Chapter 926


Hu Xianya was a little surprised.

"what happened?"

Su Zhaoxue looked at her sideways with some doubts.

Hu Qianya didn't want to, but laughed: "Do you know who the man is holding Ou Ruting?"


Su Zhaoxue had never seen that man before, so she naturally listened with a dazed expression.

Hu Xianya blinked at Su Zhaoxue: "Isn't Ou Ruting pregnant before, the child belongs to this man."

"Ah?" Su Zhaoxue was really more than a little surprised: "So Ou Ruting is married to this man now, and also gave birth to a child?"

"Yes, I guess it should be like this, but that child should not belong to Ou Ruting." Hu Xianya nodded.

"Smelly woman, go back and cook for me. The child has nothing to eat when he comes back from school at noon."

At this time, the man's voice sounded again, and the two looked sideways at the same time, but saw the man dragging Ou Ruting's hair forward, and Ou Ruting was dragged on the ground like garbage.

"You let me go, that's not my child, it's the child you messed around with and didn't know where it came from, why should I serve you." Ou Ruting seemed to be struggling to get the man to let her go, but obviously she failed .

There were quite a lot of people watching the excitement around, but no one came to help. Everyone knew that they were a couple, so they didn't dare to help.

Seeing Ou Ruting being dragged away and disappearing from sight, Su Zhaoxue asked, "What about Ou Ruting's own child?"

Su Zhaoxue was a little puzzled at first why Hu Qianya said it wasn't Ou Ruting's child, but now she suddenly understood that the child was not Ou Ruting's, but wasn't Ou Ruting pregnant before?
And according to the time calculation, the child should have already been born, but from the tone of Ou Ruting's words, it seems that she has no child.

Hu Xianya blinked: "The child was dropped by Yi Fei."

After saying this, Su Zhaoxue understood instantly. She looked at Hu Xianya with wide eyes, and was surprised: "So Yi Fei really did it for money, and he didn't even let her daughter go?"

Because before Hu Xianya said that she wanted to give Yi Fei money to let Yi Fei leave the capital with Ou Ruting and get rid of the child by the way, Su Zhaoxue knew about it.

It's just that why Ou Ruting didn't leave later, Su Zhaoxue didn't think much of it because she had never seen Ou Ruting.

Suddenly seeing Ou Ruting today, Su Zhaoxue remembered: "Then why did Ou Ruting marry this man instead of leaving?"

"She didn't want to leave herself. I found this man to testify against her. But why Ou Ruting married this man, I guess it might be Yi Fei's reason. I don't know the specifics."

Hu Xianya said with emotion: "But it's quite miserable to see Ou Ruting like that. I think she was also quite arrogant at the beginning, but she just fell in love with the wrong person helplessly."

"You still pity her." Su Zhaoxue held Hu Xianya's hand, but smiled: "At the beginning she hurt you so badly, but you almost never saw her, so she is like this now, It’s well deserved.”

"Well, forget it, I don't think so much about the past, Miss Sister, let's discuss the future." Hu Xianya sighed, and suddenly turned her head to look at Su Zhaoxue mysteriously.

(End of this chapter)

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