After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 911 Contest

Chapter 911 Contest
As soon as Han Jianfeng finished speaking, as he expected, Qin Zexi's face darkened even more!

He was very upset, but Qin Zexi still suppressed his emotions, but he still couldn't control the tone of his speech, and he was extremely impatient when he heard it.

Han Jianfeng raised the corners of his mouth calmly, then nodded as if he understood: "Oh, no, I thought Su Zhaoxue was pregnant too, that's why our busy people are so free today."

"Enough is enough, Han Jianfeng, your wife is only pregnant, I'll make you feel good."

Now Qin Zexi couldn't bear it any longer, so he just turned on him.

"You admit that you're envious, and I won't be afraid."

Han Jianfeng was finally able to watch Qin Zexi get angry once, and was finally able to suppress him once, so naturally he would not give up this opportunity easily.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi snorted softly: "Hmph, I envy you for what you do, and it's not like I don't have a daughter. Let me tell you, Han Jianfeng, you really don't want to be shy, your little brat will marry our girl in the future .”

Qin Zexi didn't finish what he said, but Han Jianfeng still understood it, meaning that he was upset now, and he was careful not to marry his daughter to his son when the time came.

Anyway, isn't there an old saying, "Marry your daughter with your head up, and marry your daughter-in-law with your head down."

But having said that, Qin Zexi didn't feel so happy, after all, when he thought of marrying his baby Niuniu, although there were still many years left, just thinking about it would make him feel very uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'm joking with you, you really take it seriously, you are really narrow-minded. I finally got something in front of you, so why don't people be so happy?"

Han Jianfeng also noticed that Qin Zexi was probably really angry, so he automatically gave him a step up.

"When you called me yesterday, didn't you get enough?"

Qin Zexi's tone has improved a lot!

"I'm happy, so I'll share it with you. Who knew you were so stingy."

Han Jianfeng complained, the meaning of the words seemed to say how wronged he was.

"But are you not prepared for this?" After finishing speaking, Han Jianfeng quickly asked again.

Qin Zexi paused for a moment: "Zhaoxue's health is not very good, so we may have to wait for a few years. The matter of having a baby is all a matter of fate. My more hope now is that she will be well, and that is enough."

What Qin Zexi said was the truth, although he was really envious of Han Jianfeng having a second child, and Han Jianfeng's showing off in front of him also made him very depressed and unhappy.

But excluding these emotions outside, Qin Zexi's more hope is that Su Zhaoxue can be well.

She did suffer a lot with him before, and after giving birth to Niu Niu, her health was not very good all the time. Qin Zexi didn't want the pain she had suffered before, and she would continue to suffer, so whether she will have children in the future, everything It's all by chance.

After dinner at Han's house, Qin Zexi took Su Zhaoxue back.

When she was leaving, Niuniu was still unwilling to leave, and she was not at all willing to let go of the hand that was holding Zaizai.

Hu Qianya teased Niuniu intentionally: "Niuniu, are you staying here with brother, okay? Let's not go home, okay, come and be a child bride for brother, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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