After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 917 Adopting Song Yiran's Child

Chapter 917 Adopting Song Yiran's Child
"You are also a mother. You know how to love children, and you also know that she can't choose to be born by herself. A newborn child really won't have a big impact on you. If you don't want to take it with you, I will You can find someone to take her with you, and I guarantee that it will not have any impact on you, but I only have one request, which is to bring the child back home."

Mr. Gu was already in poor health, he was out of breath when he said a few words, now that he finished speaking these words to Su Zhaoxue, his face was already pale with exhaustion.

Su Zhaoxue actually understood the deeper meaning of the old man. It was nothing more than that the child born to Song Yiran was the real "Gu family". Naturally, the old man would not allow this child to wander outside.

And the reason why Mr. Gu always turned a blind eye to why Song was still pregnant with a child was probably here.

The current deadlock is that she and Qin Zexi don't want the child to come back, but the old man insists on having the child come back.

"That's good."

Su Zhaoxue didn't know why, every time Song Yiran appeared, there would be such problems to be solved.

This may be in response to that sentence, the position is different, so the choice is also different!

Su Zhaoxue thought for a while, and was about to speak!Since the old man is determined to take that child back, it's easy to handle, they should live separately!She didn't want to make a fuss and had to take the step of breaking away from the relationship in the end, after all, she didn't want to embarrass Qin Zexi!
It doesn't matter if the old man doesn't care about their feelings. Whoever calls him an elder, it's right for the younger generation to yield to the elders, but she also has a bottom line.

If you don't see it and don't worry about it, maybe there won't be any conflicts.

It's just that she just opened her mouth, before the words came out of her mouth, a servant rushed in, and then shouted in panic: "It's not good, it's not good, child, child."

Su Zhaoxue's first reaction was that Niuniu was in danger, so she turned around and ran out without hearing it, but when she waited for her to run out to take a look, she found that Niuniu was happily playing with the servants at home, where was the danger?
After a pause, he seemed to understand what was going on with the child the servant was talking about.

Sure enough, the old man was soon pushed out of the room and leaned on the wheelchair. In fact, the old man didn't have much strength. If it wasn't for the backrest of the wheelchair, he probably wouldn't be able to sit up anymore.

"What's the situation?" Su Zhaoxue hurried to Qin Zexi and asked in a low voice.

The old man is like this, do you still want to go out?

"It is said that Song Yiran's child has a problem, and his life is in danger. Grandpa wants to go and have a look." Qin Zexi's complexion is not very good, looking at the old man with helpless and angry eyes.

Su Zhaoxue can understand it, it's no wonder she's happy in such a situation!

"Forget it, I'll go with you. Look at Grandpa like this, can he still go out? Don't wait until the child doesn't see it, he has something wrong with himself."

Su Zhaoxue was full of reluctance. She didn't want to take care of this matter at first, but she turned around and thought about it, and felt that it didn't seem right to ignore it. After all, the old man was not in good health. If something happened because of Song Yiran's incident What a problem, Qin Zexi might be viewed outside.

(End of this chapter)

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