After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 983 Why Did You See Yuan Beihua?

Chapter 983 Why Did You See Yuan Beihua?

"No, when I exchanged contact information with your boyfriend, you went to the bathroom."

But Lin Xinyao, who has always been carefree, suddenly seemed to remember something!
What Lin Xinyao said reminded Zhang Lu, she seemed to be taken aback for a moment, glanced at Qin Shuangshuang, and then continued: "She told you?"

When Zhang Lu was talking, she pointed to Song Qinger's bed position!

Because in the box at that time, besides Qin Shuangshuang went to the bathroom, Yuan Beihua also went, that is to say, there were four people left in the box, except Qin Shuangshuang's boyfriend, Lin Xinyao, Zhang Lu, and Song Qinger.

The reason why Lin Xinyao chose to exchange contact information with Han Zhiyi at that time was because Yuan Beihua was not there at that time!

Although Lin Xinyao was cheerful, generous and familiar, she was a girl after all, so she was a little embarrassed and shy.

And when Song Qing'er saw that Lin Xinyao asked for Han Zhiyi's contact information, Han Zhiyi did not refuse. She even made a joke and wanted Han Zhiyi's contact information, but Han Zhiyi didn't give it to her. Zhang Lu still remembers that Song Qing'er at that time The face is as ugly as it is.

So it was not difficult for Zhang Lu to guess that it was Song Qinger who told Qin Shuangshuang about this.

"No, there's nothing wrong with it. I just overheard it at the door." Qin Shuangshuang still didn't want to admit it.

"Shuangshuang, don't hide it for her. She must be trying to sow discord." Lin Xinyao was very angry: "At that time, she also wanted to ask your boyfriend for his contact information, but your boyfriend didn't give it to her. I guess she must now He hates us very much. That's why he deliberately wanted to provoke our relationship, and it must be intentional to get so close to Yuan Beihua in the park."

"Qin Shuangshuang looks like she is interested in your boyfriend. Shuangshuang, you'd better be on guard against her. But I think your boyfriend is quite smart. Green tea like her can be seen through at a glance. , not like that Yuan Beihua, hum."

How could Qin Shuangshuang not know that Han Zhiyi was already excellent, and girls liked him, she always knew it.

But so what can be done, just like Jiang Xiaohui back then, even though she tore up the love letter Jiang Xiaohui wrote to Han Zhiyi in front of the whole school, Han Zhiyi still smiled so brightly at Jiang Xiaohui, that was something she had never experienced passed.

If Han Zhiyi really likes Song Qing'er, then she has nothing to say!
After all, whoever Han Zhiyi likes is his own right. It is possible for him to like anyone, but it is impossible to like himself.

"Okay, let's not discuss this. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, it's fine, but I'm curious about Xinyao. Why did you fall in love with Yuan Beihua?"

Qin Shuangshuang doesn't want to continue talking about this issue. Now she has lost the firmness she had in Han Zhiyi for a long time. She firmly believes that they will become a family in the future, and she firmly believes that they will get married in the future.

Lin Xinyao said: "I just think he's quite humorous, and he's also impatient, although he's not as good as your boyfriend. I don't know why I like him, probably because I've never been in a relationship before, okay I can’t go to college anymore, no one cares about it, and I want to try it. Who knows that this has not started yet, it will end.”

(End of this chapter)

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