After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 910 Contest

Chapter 910 Contest
Although very upset, Qin Zexi still didn't say anything.

Because of Niu Niu's arrival, Zai Zai naturally didn't sleep, so Luo Na took the two little dolls and put them together to play.

Zai Zai disliked Niu Niu, so he didn't want to talk to her, and then he simply lay down on the side and went to sleep on his own, Niu Niu was neither angry nor crying, but obediently lay beside him, waiting for Lorna to go to work When I turned around and came back, I found that the two little guys had fallen asleep, and Niu Niu didn't forget that she was asleep, holding Zai Zai's little hand. Lorna watched from the side, very happy.

Su Zhaoxue accompanied Hu Xianya to chat in the room, and when she entered the room, Hu Xianya happily pulled Su Zhaoxue: "Miss sister, miss sister, how did you feel when you were pregnant with Niu Niu?"

"Want to have a daughter?" Su Zhaoxue looked at Hu Qianya with a smile, and immediately understood the meaning of her words.

Hu Xianya nodded a little embarrassedly: "Yes, one son and one daughter, think about it, I'm pretty happy."

"Yeah." Su Zhaoxue thought about it seriously: "I didn't feel anything special at the time, except that I felt nauseous occasionally, but I didn't vomit very much, as if I wasn't pregnant."

"I don't feel anything now. I don't even have nausea. I still felt a little bit when I was pregnant with the baby. I knew I was pregnant. If it wasn't because my aunt was not on time this time, I probably wouldn't have been able to know." Hu Xianya grumbled, and subconsciously touched her stomach with her hand.

"Okay, sons and daughters are all the same, anyway, they are giving Zai Zai a companion, don't you think so?" Su Zhaoxue smiled and comforted Hu Xianya: "The most important thing for you now is to maintain a good mood , and then protect yourself, eat more, make yourself fat and fat, and don’t think about other things.”

Hu Xianya smiled, but she was really happy: "Hey, it doesn't matter if you can't have a daughter, anyway, there is Niu Niu, isn't Niu Niu just like my own daughter, but Miss Sister, you haven't had a baby recently Any plans for this?"

"This kind of thing doesn't mean that you can plan it if you plan it, um, let it take its course."

Su Zhaoxue really didn't care too much, anyway, she had a child, if she had it, it was the fate between her and the child, and if she didn't, she couldn't force it.

But Su Zhaoxue's mentality is quite good, but someone doesn't think so!

Qin Zexi and Han Jianfeng were chatting in the living room. They didn't sit on the couch in the middle, but one of them chose a single sofa and sat facing each other across the tea table.

The servant made the tea and brought it over. Han Jianfeng glanced at Qin Zexi when he sat across from him and picked up the teacup.

Qin Zexi's complexion was not very good, it was gloomy, and one could tell that he must be in a very bad mood at the moment.

Raising the corners of his mouth, Han Jianfeng was in a surprisingly good mood.

"Why are you free today, isn't the company busy?"

"I came with Zhaoxue." When Qin Zexi remembered that his daughter was going to marry in the future, his mood was extremely gloomy, and he was not even in the mood to be polite to Han Jianfeng.

But having said that, there is no need for politeness between him and Han Jianfeng.

"Zhaoxue is pregnant too?"

Unexpectedly, Han Jianfeng deliberately pretended to be very surprised, trying to make Qin Zexi unhappy!
(End of this chapter)

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