doing?" Hu Xianya couldn't react!

Han Jianfeng put his arms around her, turned around, and then opened the car door next to him: "Well, in case there are too many dreams in the night, I'll go get the certificate today."

"Ah?" Hu Xianya was still in a daze, but she was already sitting in the car in just a moment.

Han Jianfeng closed the car door, walked around the car, opened the driver's door, and got in.

At this time, Hu Xianya seemed to have remembered something, and glanced at the two household registration books in her hand: "Go to get the certificate?"

"En." Han Jianfeng responded lightly.

Hu Xianya curled her lips and didn't continue talking!

Obtaining the certificate seemed to go smoothly, and there were not many people in the Civil Affairs Bureau. Hu Xianya was very cooperative and quiet when taking pictures and filling in the documents. She didn't say a few words during the whole process, and she didn't seem particularly happy.

This seems to be a little different from her performance these days. You must know that in getting along with Han Jianfeng these few days, she has become much more lively. The former cheerful personality and smiling Wang Xuan'er seem to have returned.

I don't know if Han Jianfeng was too excited, so he didn't notice that Hu Xianya was abnormal.

After receiving the certificate and leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Han Jianfeng carefully took the marriage certificate, and then handed it to Hu Xianya: "Daughter-in-law, now this thing is yours to keep, and mine is yours too, you have to take good care of it." Go."

Hu Xianya was amused by Han Jianfeng's appearance, so she smiled, took the marriage certificate, and pouted: "I didn't even propose marriage, so I married my wife back. How could I be so easy in my past and present lives?" Just marry you, it's really cheap for you."

"Hey." Han Jianfeng looked at Hu Qianya and smiled twice: "Okay, let's go to eat. I ordered a western restaurant, and I heard it's not bad."

Seeing that her words didn't seem to attract Han Jianfeng's attention, Hu Xianya lost her interest: "I don't have much appetite. I've been a little tired in the past few days. I want to go home and have a rest."

Recently, Hu Xianya was indeed tired from taking care of Han Jianfeng day and night.

"Eat something first, and I'm sending you back."

I don't want Han Jianfeng to be quite persistent, put his arms around Hu Xianya, and got into the car.

"I don't want to eat." Hu Xianya also seemed a little suffocated.

Han Jianfeng did not continue to insist, but started the car silently.

Hu Xianya leaned against the window, looked out of the window, and didn't speak, but her mind was in a mess and she didn't know what she was thinking!
On the first day of receiving the marriage certificate, it was so unpleasant!
Hu Xianya felt a little flustered, thinking that a few days ago, Han Jianfeng had vowed to treat her well, Hu Xianya felt wronged.

What did you say was good to her, but now she didn't even notice that she was unhappy!
It seemed that it was too easy for him to forgive him, so Han Jianfeng didn't really want to be nice to her at all.

Hmph, if I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have agreed to him so easily, and I shouldn't have obeyed him so easily when I went to get the marriage certificate just now.

(End of this chapter)

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