Chapter 105

Hu Zongxian: "Please tell me."

Hai Rui: "I, Hai Rui, only come from a family background. I'm a mere seventh-rank county magistrate. The hall will not make a special trip to Chun'an to persuade me to stay or stay?"

Hu Zongxian: "Of course it's not for you, and I won't say big words for the sake of the common people." At this point, he took a break again and raised his voice: "I am here to persuade you to stay for my own sake."

Hai Rui looked at him closely.

Hu Zongxian: "I have been the governor of Zhejiang for five years, and later I have been the governor of Zhejiang Province. I have been in Zhejiang for seven years. The only ones who can't go are the Japanese invaders. Now, the Japanese invaders in Zhejiang have finally been eliminated. Du Fu said, "The name is not written, and the official retires due to old age and illness". Now is the time for my body to rest. The memorial to recuperate from illness has been approved by the emperor, and I will return to my hometown to recuperate for half a year. After half a year, I will submit the memorial again and continue. If I am sick, I will never come out again in this life. Let people comment on the merits and demerits of the past. I don’t care, and it’s useless to care. Those who care, want the people in Zhejiang not to scold me after I leave. Therefore, I can’t Let you resign when I am the governor of Zhezhi."

There is no truth to this, and Hai Rui also burst into excitement: "The minister is so frank, I am ashamed of the humble official. If the minister really wants to retain the humble official, can I agree to two things?"

Hu Zongxian: "You say."

Hai Rui: "The entire county of Chun'an was flooded this year, and the people will hardly survive the hardships brought about by the disaster in three years. Can the ministry go to the government to exempt the people of Chun'an from taxes for three years. In particular, Zhao Zhongcheng should not be allowed to pursue the so-called owed food."

Hu Zongxian: "I promise you this. Zhao Zhongcheng and I will jointly submit the court memorial."

Hai Rui immediately stood up, and bowed deeply to Hu Zongxian by the side of the recliner: "On behalf of the common people of Chun'an, I would like to thank Mr. Butang."

Hu Zongxian waved his hands lightly: "The people of Chun'an are also my people."

"Yes." Hai Rui replied and sat down again, but didn't say the second thing right away, and just looked at Hu Zongxian again.

Hu Zongxian was not in a hurry to urge him, but looked at him quietly.

Hai Rui felt that he should be honest and didn't hesitate any longer, and continued: "The minister returned to his hometown for recuperation, and Zhao Zhongcheng is in charge of Zhejiang. He will not let the humble official stay in Zhejiang. Even if the humble official is willing to stay in office, he will be transferred to another province." .”

Hu Zongxian: "I've heard about your reluctance to be promoted to the prefect of Caozhou. Being an official is afraid of being at odds with your superiors. I know Zhao Zhongcheng better than you. He is the talent of the prime minister, but he is just a subordinate who has to be obedient." I have already written him a letter and sent me a memorial, asking him to sign it and submit it to the Ministry of Officials to transfer you to Anhui to serve as magistrate. It is a little selfish to transfer a good official to my hometown. Alright." He said with a faint smile.

Hai Rui was really moved again, and felt unable to continue what he wanted to say.

Hu Zongxian: "You don't want to go?"

Hai Rui: "I want to go to a place, can the hall agree?"

Hu Zongxian: "Where?"

Hai Rui: "I also mentioned this request to Zhao Zhongcheng and Tan Zili. If I want to stay in office, I will be transferred to Fenyi, Jiangxi Province to continue serving as the magistrate. If I want to be an official, I will be the official of the Yan family's parents!"

Sure enough, Hu Zongxian had a look of surprise on his face, and his eyes were full of doubts!
Hai Rui: "Is the hall in trouble?"

Hu Zongxian looked away from Hai Rui's face, stared out of the window blankly, and sighed after a long time: "I know, people in the world still can't trust me."

Hai Rui: "If you are humble, you can trust Butang. People all over the world say that Butang is the old man of Yan Ge, and the humble official thinks that Butang is from my Ming Dynasty. Jiangxi Fenyi is the hometown of Yan Ge. Go there, the government and the public will think that the department hall is not the personal of Yan Ge!"

Hu Zongxian remained silent for a long time before shaking his head slightly: "I can't promise you this one."

Hai Rui: "The hall is still thinking about the kindness of Mr. Yan Ge?"

Hu Zongxian shook his head lightly again: "Gang Feng, you take yourself too seriously."

Hai Rui was taken aback.

Hu Zongxian: "You are an upright person, dare to speak, and dare to resist. But if you really want to resist, who can you, the seventh rank, resist? In Zhejiang, you can do something to shake the court. It is because there are people behind you who want to shake the court. .When you arrive in Fenyi, Jiangxi, who can you shake by yourself? No one can overthrow those the emperor wants to use, and no one can keep those who the emperor does not want."

Hai Rui: "The department hall just wants to say, would you like to recommend a humble official to serve as Jiangxi Fenyi?"

Hu Zongxian: "I don't do things to deceive the world, and I don't do things against my will. If you really want to be transferred to Fenyi, I can write to Zhao Zhongcheng again. That memorial can't be published anymore, and let him recommend you to go there alone. "

Hai Rui bowed deeply: "The lowly position is waiting for the transfer order from the Ministry of Officials!"

A large official ship without a flag or a warning sign and lantern was docked upstream of the pier, and several soldiers in plain clothes were waiting on board. This was Hu Zongxian's official ship.

There was another small official ship, which had no flag or signboard or lantern, parked a little downstream from the wharf, and on the board stood two officers of the standard yamen team and several soldiers.

In fact, they all knew each other, but at this moment, Hu Zongxian's personal soldiers were watching the people on the other boat, and the officers and soldiers of the standard government office were watching the people on the other boat, and they didn't say hello to each other.

On the pier, Ueda Tian Youlu arrived panting with two servants, walked down the pier, looked at the two boats, and asked the servant who led him in a low voice: "Which boat is it?"

An officer pointed to the official ship parked slightly downstream: "That one."

Tian Youlu glanced at Hu Zongxian's official ship again, and then hesitantly walked towards the gangway of the official ship behind.

On the springboard, a team officer greeted him: "Is it Tian Xiancheng?"

Tian Youlu: "It's a humble job."

The team officer: "Come with me."

As soon as Tian Youlu entered the cabin, he immediately knelt down.

On both sides of a low table in front of the rear panel of the cabin, the Jin Yiwei sits on the left, and the other Jin Yiwei sits on the right. The two are playing chess, and the chess pieces are as big as the mouth of a cup.

"Check!" Jin Yiwei "checked" a large chess piece heavily.

Tian Youlu shivered.

"I lost." The Jin Yiwei on the right took out a small silver and put it on the table at the opposite end of Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei's gaze turned to Tian Youlu: "Do you still know us?"

Before Tian Youlu could answer, he kowtowed: "The two imperial envoys are superior, even if they are humble, they don't dare not know each other."

Jin Yiwei smiled at the other end: "Nonsense. What's the use of you if you gouged out your eyes."

Tian Youlu: "Yes. I have to keep my eyeballs in a lowly position to work for the imperial envoy."

Jin Yiwei: "Hu Butang is here?"

Tian Youlu: "Yes. I'm talking to Haizhi County at the county government."

Jin Yiwei: "That Qi Dazhu also came with him?"

Tian Youlu: "Yes. I'm helping Haizhi County's family in the back house of the county government."

Jin Yiwei and the other Jin Yiwei made eye contact.

On the other side of Jin Yiwei: "I have an errand for you."

Tian Youlu: "The imperial envoy just orders, and the humble staff will do it immediately."

On the other side of Jin Yiwei: "Go directly to Qi Dazhu in the back house of the county government office, and tell him that Zhao Zhongcheng has something important to ask him, about how to take care of Hu Butang. Tell him not to disturb Hu Butang."

Tian Youlu: "This is easy to handle, the humble official will call him immediately."

Jin Yiwei: "Go."

Tian Youlu kowtowed again on the deck, got up and walked out.

Jin Yiwei picked up a chess piece with a cup size and set it up again: "Come again!"

Mother Hai is on the top, wife Hai is on the left with her daughter, and the seat on the right is vacant, but Qi Dazhu pulls the woman to sit down on the bottom seat.

Haimu: "This side is still empty, what are you doing sitting there? Sit here."

Qi Dazhu: "Old Madam, it is the fortune of the villain and the villain's wife to be able to eat with you at the old table. This is the place where the villain and the villain's wife should sit."

Haimu put the chopsticks on the table and straightened her face: "Sit over here."

Qi Dazhu and his wife have been enjoying themselves since they met Haimu's family. This is the first time they saw Haimu's strict face. They were both startled and looked at each other, thinking of Hai Rui's face. Smiling, carrying their own bowls and chopsticks, they walked to the empty seat on the right and sat down.

Haimu's face stretched again: "Let's eat."

Everyone picked up their bowls.

"Chun'an County Prime Minister Tian Youlu is asking to see the old lady!" Before eating, Tian Youlu's voice came from the courtyard outside the door.

Mother Hai frowned, and looked at her daughter-in-law: "Didn't you tell Ru Xian to greet everyone in the yamen? No one in the yamen is allowed to enter, why did he come in?"

Qi Dazhu stood up: "Let me ask, maybe Mr. Hai asked him to give some instructions." Then he walked out.

"Ignore him, let's eat." Haimu picked up the chopsticks and showed her approval to Qi Dazhu.

The woman Qi Dazhu immediately picked up a piece of red-hot beef and offered it to Haimu's bowl.

Seeing Qi Dazhu and Tian Youlu appear on the pier, all the soldiers on Hu Zongxian's boat greeted him from the springboard: "Team officer, where is the Lord?"

Qi Dazhu: "The department hall is still discussing matters with Haizhi County. I have other matters to see the person sent by Zhao Zhongcheng. You all go back and wait."

"Yes." Several soldiers watched as Tian Youlu led Qi Dazhu to the official boat behind, and then they all walked back to their own boat.

Walking into Jin Yiwei's cabin, Jin Yiwei's eyes lit up, and he inspected Qi Dazhu's entire body from head to toe.

Qi Dazhu was a little unhappy when he looked at him: "May I ask if the two of you are sent by Zhao Zhongcheng to deliver a message?"

Jin Yiwei was still sitting cross-legged: "Take off your clothes, let me have a look."

Qi Dazhu's face became gloomy: "If you two don't have serious business, I won't accompany you."

"Stop." Jin Yiwei burst out two words from his dantian.

Qi Dazhu felt the lingering sound trembling in his ears, so he was a little alarmed, and turned his head to stare at Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei's face softened again: "A man is also shy when he takes off his clothes? You take them off for him to see."

Jin Yiwei, who was sitting opposite him, stood up, pulled his long gown by his belt, and let it fall on the wooden board of the cabin along the back of his shoulders.

Qi Dazhu was stunned again: the bare-chested Jin Yiwei had shoulders several inches wider than ordinary people, and cut down in an inverted triangle from chest to waist, and there was only one waist at that waist.The pectoralis and arm muscles bulged up one by one and were as hard as iron.

Qi Dazhu became curious, and also took off his clothes and threw them on the boat board.

The eyes of Jin Yiwei and that Jin Yiwei are even brighter!
"Tiger arms and waist, the top is straight." Jin Yiwei said inexplicably, "Please lift up the trousers."

Qi Dazhu grabbed a trouser leg and lifted it up.

"Mantis legs! Authentic body!" Jin Yiwei's face was full of admiration, "Please get dressed."

Qi Dazhu picked up his clothes and put them on, and the Jin Yiwei also put on his clothes.

Qi Dazhu: "You two can talk about serious business now, right?"

Jin Yiwei stood up slowly, took out his badge from his waist, and said to Tian Youlu who was kneeling outside the cabin door, "Come in."

Tian Youlu quickly bowed and walked over.

Jin Yiwei handed the badge to Tian Youlu: "Show him."

Holding the badge in both hands, Tian Youlu walked up to Qi Dazhu: "Please take a look."

Qi Dazhu took the waist card suspiciously, first glanced at Jin Yiwei's side, then looked at the waist card, he was startled for a moment.

——On the waist card, there are a few bronzing official characters of "Beizhen Fusi" impressively engraved!
Qi Dazhu slowly raised his head and looked at the two of them again: "Is it an imperial envoy from the palace?"

Jin Yiwei said to Tian Youlu, "Take it here."

Tian Youlu took the waist badge from Qi Dazhu's hand again, went to Jin Yiwei and presented it with both hands.

"You're right." Jin Yiwei said while wearing a waist badge, "By secret decree, you have to come with us."

Qi Dazhu: "Why?"

On the other side of Jin Yiwei: "For the sake of the Japanese leader Shishiro Inoue!"

Qi Dazhu seemed to understand that he had fallen into a trap, and was silent for a while: "You must report to Hu Butang, right?"

On the other side of Jin Yiwei: "We will greet Hu Butang. From now on, you will follow us immediately!"

Qi Dazhu was silent again, glanced at Jin Yiwei, crossed his hands, and sat down on a chair in the cabin.

(End of this chapter)

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