After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 909 Doll kiss?

Chapter 909 Doll kiss?
"I didn't know they would come." Han Jianfeng looked at Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi with a dazed expression. He really didn't know they would come.

"Oh, I forgot." Hu Qianya stood up from Zai Zai's crawling mat in a hurry, put on her slippers and ran towards the door in a hurry.

"Xianya, run slowly."

Naturally, Lorna called her from the side again!
Hu Xianya grinned and stuck out her tongue at Su Zhaoxue, her face was really helpless, and this was the answer to Lorna: "Okay, Mom, I know."

It's just a response, but the pace is not slow.

Instead, he rushed in front of Su Zhaoxue and hugged her: "Oh, little sister, I miss you so much."

"You are going to be the mother of two children, why are you still acting like a child?"

Su Zhaoxue hugged her cautiously, for fear that something might happen to her.

Don't say that it was Lorna who was terrified when she saw her, even Su Zhaoxue was terrified when she saw her like this.

It's only been a month since I was pregnant, and the fetus has not yet sat firmly.

"Hey, I'm so happy to see you." Hu Qianya let go of Su Zhaoxue, and instead teased Niuniu, who was in Qin Zexi's arms: "My daughter-in-law is here too, but it's a pity that I can't hug you today."


Qin Zexi was very puzzled when he heard Hu Xianya calling Niuniu like this.

"Your girl, she is our daughter-in-law, don't you know? Your daughter-in-law and my daughter-in-law made a baby kiss!" Han Jianfeng was on the sidelines, as if he was very proud.

That seems to be telling Qin Zexi that your precious daughter will be our Han family anyway!

It was like the flaunting tone of telling Qin Zexi that Hu Xianya was pregnant on the phone yesterday.

Moreover, Han Jianfeng knew that Qin Zexi would not blatantly refute if he brought Su Zhaoxue out and said that Su Zhaoxue was the one who married the baby.

Now, Qin Zexi is not happy!

"Whether our Niuniu is willing or not, maybe." Of course, Qin Zexi would not blatantly refute Su Zhaoxue's meaning, so naturally he had to involve Niuniuluo.

Anyway, Niu Niu is still young, and she doesn't know how to express herself.

But she didn't want to, just as Qin Zexi finished speaking, Niu Niu saw the cub in Lorna's arms, and stretched out her little hand, pointing at the cub, saying "ah" and "ah" non-stop!
But even Niu Niu can't speak, but her small eyes and little fingers are already obvious, she is going to Zai Zai's side.

"Look, look, Niuniu is willing, Niuniu likes our cubs."

Han Jianfeng was even more proud now, and smiled at Qin Zexi, then walked over, hugged Niuniu into his arms, and said softly, "Go, uncle will take you to find brother."

Qin Zexi didn't want Han Jianfeng to hug him at first, but when Niuniu heard what Han Jianfeng said, she couldn't wait to get into Han Jianfeng's arms, and her little eyes were still looking forward to Zaizai!

Qin Zexi's heart: .
There is no way to describe it with the word responsible!

The so-called mixed flavors!

His Niuniu, who is still so young, has already been seduced by beauty?

Although he admits that Zai Zai is really good-looking, but Niu Niu of his family also thinks she is a big beauty, isn't it more than enough to go with Zai Zai!
(End of this chapter)

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