After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 912 Are you jealous?

Chapter 912 Are you jealous?
Niu Niu can almost understand the language now, but the little guy just likes Hu Xianya. When Hu Xianya said that she can stay with her brother, she danced happily and went straight from Qin Zexi's arms to Hu Xianya. drilled into his arms.

Everyone looked at Niu Niu's appearance and was very happy!
Luo Na joked on the side: "It seems that Niuniu likes Zai Zai very much, and he is destined to be a member of our Han family."

Zai Zai:.
He, the party, hasn't agreed yet!

Qin Zexi:
He, the father, hasn't even nodded yet!

After finally getting Niu Niu out of the Han family, it was already an hour later!

There's no way, just take the little guy away like this, she will cry, so I have no choice but to keep it for her to play with Zai Zai for a while!
Although Zai Zai is a bit reluctant, but he is a polite child when he comes to the house!

Most importantly, he couldn't refuse!
On the way home, I was probably too excited to play and a little tired. Not long after getting in the car, Niuniu fell asleep.

Su Zhaoxue looked at Niu Niu's sleeping face, and remembered how excited she was when she heard that she was going to be with Zai Zai when she was in the Han family just now, so she couldn't help joking: "They all said that her daughter's personality is like her father's. More, looking at your daughter's nympho appearance, could it be possible that you also have the potential in this regard?"

"Then who do you think I'm crazy about? Are you crazy about me?" Qin Zexi also responded very cooperatively.

Su Zhaoxue curled her lips: "How do I know, maybe it's a nympho girl?"

"Then do you think Niuniu treats other people like this?" Qin Zexi was in a good mood when he heard Su Zhaoxue's slightly jealous tone, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Su Zhaoxue pondered for a while, but then thought about it seriously: "It seems that you don't treat other people that much. Niu Niu is actually quite arrogant, which is really like you. Sometimes I take her out to play, and some children want to Playing with her, she is not willing to deal with others, she would rather play alone."

Niu Niu is indeed like this, usually Su Zhaoxue is afraid that she will feel bored at home all day, so sometimes she will take her out to play, Niu Niu is usually a very noisy little guy, Su Zhaoxue thinks that places with many people, she She will be happier, thinking that if there are more friends, she will be happier, just like how she usually sees Zai Zai, but she doesn't know that he is not what Su Zhaoxue thinks at all.

"It seems that Niu Niu really likes Zai Zai."

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, Qin Zexi had to accept it.

After finishing speaking, he continued to comfort himself: "But children, things change quickly, maybe after a while, Niu Niu likes someone else again."

When Qin Zexi finished speaking, he felt a little flustered in his heart.

Well, I feel like my baby has been snatched away!
"Haha, Qin Zexi, you seem to be jealous of me." Of course, Su Zhaoxue could hear the depression in his tone, and also understood what was going on in his heart at the moment.

"Why would I be jealous of a kid like him?" Qin Zexi coughed lightly, and glanced at Su Zhaoxue through the rearview mirror a little uncomfortable.

Seeing the faint smile on Su Zhaoxue's face, she felt even more embarrassed.

He was indeed feeling a little uncomfortable, but he wasn't naive enough to be awkward with a child.

(End of this chapter)

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