Chapter 925

Hu Xianya once went shopping with Su Zhaoxue after her confinement, and once met Ou Ruting.

At that time, Hu Xianya almost failed to recognize that it was Ou Ruting, or if Ou Ruting suddenly stopped her, Hu Xianya saw clearly that it was her.

Although it is said that she has put on make-up and dressed up, but the loose hair is as dry as straw, the foundation on her face is even dry and peeling, and her whole face has an indescribable strange feeling, but Hu Xianya saw her My first feeling was that I was much older and haggard, as if I had experienced a huge change.

"Hey, isn't this Hu Xianya?" But even so, Ou Ruting didn't seem to know it very well, and when she stopped Hu Xianya from coming over, she was mysteriously confident.

After Hu Xianya was stopped by the shout, she was stunned for a while before she realized that the person standing opposite her was Ou Ruting.

"Is something wrong?"

It's just that even looking at Ou Ruting's downcast appearance, Hu Xianya still doesn't have a good impression of her, and her tone is naturally cold.

Ou Ruting didn't care about Hu Xianya's attitude, but smiled: "I heard that you gave birth to another daughter for Han Jianfeng, and Han Jianfeng was so happy that he took three days off from the company. It seems that your status in the Han family is getting more and more important." It's too high."

Hu Xianya didn't want to talk to her very much at all: "Does it have something to do with you?"

"It doesn't matter why, I think your position was mine at the beginning." Who knows that Ou Ruting is still shameless.

Hu Xianya couldn't help but want to laugh because of these words: "When did my position belong to you? Han Jianfeng told you from the beginning to the end, is he going to marry you? I haven't seen you for a few days. Your face is getting thicker and thicker, but it is this cosmetic, can you choose a suitable one, cheap is cheap, don't put it on your face like you have painted unruly white paint, walk on the street Everyone looks at you, do you still think that everyone thinks you are beautiful?"

Ou Ruting touched her face subconsciously, but she retracted it in an instant, and then stared: "Hu Xianya, what can you be proud of?"

Hu Xianya smiled, the corners of her beautiful phoenix eyes were slightly raised: "I really have nothing to be proud of, but it's just a little bit more proud than you."

"You." Ou Ruting was so angry that she stared at Hu Xianya with a hideous look.

"Good dogs don't get in the way, please get out of the way."

Su Zhaoxue was afraid that she would go crazy for a while, and then do something to Hu Xianya, so she hurriedly protected Hu Xianya, trying to get Ou Ruting out of the way.

But Ou Ruting just stood there and refused to move.

Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to push her, and then Ou Ruting was unprepared and took a step back.

Su Zhaoxue pulled Hu Xianya and walked forward quickly. When Ou Ruting stabilized herself, the two of them had already walked several steps forward.

"Hu Xianya, you."

Unwillingly, Ou Ruting still called Hu Xianya from behind.

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by a male voice: "Smelly woman, what are you doing here? Why don't you go home and cook for me with the children."

"Oh, let me go." Immediately afterwards, Ou Ruting screamed.

Su Zhaoxue and Hu Xianya turned their heads and saw a man pulling Ou Ruting's hair.

(End of this chapter)

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