After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 986 Send a message to Yuan Beihua

Chapter 986 Send a message to Yuan Beihua

After returning to the dormitory, Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu actually analyzed Qin Shuangshuang, and the result of the analysis was that Song Qinger sprained her ankle on purpose.

She was just looking for an opportunity to get close to Han Zhiyi.

"At that time, Yuan Beihua, that idiot, idiot, and blind thing, pretended to be a good person. He was going to hug Song Qinger. Didn't you hear what Song Qinger said?"

Lin Xinyao shouldn't be too angry, when she said this, she wished she could beat Yuan Beihua to relieve her anger.

Then he imitated Song Qing'er's tone at that time: "Oh, you are a boy and I am a girl, men and women can't kiss each other."

"Besides, Zhang Lu and I wanted to help her, but she was still unwilling. Didn't she just want your boyfriend to help her? Let's see if your boyfriend helped her, would she say anything about men and women? Give or accept."

"Hmph, Song Qing'er is just green tea. Fortunately, your boyfriend has sharp eyes and can see through her. Only Yuan Beihua is blind and can't see through her."

"When we were in the park, your boyfriend didn't even want to talk to Song Qinger, and Yuan Beihua talked to her with a smile on his face."

"Since he's so blind, you still like him."

Lin Xinyao had been complaining about Yuan Beihua all the way, but Zhang Lu suddenly smiled and asked her a question.

This question really stopped Lin Xinyao's question, and she was stunned for a moment before she had time to speak.

Qin Shuangshuang also spoke tacitly from the side: "I see, you might as well stop liking him. Next time, I will ask Han Zhiyi to introduce you to a better one. This is not yet, and it will always make you angry. If you are really together after that, you won't be angry every day."

"Hey, don't, I don't want it!"

Lin Xinyao was really in a hurry!

"If you really want to introduce someone, I might not be able to see it."

"Besides, Yuan Beihua and I haven't exchanged words yet. Maybe people like me or not. It's all my wishful thinking now."

"I'm just worried for him. You said that if he fell in love with green tea like Song Qing'er, wouldn't it be a disaster?"

Zhang Lu said from the side: "You really don't worry about eating radishes. You also know that you don't have a horoscope, but you are still complaining here. If you are anxious for Yuan Beihua, then you should hurry up and chase after him." Ah, maybe they just like you."

The three of them later found a place to eat in the snack street near the school. As soon as they ordered the food, Lin Xinyao couldn't wait to say to Zhang Lu: "You should send him a message quickly and see what he responds to."

Zhang Lu had no choice but to take a look at Qin Shuangshuang: "Introduce yourself first?"

Qin Shuangshuang nodded: "Well, you should reveal your identity first."

The reason why Yuan Beihua added Lin Xinyao was simply because of Han Zhiyi's business card recommendation. As far as Han Zhiyi's personality is concerned, he probably hasn't told Yuan Beihua who is going to add him.

"Hi, Yuan Beihua, hello, I'm Shuangshuang's roommate Lin Xinyao!"

Zhang Lu thought for a while, and had no choice but to type such a line, and then sent it out.

After sending it out, he gave Lin Xinyao and Qin Shuangshuang a look.

"Well, well, now we'll see how he responds."

Lin Xinyao seemed very nervous!

"Well, let's eat first, I'm going to starve to death."

At this time, the food just came, so Zhang Lu put down the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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