After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 956 One point away from that Song Qinger

Chapter 956 Stay Away From That Song Qinger

Qin Shuangshuang glanced at Song Qing'er who was sitting next to Han Zhiyi and smiled, and was about to speak when Han Zhiyi suddenly stood up.

Then he walked towards her, and pulled away a chair next to her very naturally: "Just sit here."

Qin Shuangshuang:
How did he know she would sit here?

Song Qing'er seemed a little embarrassed, but she smiled quickly: "See, I'm really slow to react. I'm sorry, Shuangshuang. This seat should have been given to you."

After speaking, he stood up quickly!
"It's okay, it's okay." Qin Shuangshuang didn't think too much, and quickly waved his hands: "You sit, you sit, it's the same wherever you sit."

Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu sat down next to Qin Shuangshuang one by one. Lin Xinyao saw Han Zhiyi for the second time. After sitting down, she greeted Han Zhiyi: "Hi, Shuangshuang's boyfriend, so your name is Han Zhiyi, but I think it’s more fluent to call you Shuangshuang’s boyfriend.”

"Well, yes." Han Zhiyi tilted his head and seemed to glance at Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang:
Shuangshuang's boyfriend?

Why did Han Zhiyi accept such a title?
Crazy, crazy!
What is wrong with Han Zhiyi?

Even if it's to deal with Aunt Xianya, there's no need to take it so seriously!

"Oh, Xinyao, people have names. It's not very good for you to call people by names. Besides, calling people by names is also respectful, right? When you call people like this, it feels like an accessory, which makes people think they are both. The roommates are a bunch of rude people. And I think the name Han Zhiyi sounds pretty nice, right Shuangshuang."

Song Qing'er suddenly spoke from the side with a smile, as if she said it casually.

"Hey, um, yes."

Qin Shuangshuang didn't dare to say too many words. She really couldn't figure out what Han Zhiyi meant, and she was afraid that she would not be satisfied with Han Zhiyi if she said a word.

"He also agreed." Lin Xinyao didn't quite agree with Song Qing'er's words.

Zhang Lu also echoed: "I don't think there's anything wrong with the name Shuangshuang's boyfriend. We are from Shuangshuang's family. Of course, in our opinion, he and Shuangshuang are one. We are familiar with Shuangshuang, so naturally That's what it's called."

"I'm just expressing my opinion. I always feel that everyone has a name. Calling a name means respecting each other. Why do you all seem to be targeting me?"

Song Qing'er didn't expect that her words would cause so many rebuttals. She looked aggrieved and looked at Han Zhiyi, not knowing whether it was intentional or not.

"Okay, okay, let's eat."

Qin Shuangshuang was a little dizzy, but she didn't want to be called, and it caused such a big commotion, so she hurriedly interrupted.

Afterwards, there was no further dispute!
Qin Shuangshuang lowered her head and ate by herself. She was really uncomfortable eating this meal, and she didn't know if she was confused at the time, so she sent such a text message to Han Zhiyi, And Han Zhiyi would agree.

Oh my god, she felt like she was in a dream all the time.

It's just that the misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper now, and it seems that I don't know how to explain it if I want to explain it.

(End of this chapter)

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