After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 916 Adopting Song Yiran's Child

Chapter 916 Adopting Song Yiran's Child
"Song Yiran sent someone to tell me." Mr. Gu told the truth.

It was indeed Song Yiran who begged someone to tell Mr. Gu!

In fact, Qin Zexi had guessed it a long time ago. The reason why he asked this was just to confirm. He was not surprised when he heard the old man's answer. Instead, he chuckled: "Then what do you mean, grandpa?"

"Go and bring that child back." Mr. Gu seemed to sigh, hesitated for a moment before he spoke again: "I know my request is a bit embarrassing for you, no matter what Song Yiran has done before, the child is innocent Yes. Grandpa knows that both of you are kind people, so you certainly don’t want to see your child suffer in it, right? I heard that it’s a daughter. If a girl grows up in such a place, she doesn’t know what will happen next What will become of it?"

"It's better to adopt her while the child is still young. Don't tell her her real identity, and don't meet Song Yiran in the future. Just like Niuniu, treat her as your own. After all, she is from our Gu family. Let her go." It's always bad to be outside, if it gets out, even if Song is still wrong, I'm afraid it will be a joke."

Sure enough, "Jiang is still old and hot", even if Mr. Gu is lying on the bed like this now, he gasped for several times when he spoke, but the back and forth words still blocked all their paths .

The purpose is very simple, no matter what, the child is innocent, so as not to leave any excuses for others, so the child must be adopted.

"Grandpa, we have discussed this matter before. I mean, we will not adopt the child. If you are worried, then I can go and pick up the child, but I will not take it home. The bottom line is , send it abroad to be adopted by others, and if necessary, never come back for the rest of your life."

Qin Zexi knew that Su Zhaoxue still had a lot of opinions on Song, so he rejected Mr. Gu's proposal without thinking. Opinion.

After speaking, she turned her head to look at Su Zhaoxue, and Su Zhaoxue nodded at him, which meant that she had no opinion on his proposal.

"No, this is absolutely impossible."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zexi's proposal was not adopted by the old man, but was strongly opposed by the old man.

"Why not? Don't you just worry that the child will suffer in it? I take the child out and send her abroad to give her the best education and the best life. Isn't that all right? Why not? "Qin Zexi frowned, but there was obvious impatience in his eyes.

"How can our Gu family's children be adopted by others?" Mr. Gu was quite confident.

"Then it's okay not to be adopted by others, but to be raised abroad, is that okay?" Qin Zexi took another step back.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu quickly said: "Why do you have to raise it for others? Can't we raise it ourselves?"

"No, I will never allow Song Yiran's child to be brought back."

This time Qin Zexi was also very firm.

"Zhaoxue, grandpa knows that you are the most sensible and kind-hearted person."

Seeing that he couldn't make sense with Qin Zexi, Mr. Gu turned to Su Zhaoxue.

(End of this chapter)

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