After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 987 Send a message to Yuan Beihua

Chapter 987 Send a message to Yuan Beihua

"Eat first, I'll wait for his reply."

It's just that at this moment, Lin Xinyao didn't have any intention of going to dinner, picked up the phone, and acted like she was guarding her baby.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, when the food was ready, Zhang Lu and Qin Shuangshuang were almost finished eating, but Yuan Beihua still didn't reply to her message.

"Do you think he doesn't want to talk to me? He said he might delete me later?"

Lin Xinyao suddenly became anxious, pulling Zhang Lu and Qin Shuangshuang to ask.

Zhang Lu had no choice but to comfort Lin Xinyao: "Oh, Xinyao, don't be so nervous, maybe he didn't check the phone."

"Maybe, then I'll wait a little longer." Although Lin Xinyao was a little nervous, she laughed quickly when she heard Zhang Lu's words.

"Aren't you going to eat first?" Qin Shuangshuang asked Lin Xinyao.

But Lin Xinyao said suddenly: "You guys eat, I've invited you for this meal, I won't eat."

Qin Shuangshuang:
Zhang Lu: .
This man is simply crazy!

It's just that things didn't go as planned, and after the three of them finished their meal and left the restaurant, Yuan Beihua still didn't reply to Lin Xinyao's message.

Lin Xinyao couldn't help feeling a little frustrated: "I knew that this man is really stingy."

Zhang Lu and Qin Shuangshuang didn't know what to say anymore, they glanced at each other, Qin Shuangshuang spoke first: "Why don't you go back to the dormitory first, as far as I know, Yuan Beihua is not such a person, maybe he is busy , I didn’t see it, maybe when he finishes his work, he will get back to you.”

"Hey, Shuangshuang, why don't you send him a try to see if Yuan Beihua didn't reply to my message on purpose, you should have Yuan Beihua's contact information." Lin Xinyao didn't know why and suddenly called Qin Double idea.


Qin Shuangshuang looked at Lin Xinyao apologetically.

Her life circle has always been very simple, and among her contacts, apart from her family, there are only Han Zhiyi, Han Wei, Aunt Xianya and the three people in the dormitory.

But Lin Xinyao said quickly: "Then you add his contact information now, Luo, I'll give it to you, you add it."

"OK then."

Qin Shuangshuang pondered for a moment, but agreed anyway.

Maybe it will still work in the future.

According to the contact information provided by Lin Xinyao, Qin Shuangshuang added Yuan Beihua and noted his name.

Originally thought that Yuan Beihua was busy, it was impossible to agree so quickly, but he was about to turn off the phone after adding it, but he didn't want Yuan Beihua to agree just after adding it.

And this scene happened to be seen by Lin Xinyao next to her!
Qin Shuangshuang is an embarrassment!

"Let me just say, this stingy man just refuses to leave me. Look at you adding him, he agreed so quickly."

Lin Xinyao's fur was blown up now!
"It might just be a coincidence."

Qin Shuangshuang quickly explained.

But just after explaining, Yuan Beihua's message came over: "Hey, Shuangshuang, is that you? Wow, I didn't expect you to add me, do you want to ask me about Han Zhiyi? No problem, I know I must be truthful Tell you all."

When Qin Shuangshuang clicks on the voice message sent by Yuan Beihua, the people next to him can hear it.

As soon as the voice of the message came out, Lin Xinyao almost burst into tears.

"No, no, I'm going to delete him, it's too bullying, too bullying."

(End of this chapter)

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