Chapter 106

"Get out of the way!" Wang Yongji, who has always been gentle and honest in dealing with people and doing things, showed a vajra's angry look today, and growled at the secretary standing in the back hall of the governor's yamen, blocking him at the door of the signing room, and then raised his hand Dial, put the book office aside, and shouted to the back, "Come in with me!" A gust of wind stepped into the door, followed by a woman, Qi Dazhu's wife.

The chair in the middle is empty, and there is no Zhao Zhenji.Only Tan Lun sat on the side of the case reviewing the case files.

"What's going on?" Tan Lun stood up slowly, looked at Wang Yongji, and then at the woman behind him that he didn't know.

Wang Yongji stopped in the signing room: "Looking for you."

Tan Lun: "How did you find me here? Why can't you wait for me to go back to the procuratorate's office?"

Wang Yongji: "You guys have plotted everything here, and then hide from me. Can I wait for you at the inspector's office?"

Tan Lun's face turned ugly: "Wang Runlian, this is a secret place where the province handles official business, how could you just bring people in here! If you are talking about official business, you should go out immediately and wait for me at the inspector's office. If you want to get angry, take off your official uniform and fight with me again."

Wang Yongji immediately took off his official hat and walked in front of him to put it on the case: "I'm not an official anymore, you are still the Inspector General of Zhejiang Province, can I make trouble with you?"

Having been together for many years, Tan Lun had never seen Wang Yongji so serious. Seeing that he was so excited at this moment, he was a bit like that Hai Rui, and he was also stunned.He raised his head and looked at his old friend standing in front of him, the sudden breath just now subsided, he stood up, walked to the door of the signing room, and said to the secretary who was still standing outside the door: "Go to the door of the second hall. Keep it."

"Yes." The secretary replied and walked away.

Tan Lun closed the door, and when he turned around, he didn't go to the case, but sat down on a chair by the south window: "What's the matter, sit down and talk quickly. This is Zhao Zhongcheng's signing room."

Wang Yongji also turned around and stared at him: "I know Zhao Zhongcheng won't see me, and I won't ask him. But it's you, Tan, who transferred me from Kunshan and Haigangfeng from Nanping." Lun. I just want to ask you now, you have covered up the matter of destroying embankments and flooding fields. You said it was for the overall situation of the anti-Japanese war and not to implicate Hu Butang. But the matter of Inoue Shishiro did not involve Hu at all. The Ministry of the Ministry, let alone the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War. There are so many confessions, so many testimonies, it is obviously the work of the strict party, why did Qi Dazhu be arrested? Qi Dazhu was rescued from the guillotine by Hai Gangfeng, and then you are Didn't they want to arrest Hai Gangfeng too!"

Tan Lun was silent.

Wang Yongji further confirmed that Tan Lun and Zhao Zhenji knew about the arrest of Qi Dazhu in advance, and they were very angry just now, but now they became sad: "There are no friends in the officialdom, and there is no right and wrong in court affairs. There is only the word 'interest'. You guys If things are done like this, I won't talk about morality or right and wrong anymore. When it comes to interests, Mr. Tan has to think about it. Both Hai Rui and Wang Yongji were sent to Zhejiang by Lord Yu to greet the officials. You don't even think about Prince Yu's situation, do you?"

Tan Lun looked at Wang Yongji vacantly, but remained silent.

Wang Yongji: "That's good. Hai Rui's resignation letter has been submitted, and I have not accepted your recommendation from Taizhou Zhizhou. I was moved here by you. You let me go now, or you can dismiss me on the spot, or let me Which yamen in Beijing is still a Seventh Rank. I can take Qi Dazhu's wife to Beijing. I can't get justice here. I will go to Beijing to find Mr. Xu Ge. Mr. Xu Ge doesn't see me, Mr. Gao and Mr. Zhang will always Give me an explanation."

Only then did Tan Lun look straight at Qi's wife who had been standing by the door with her head bowed all the time: "Are you Qi Dazhu's wife?"

At this moment, Qi's wife knelt down holding her skirt: "Minnv is Qi Dazhu's wife. Minnv's husband is not acquainted with Japanese."

Tan Lun couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and walked lightly on the spot, walked a few steps and stood still facing the south window: "I have to give you an explanation for this question. Grab the front of the big pillar, calm down The bosses of the company told Zhao Zhongcheng and me, but they just told them. They have a decree on them. No one can stop them from doing business according to the order."

Qi Dazhu's wife's face turned pale, and she stood there blankly.

Wang Yongji: "If you can't stop it, can't you go up and argue with the emperor?"

Tan Lun slowly turned around again, glanced at Wang Yongji, and then at Qi's wife who was kneeling on the ground: "Go to the gatehouse and wait."

Qi's wife knelt there in a daze, and slowly looked at Wang Yongji.

Knowing that Tan Lun had something important to tell him, Wang Yongji walked to the door, opened it slowly, and turned to his wife: "Go."

"Minnv's husband didn't understand the Japanese." Qi's wife murmured still the same sentence, kowtowed three times to the two, stood up silently, and walked out sadly.

Wang Yongji closed the door again and looked back at Tan Lun.

Tan Lun lowered his voice at this time, but said almost word for word: "Qi Dazhu is holding Hai Gangfeng behind his back, Hai Gangfeng is holding me Tan Lun behind his back, and the person behind me Tan Lun is Prince Yu. Anyone can understand the relationship. But the emperor still ordered Qi Dazhu to be arrested, which means that his own son was also beaten. Why? Yan Song personally shot, and the emperor had to let him get three points. The court is still there Waiting for Yan Maoqing's money from patrolling salt."

Wang Yongji was startled, and finally looked at Tan Lun with a little understanding, and at the same time, deeper worries surfaced.

Tan Lun: "It's a hand-to-hand battle. I can't speak, and neither can Prince Yu, and you have no right to speak. Arrange for this wife, Qi Dazhu, to go to the capital, go directly to the Ministry of War, Zhang Taiyue, and ask the person involved to complain."

Wang Yongji: "Does it work?"

Tan Lun: "After all, Qi Dazhu is a man with military merits in the fight against the Japanese. Last time he reported his military merits to the Ministry of War, his name was on the first list, and the Ministry of War has a record. Opening the matter from this hole will expose Yan Song That old face! If they still want to kill Qi Dazhu and pursue Haigangfeng, they will not hurt Yan Song, but they will also carry Yan Shifan's blood. Zheng Michang and He Maocai have knowledge of the Japanese, and he can't get away with it!"

The original Tan Lun appeared in Wang Yongji's eyes again, gratified and apologetic, and went straight to the desk to pick up the official hat and put it on without looking at him: "I don't regret coming to Zhejiang, and Haigangfeng always One day I will understand your painstaking efforts. I won't say anything superfluous, and I will take care of the next thing." After saying these words, he turned around and gave Tan Lun a deep bow, and was about to leave.

Tan Lun grabbed him and said, "Secret! How did you send this woman to the capital safely?"

Wang Yongji: "Go with another woman."

Tan Lunxun looked at him.

Wang Yongji: "I've always been angry, so I didn't tell you about it. It turned out that Yun Niang, who sent Gao Hanwen to the capital, returned to Hangzhou a few days ago and brought me a letter from Gao Hanwen. Gao Moqing wrote in the letter Ask me to tell him a matchmaker, willing to marry Yunniang as his wife. Tomorrow Yunniang will go to Beijing, let Qi Dazhu's wife take her boat."

Tan Lun: "It's not right. There are too many things about that woman. If you go with her, I'm afraid that people in the palace will arrest you if you don't make it to the capital."

Wang Yongji: "No one dares to arrest her. That Yunniang has a letter from the Supervisor of Rites on her body!"

Tan Lun was stunned: "She has a letter from the Supervisor of Rites?"

Wang Yongji: "It was signed by Eunuch Lu himself."

Tan Lun couldn't believe it for a moment: "Grandpa Lu signed the letter for her with his own hand...could it be the emperor's intention..."

Wang Yongji: "I have seen it with my own eyes."

"If you don't understand, then don't think about it anymore." Tan Lun waved his hand, "In this case, let them go together, tomorrow!"

One winter in Beijing in the 39th year of Jiajing’s reign, there was only a few light snowfalls, and there was not even a single snowflake in the December month of the lunar calendar. At that time, Zhou Yunyi, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, was killed. There was a disaster.

In the 40th year of Jiajing, it was just the opposite. Five days before the winter solstice, heavy snow suddenly fell in Beijing and outside the city early in the morning.This is naturally a great auspicious auspicious year, but it can make all the water transport offices panic. There is only one Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The last batch of grain and silver transported to Beijing that year, especially the tributes for the palace, had to be here After a few days of rush transportation, otherwise the river will freeze, and it will be a huge errand missed.Therefore, on this day, the Tongzhou section of the canal was full of boats, which actually caused the congestion of the river.

The snow covered the sky and covered the river, and one boat couldn't see the other's situation clearly when it was ten feet away from the other boat, and they all rushed to move forward in the deep river, so there were shouts and curses everywhere, telling the other party to avoid, some The two boats were full of official errands, and they even grabbed each other's boat poles and started fighting.

"You are so blind, how dare you refuse to let the boat of Cao Yin, the governor of Nanzhili, Hubu!" A few poles on a boat poked at each other wildly, shouting and cursing.

"You're blind! I'm a ship from the Ministry of Industry, and it's filled with materials for the palace. You dare to fight!" The opponent counter-punched and counterattacked.

There was a battle here, and there were the sounds of battles from ships in the shadows and in the distance and near.

Suddenly there was loud gunfire on the river, and even though the snow and fog were thick, a large ball of fire could be seen shining above the river.Immediately afterwards, the big gong sounded again on the fleet that fired the guns!

Many fighting official ships stopped fighting, and looked blankly at the place where the cannons were fired and the gong was fired.

The fleet was so big that the words on the flags were invisible at the moment, but the names of "Duchayuan", "General Salt Transport Envoy" and "Yan" could still be vaguely seen on the lanterns on the tall masts!

This is the fleet of Master Yan, the imperial envoy of the southern tour, who came, and the quarreling official ships consciously or unconsciously began to avoid both sides of the river.

The bosses of the civilian ships and merchant ships driving on the river were even more panicked, shouting to their own boatmen:
"Dock! Dock! Let the government ship go first!"

Yan Maoqing's fleet occupied the middle of the canal in the heavy snow and sailed mightily!

There is only one passenger boat that still adjusts its sails regardless, and continues to sail with oars, but it is still forced by the surrounding boats in the snowy river. inevitable.

A tall figure emerged from the cabin, stood on the deck, and stretched out his palm-sized palm to catch the snow falling from the sky. This person was actually on the other side of Jin Yiwei who escorted Qi Dazhu to Beijing.

The boatmen were actually officers and soldiers who had changed into plain clothes in the yamen of Zhejiang province. When a team officer saw him coming out, he immediately went over: "My lord, I can't keep up. Do we want to show our names?"

A huge piece of snow fluttered into Jin Yiwei's palm, and Jin Yiwei looked at the snow and said, "'Yanshan snowflakes are as big as a mat'!"

The team officer opened his eyes wide, and looked at Jin Yiwei in surprise, a little unbelievable that this elegant sentence came from the mouth of this big insider, and after serving him all the way, this person can still read poetry?

"Don't make a name for yourself, just move forward." Jin Yiwei replied while still holding the snowflake.

The team officer: "My lord, it is inevitable that there will be collisions in this way. They are all official ships. What should we say when we quarrel?"

"Don't quarrel." Jin Yiwei was very leisurely, "Follow Master Yan's fleet ahead, don't get lost."

The team officer had no choice but to issue an order: "Squeeze out! Follow the fleet ahead!"

After all, they are all officers and soldiers, and they have the backing of Jinyiwei behind them. These people took advantage of the time when all the boats evaded, and they pushed out together, supported other people's boats, listened to the scolding everywhere, and sailed out, following Yan Maoqing's huge fleet Not far behind.

Only then did Jin Yiwei get into the cabin again.

In the cabin, Qi Dazhu was still wearing the single gown he had when he got on the boat, and his beard had grown out. He leaned against the partition of the cabin and sat there with his eyes closed.

Another Jin Yiwei was sitting not far from him, opening a window to look at the snowflakes outside the boat.

Jin Yiwei came in and glanced at Qi Dazhu.

The other Jin Yiwei put down the window of the boat and stood up.

Jin Yiwei said: "It's cold, take one of your robes and put it on for him."

The brocade guard went to a wooden box next to the bulkhead, opened it, took out a cotton robe, and walked to Qi Dazhu: "Put it on."

Qi Dazhu still sat with his eyes closed: "It's not cold."

Jin Yiwei: "Put it on even if it's not cold." Then he took the cotton robe and handed it to Qi Dazhu.

Qi Dazhu opened his eyes and looked at him.

On the other side of Jin Yiwei: "We didn't make things difficult for you along the way. We are going to Beijing soon, and we have to wear torture tools."

"Put it on." Qi Dazhu stood up now, took the cotton robe and put it on.

The Jin Yiwei took another yoke, and Qi Dazhu stretched out his two big hands in front of him, and the Jin Yiwei put the shackle on him and locked him.

Qi Dazhu sat down against the bulkhead again and closed his eyes.

Since the construction of the Tonghui River in the Yuan Dynasty, the end of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has been connected from Tongzhou to the Jingshi Shichahai.In the third year of Zhengtong in the Ming Dynasty, the Datong Gate Bridge was built at Dongbianmen, which has become the largest distribution terminal for goods in the country to go directly to the capital.By the time of Jiajing, there were [-] tank boats that docked here every year for the imperial court and the government alone.As the end of the year approaches and heavy snow arrives early, many ships coming from the south are forced to unload goods at the Zhangjiawan Wharf in Tongzhou, but there are still not a few ships from various government offices that can sail into the Tonghui River to arrive here.Needless to say, the congestion on the river today is even more louder than the flow of vehicles and people coming to pick up the goods at the pier.But no matter which yamen you belong to, you are all driven away at this time, and you are squeezed against the shore on both sides of the pier.The pier was emptied out, heavily guarded and orderly.

The officers and soldiers all put on winter hats with large brims, held knives and guns, and stood in two rows in the snowflakes from the river bank along the stone steps to the top of the pier.

There are several warm sedan chairs parked on the avenue on the wharf, as well as twenty cars from the Ministry of Accounts.

Several officials stood at the top of the pier, all wearing cloaks and cloaks made of bright red fabrics. Behind each of them was an attendant holding a huge oilcloth and snow umbrella over his head, looking at Yan Maoqing's mighty boat in the river. The team slowly approached the pier.

——Yan Shifan brought Luo Longwen and several trusted officials to personally pick up Yan Maoqing!

The main ship sailed at the forefront of the team, covered by an umbrella, Yan Maoqing walked out of the cabin wearing a cloak and a cloak, stood on the deck of the bow, and raised his hands to Yan Shifan, who were visible from a distance above the pier.

At this moment, an unimaginable situation appeared, a passenger ship sailed together, passed Yan Maoqing's fleet, passed Yan Maoqing's main ship, and rowed to the pier first!

The officers and soldiers on the pier and the fleet have picked up the guys, ready to take this boat!
When it was about to approach the shore, two large lanterns were raised on the mast of the ship, one of which said: "Beizhen Fusi", and the other said "Imperial Prison".

On the pier, on the fleet, the hands holding the knives and guns were all let down.

"Did you bet on Qi Dazhu's Zhu Qihui?" Yan Shifan was the quickest to respond.

"Yes." Luo Longwen's eyes widened, and he had already seen Jin Yiwei who walked onto the pier from the passenger ship - it turned out that this person's surname was Zhu Mingqi.

The officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Province Yamen also changed back to their military uniforms, and a group of people ran to the pier first.Then, Qi Dazhu appeared with shackles on his back, and behind him was the Jin Yiwei who had changed into Jin Yiwei's costume.

The group escorted Qi Dazhu to the pier quickly.

"Master Xiaoge! Master Zhao!" Jin Yiwei's other end - Zhu Qi greeted them with a half salute.

Yan Shifan immediately stretched out his hand to stop him, and said with a smile, "Qi Ye has rushed back too?"

"Mr. Xiaoge called Zhekill the villain like that." Zhu Qiqian replied with a smile, "The supervisor of ceremonies has already scolded him, so I told you to come here today. I didn't want to offend Mr. Xiaoge in such a hurry."

"Your business is important." Yan Shifan looked at Qi Dazhu who had already been escorted over, "Is this the one who communicated with the Japanese?"

"There is still a trial." Zhu Qi didn't answer him directly, "The elder Xiaoge still wants to welcome Mr. Yan, and the younger one will go first. Send him to prison immediately!"

Zhu Qi bowed his hands to Yan Shifan and Luo Longwen again, and led a group of them to escort Qi Dazhu over.

This episode not only did not dampen Yan Shifan's interest, but made him even more excited, with a hard smile on his face.

Luo Longwen: "They are the ones to look at."

"We'll talk about it when we go back." Yan Shifan interrupted him, "Let's meet Jingxiu."

(End of this chapter)

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