Chapter 924

I didn't want the old man to become agitated suddenly after listening to Su Zhaoxue's words.

After yelling a sentence, he leaned on the back of the wheelchair and immediately began to pant heavily. It seemed that he might die of suffocation due to lack of breath in the next moment.

The nurse at the side was also frightened: "Old man, old man, don't get excited, what will happen if something bad happens later."

"Anyway.. I'm an old man who is also disgusting, so let's just die." Unexpectedly, the old man seemed to be angry, he held his breath, his face was flushed, and then he said this sentence.

"Okay, stop talking, I'll take you back to the room." The nurse wanted to push the old man back to the room.

But he didn't want the old man to squeeze the nurse's hand directly. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious. He didn't want to go into the house.

The nurse looked at Qin Zexi with some embarrassment: "Look, sir."

"Grandpa." Qin Zexi frowned in displeasure, and then said: "Why do you say such angry words? In order to make us feel guilty and make us feel unbearable, and then agree to stay?"

"I don't want to talk to you, I want to talk to Zhaoxue." The old man's meeting is much better now, and his complexion has also improved a lot. He didn't breathe when he spoke, but when he talked to Qin Zexi, his tone seemed a little arrogant look.

Su Zhaoxue was afraid that something might happen to the old man, so she pulled Qin Zexi calmly, and then said to the old man: "Grandpa, I know what you want to say, but I think the same as Qin Zexi Yes, what I just said is very clear, if you don't allow us to move out, that's fine, don't bring the child back."

"The child is raised outside, and I'm not going to bring it back." Mr. Gu quickly answered.

"What I mean is, give the child up for adoption and don't take it home."

This time, Mr. Gu did not expect that Su Zhaoxue and Qin Zexi would be so persistent, despite his best efforts, he never let them compromise.

Although the child is the blood of the Gu family, Mr. Gu knew in his heart that the Gu family would still rely on Qin Zexi in the future. Although Mr. Gu was very reluctant to part with Song Yiran's child, in the end it was Qin Zexi and Su Zhaoxue who wanted to move out. That day, compromise!
After the child was discharged from the hospital, Qin Zexi went through the formalities and sent him abroad for adoption, promising that he would never come back.

Mr. Gu was depressed for a few days, and then he suddenly figured it out for some reason, and this matter is over for the time being.

I was pregnant in October and finally gave birth!

Hu Xianya's dream came true, and she actually gave birth to a daughter!Everyone in the Han family was overjoyed, so Hu Xianya's status in the Han family was naturally higher.

Yi Fei really got Ou Ruting married as she wished, and the man she married was really the man who made Ou Ruting pregnant, and she also got a gift money, although it was not much, but for Yi Fei, it was enough for her Be happy for a while.

What's more, even if you have no money, you can still find your son-in-law and daughter, right?
It's just that Yi Fei is happy, but Ou Ruting seems to have fallen into a fire pit!
(End of this chapter)

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