After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 957 One point away from that Song Qinger

Chapter 957 Stay Away From That Song Qinger

"Eat some of this, it tastes good."

Qin Shuangshuang just wanted to finish her meal quickly, so that she could end this awkward and uncomfortable situation as soon as possible.

But she didn't want to, but Han Zhiyi suddenly picked up a piece of stuffed tofu for her and put it in her bowl.

Qin Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment, glanced at the tofu in the bowl, and then at Han Zhiyi, only to find that he didn't look at him at all, but turned his head sideways, his expression calm and unchanged.

"Thank you." Qin Shuangshuang moved her mouth, and finally just said thank you.

The taste is indeed good, light but refreshing, which Qin Shuangshuang likes.

Later, Han Zhiyi made some dishes for Qin Shuangshuang, each time the dishes were different, but there were so many dishes on the table, but these were Qin Shuangshuang's favorites.

At this time, Song Qing'er suddenly said, "Han Zhiyi, I didn't expect you to be so careful. The dishes for Shuangshuang are all her favorites. I guess you have known each other for a long time?"

It's just that he didn't expect that when Song Qing'er talked to Han Zhiyi, Han Zhiyi didn't respond to him for a long time, as if he didn't hear him at all, or didn't know that Song Qing'er was talking to him.

Although Song Qing'er was smiling all the time, the smile became stiffer the more she laughed.

"We've known each other since we were kids."

The atmosphere was awkward for a while, and Qin Shuangshuang hurriedly spoke.

"No wonder, we've known each other since we were young, so we're really familiar." Song Qing'er just cleaned up her expression, she didn't seem to mind much, and she was still smiling.

"Yeah." Qin Shuangshuang nodded, smiling with guilt and embarrassment.

Then he glanced sideways at Han Zhiyi. Damn, she knew Song Qing'er was talking to him, so why didn't she respond?

"Shuangshuang is called getting the moon first if you are close to the water." Lin Xinyao echoed from the side.

Zhang Lu defended Qin Shuangshuang: "Why don't you say that Shuangshuang's boyfriend is the first to get the moon? Is our family Shuangshuang very bad? People say that they are also the flowers of our department. People who want to get her idea don't know how to arrange it." How far away?"

"Well, it makes sense."

As soon as Zhang Lu finished speaking, Han Zhiyi suddenly interjected, and the tone seemed to agree with Zhang Lu's words.

"Haha, Han Zhiyi, I didn't expect you to have such an idea. I said before that you are definitely not easy on Shuangshuang. You still don't admit it. Hahaha, is it a slap in the face now?" Yuan Beihua heard Han Zhiyi suddenly laughed out loud.

Han Zhiyi glanced at him lightly, but didn't respond, but his eyes were so shocking that Yuan Beihua laughed for a second.

"I'm just joking, just kidding. The whole Chengnan High School knows that you guys have baby relatives. Even if anyone wants to make up your mind, you can't make it."

"Doll kiss?"

"Oh my god, you guys actually have baby relatives?"

After Yuan Beihua's voice fell, two voices of surprise and suspicion suddenly came to mind in the box.

The owner of the voice naturally came from Zhang Lu and Lin Xinyao who were sitting next to Qin Shuangshuang.

"Well, most of us in high school know that there was a girl who wrote a love letter to Han Zhiyi at that time, but Qin Shuangshuang tore it up in front of the whole school, and told the girl aggressively that Han Zhiyi It's hers, they ordered a doll kiss, you don't know that our whole high school was surprised at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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