After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 984 Lin Xinyao's Fear

Chapter 984 Lin Xinyao's Fear

"Huh? Why?" Qin Shuangshuang was puzzled.

Lin Xinyao felt aggrieved: "What else could it be because of that Song Qing'er? Look at how happy she was chatting with Yuan Beihua in the park that day, and I was also angry that day, so I made Yuan Beihua angry. Yuan Beihua It must have a bad impression on me now."

While talking, Lin Xinyao's eyes turned red, as if she had really been wronged a lot.

"Then did you add Yuan Beihua?"

Qin Shuangshuang was not sure whether Yuan Beihua really had a bad impression of Lin Xinyao, but based on her understanding of Yuan Beihua, she would not be so stingy, otherwise Han Zhiyi, who is so difficult to deal with, would not be able to become friends with Yuan Beihua .

But now Qin Shuangshuang has another scruple, will Yuan Beihua take a fancy to Song Qing'er?

That day in the park, Yuan Beihua and Song Qing'er chatted so happily, Lin Xinyao was not the only one who saw it, but at that time, everyone didn't pay much attention to it, only Lin Xinyao cared.

But this was just a suspicion in Qin Shuangshuang's heart. Before she figured it out, she naturally wouldn't say anything.

Lin Xinyao replied: "Added it, but we haven't spoken yet."

"Then you say hello to him and then apologize? My impression is that Yuan Beihua is not that kind of stingy person. In the park that day, maybe it was just a moment of anger."

Qin Shuangshuang pondered for a while, but gave Lin Xinyao an opinion.

Lin Xinyao cried: "Then what if he deletes me immediately when he gets angry? I was so angry that day, seeing him and Song Qing'er standing together so happily made me feel irritable. Song Qing'er must have done it on purpose. She just thinks that there is no hope for your boyfriend, so she intentionally provokes Yuan Beihua."

Qin Shuangshuang:
Although she felt that Lin Xinyao was wronged, Qin Shuangshuang still didn't quite agree with her views.

No, Qin Shuangshuang can also understand, just like Han Zhiyi, the current Lin Xinyao is the same as Qin Shuangshuang back then. If he feels that he likes Han Zhiyi, he feels that Han Zhiyi must be his own.

But he forgot that Han Zhiyi didn't like her at all, and of course it couldn't be hers, everything was just wishful thinking.

"Okay, Shuangshuang, don't be wronged. You asked for Yuan Beihua's contact information just to keep it nice? You don't even dare to say hello, so it's useless to keep it. It's better to just delete it."

At this moment, Zhang Lu spoke up.

"Then I'll go say hello?" Lin Xinyao was still a little timid.

"Give me the phone and I'll speak for you."

Zhang Lu was always short-tempered. Seeing Lin Xinyao like this, she almost died of panic. She reached out her hand to ask Lin Xinyao to give her the phone.


When Lin Xinyao heard this, she immediately became happy, took the phone and gave it to Zhang Lu.

"Say it for me and see how he will react when he knows it's me."

"Mom, do you really want me to speak for you? This is not just a phone call or a typing chat. People can't see you, and they can't hear your voice. What are you afraid of?"

Zhang Luman was in disbelief and surprise, she couldn't understand how Lin Xinyao, who was always very generous and cheerful, would be so afraid of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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