After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 988 Han Zhiyi is Jealous

Chapter 988 Han Zhiyi is Jealous


Qin Shuangshuang was really afraid that Lin Xinyao would delete Yuan Beihua if she got angry. Just as she was about to say something, she heard a message coming from Lin Xinyao's phone.

Then Yuan Beihua's voice came from the phone: "Didn't you really hate me in the park yesterday, what else do you want me to do?"

Yuan Beihua's voice was grinning, and it sounded like he was joking with Lin Xinyao.

"Ahhh, he's back to me, he's back to me."

Lin Xinyao seemed to have taken a stimulant, and instantly became happy. Pulling Qin Shuangshuang, she screamed on the road regardless of her appearance, causing people around to look back at them frequently.

Qin Shuangshuang:
Zhang Lu: .
This influence is really not ordinary.

But after such a commotion, Lin Xinyao dared to send Yuan Beihua a message. It was only later that she found out that she had gone to play with Han Zhiyi and the others, so she didn't check the phone. Naturally, she didn't reply to Lin Xinyao's message. It happened that Qin Shuangshuang sent When the message passed, he picked up the phone.

In fact, there was another reason why Yuan Beihua was able to reply to the message so quickly, and that was because Han Zhiyi was beside him.

Seeing Qin Shuangshuang adding him at that time, Yuan Beihua was very surprised and said, "Hey, why did Shuangshuang add me all of a sudden?"

Yuan Beihua said this to Han Zhiyi, but he just said it. When he turned his head inadvertently, he found that Han Zhiyi was looking at his phone.

Yuan Beihua seemed to understand something in an instant, and stretched out his arms to Han Zhiyi's shoulders with a smile: "Hey, Han Zhiyi, what do you think Shuangshuang suddenly added me for? To find out your whereabouts? See if you are in school?" Attracting bees and butterflies? Do you think I am telling the truth or lying? You have only been in school for more than a month, but you have received several love letters. There are beautiful girls all day long in class Looking at you at the door, do you think you are attracting bees and butterflies?"

"You dare!" Although Han Zhiyi only said two words very simply, the tone was really very bad, and the meaning of the threat was obviously abnormal.

Yuan Beihua was originally joking, but he just said it out loud. Hearing Han Zhiyi's behavior, he suddenly froze.

But soon he understood again, and laughed happily: "That's all right, you can give me some favors, and I won't talk nonsense in front of Shuangshuang if you give me some favors."

"Then you reply to the message first."

Han Zhiyi did not refuse, but his eyes were still fixed on his phone.

Yuan Beihua naturally knew what he was thinking, he laughed a few times, but replied to Qin Shuangshuang.

The two chatted back and forth a few times, but they didn't talk about anything at first. In the beginning, in order to take into account the thoughts of Han Zhiyi next to him, Yuan Beihua kept sending voice messages, but later on, he never talked about Han Zhiyi. , is to start typing.

After playing ball, they naturally have to go back to the dormitory to take a shower. Their dormitory is the same as Qin Shuangshuang's dormitory, and it is also a four-person room, the same as Qin Shuangshuang's dormitory. There are four beds, with a table below and a bed above.

When Yuan Beihua came back, he sat in front of his desk, smiling and replying to the message, without even looking at Han Zhiyi.

On the contrary, Han Zhiyi stood aside and looked at him several times before he took his clothes and went into the washroom.

(End of this chapter)

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