Chapter 927
Su Zhaoxue was taken aback by her appearance: "What will happen next?"

The corners of Hu Xianya's eyes were raised: "By the way, when are you going to marry your little girl to our little boy?" Su Zhaoxue: .
Is it too early to talk about this issue now?
"Hey, Han Zhiyi, look at your little daughter-in-law who is being punished again."

Xiao Niuniu of the Han family is about half a year older than Xiao Niuniu of the Qin family. Because Xiao Niu was born in winter, even though he is older than Xiao Niuniu, he is still in the same grade as her.

But even though they were in the same class, one was in Class A and the other was in Class C because of their different academic performance.

Han Zhiyi frowned and looked not far away, Qin Shuangshuang, who was standing at the door of the classroom with pouting lips, said coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, what are you my little wife."

The companion has long been used to his indifference, and is still smiling: "Isn't it? Last time the school belle handed you a love letter, Qin Shuangshuang tore up the school belle's love letter in front of the whole school, and even put her arms around her waist to protect you In front of you, tell the school belle that you two have baby relatives, which made the school belle cry, and I didn't see you come out to refute it."

"But I didn't admit it either. I left and went to play." Han Zhiyi seemed unwilling to continue discussing this topic, and turned sideways to take the basketball from his companion.

I don't know if I didn't hold it firmly, the ball rolled directly from the hands of my companions, and then rolled all the way to the door of the teacher in class C.

Qin Shuangshuang stared at the basketball that suddenly appeared on the ground with wide eyes, and then suddenly there was a pair of shoes next to the basketball. Qin Shuangshuang looked up and saw Han Zhiyi with an indifferent face. His eyes seemed to be looking at a stranger.

Qin Shuangshuang blinked, and a happy smile suddenly appeared on his chubby face: "Brother Zhiyi."

Qin Zhiyi ignored her, picked up the ball and turned around to leave.

I didn't want my companion to run over suddenly, as if he was very interested in Qin Shuangshuang: "Hey, Sister Shuangshuang, why are you standing at the door of the classroom?" Han Shuangshuang stuck out his tongue: "Hey, I was distracted in class, the teacher pointed me Answering questions, but failing to answer, the teacher kicked me out as soon as he got angry."

"Did you miss brother Zhiyi's thoughts?" The companion teased Qin Shuangshuang intentionally.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shuangshuang replied very seriously: "Hey, how do you know, I was just wondering if there would be a physical education class in your class, and I thought that brother Zhiyi likes to play basketball, so this meeting will definitely be in the classroom." Playground."

"Yo yo, Han Zhiyi, look at your little daughter-in-law. She missed you and was punished by the teacher. You are still so indifferent to her."

"Like a fool." Han Zhiyi's expression didn't change at all, there was even a trace of disgust in his eyes, he threw the ball to his companion, turned around and walked towards the playground.

"Hey, brother Zhiyi..."

Seeing that Han Zhiyi was about to leave, Qin Shuangshuang hurriedly wanted to call her to stop.

But he didn't want to forget that it was still class time, and before she could say anything later, she was hit on the head by the textbook that had been thrown at her, followed by the teacher's stern voice: "Qin Shuangshuang, what are you doing?" I'll go to the back of the classroom and stand."

Qin Shuangshuang:
Huh, teacher, she didn't mean it!

On the other side, Han Zhiyi had an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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