Chapter 107

Yan Maoqing's main ship just docked at this time, and his entourage held up the oilcloth and snow umbrella, and followed Yan Maoqing from the shelf to the pier.

Being blocked by Beizhen Fusi's boat, Yan Maoqing's interest was not small, but at this time through the snowflakes, he saw Yan Shifan and Luo Longwen standing on the pier, and immediately smiled all over his face, stepping on the snow, Go up the stairs quickly.

"It's snowing, slow down!" Yan Shifan, who was standing on the top, shouted loudly while watching Yan Maoqing who was gradually approaching.

"My lord! I want to die!" Yan Maoqing replied loudly, walking faster, walking in front of Yan Shifan and Luo Longwen, and was about to kneel down in the snow.

Yan Shifan held him firmly with both hands: "There is snow on the ground!"

Yan Maoqing's legs were bent, and she looked up at Yan Shifan's big face that was flushed red with cold, her eyes were wet: "How is Mr. Ge? Are you okay, Mr. Ge?"

Yan Shifan: "Okay, everything is fine."

Yan Maoqing stood up straight and looked at Luo Longwen with a smile: "How are you all?"

Luo Longwen also smiled: "Everyone will be well after you bring the money back."

Yan Maoqing turned her head and pointed to the fleet of ships that were docking one after another: "230 million taels, the whole shipment has arrived. Your Majesty will also have a stable year this year."

Yan Shifan: "The tax bank is sent to the household department immediately, and the account book is sent to the palace!"

Immediately, two officials answered loudly: "Yes!"

Yan Shifan took Yan Maoqing's hand: "Ge Lao is waiting, let's go."

It was near dusk, and it was snowing again. The street of Beizhen Fusizhao Prison, where people would not pass and birds did not dare to fly, looked even more eerie and long. Qi Dazhu's warm-covered carriage drove over quickly.

Inside the black lacquered gate, a thousand households of Jinyiwei came out leading several Jinyiwei.

The carriage stopped, and the sedan chair curtain was lifted, that Jin Yiwei jumped down first, holding the sedan chair curtain with his hands, and then the Jin Yiwei named Zhu Qi jumped down at the other end.

"Master Tai Bao, this business trip is not short. You have worked hard!" Jin Yiwei Qianhu immediately led all the Jin Yiwei to salute him.

It turned out that since Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang set up Jinyiwei, the thirteen people with the highest kung fu selected by the team were called the "Thirteen Taibao".The thirteen positions have been inherited, and if one dies or one leaves, one is picked out to make up for it.These thirteen people are well-known in the tens of thousands of Jinyiwei regardless of their positions.Jin Yiwei, who handled the Zhejiang case, turned out to be one of the thirteen people from the Jiajing Dynasty, ranking seventh.Jiajing liked this man, and gave him the surname of the country, and changed his surname to Zhu. From this, the name was settled, and it was called Zhu Qi.Therefore, people in Jinyiwei sometimes called him "Tai Bao Ye" and sometimes called him "Seventh Lord".

Seeing his family members, Zhu Qi showed a friendly smile for the first time: "I was planning to spend this year in Zhejiang, and I finally came back."

Those Jin Yiwei who were saluting just now surrounded him all of a sudden, shouting at Zhu Qi:

"If Master Qi doesn't come back, we'll have no energy this year!"

"Qi Ye, this time, the little guys at the poker table will lose their money!"

"Let's talk about it after we're done." Zhu Qi smiled, then turned to the Jin Yiwei who was with him: "Bring the prisoner out."

"Lao Zhao has worked hard too, let's come." The two Jinyi guards walked to the side of the sedan chair curtain and prepared to arrest him.

The Jin Yiwei was originally surnamed Zhao, and blocked them at this time: "This man has a lot of secrets, brothers, take care of it. Let me tell him to come down. He's here, come down."

Qi Dazhu, who was in shackles, showed his head at the door of the car. Jin Yiwei, who picked up the car, was about to help him, but he jumped down lightly while wearing the shackles.

The thousand households of Jin Yiwei and all the Jin Yiwei who came out met their eyes, and seemed to understand why this person should "take care of him".

The thousand households of Jin Yiwei said to the Jin Yiwei who came out: "Arrange the cells. Then give Qiye a welcome!"

The two black lacquered gates were not open, but there was an extraordinary small gate on the left gate, and some guards in Jinyi hurried in after hearing the order.

The rest of Jin Yiwei's Qianhu accompanied Zhu Qi, and the two Jin Yiwei accompanied the Jin Yiwei surnamed Zhao, escorting Qi Dazhu to the open small door.

"Master!" A woman's cry stopped the feet of the six people, and the eyes of the six people followed the prestige.

The snowflakes were still falling one after another, and a woman came running over with a cloth bundle.

"What are you doing here!" Zhu Qi and the four Jinyi guards were still in a daze, Qi Dazhu, who was carrying shackles, shouted at the woman.

It turned out to be Mrs. Zhu.At this time, the whole body was covered with snow, Ren Qi Dazhu glared, grabbed his clothes and knelt down: "I am your man, I will bring you food when I am alive, and send you spirits when I am dead."

Only a few guards in Jinyi realized that this was Qi Dazhu's mother-in-law, and the four guards in Jinyi all looked at Zhu Qi.

Zhu Qi didn't say anything, just looked at Qi Dazhu and the woman kneeling in front of him.

Mrs. Zhu: "I have been in the capital for half a month. Master Hai and Master Wang have both written me letters. I am staying at the home of Mr. Gao in the Imperial Academy. Master, this is your winter coat." As he spoke, he handed over the burden to him. up.

"Giving things away is not allowed here!" A Jin Yiwei who was guarding Qi Dazhu stretched out his hand to grab the bundle.

Zhu Qi said at this moment: "Let her deliver it."

The Jin Yiwei retracted his hand again.

Qi Dazhu was originally worried that his woman would be troubled, and he felt sore after hearing her confession, so he accepted the burden: "Beijing is not a place for you to stay, and I'm already a person who has no end. Find a way to take a boat Let's go back."

Mrs. Zhu was still kneeling there: "Master, where do you want me to go when I'm alone?"

Qi Dazhu turned his face away: "Go back to Zhejiang and find an honest man to marry."

The sister-in-law of Zhu stood up slowly and looked deeply at Qi Dazhu, but Qi Dazhu walked towards the black gate alone with his bundle.

Zhu Qi and several Jin Yiwei followed.

Suddenly, Zhu Qi's gaze flashed, and he turned around and jumped over!

It turned out that Mrs. Zhu lowered her head and slammed into the wheel of the car, but was grabbed by a big hand just as her head was about to hit the wheel.

Several Jin Yiwei turned their heads, and Qi Dazhu slowly turned his head.

"My lord, if you don't let me die now, I'll still be dead when I go back." Aunt Zhu looked at Zhu Qi.

"What a strong woman!" Zhu Qi praised, "Qi Dazhu, I have the final say, this woman is not allowed to divorce her." Qi Dazhu closed his eyes: "Why are you doing this? If you want to treat you, stay in Beijing. "After saying this, he walked into the small door of the imperial prison.

At the door of Yan Song's study, Yan Shifan, Luo Longwen and Yan Maoqing all took off their cloaks, and the attendants took them over, and the three of them walked into the study.

The white-headed father and son, the white-headed junior brother, Yan Song has been in charge for more than 20 years, and he relies most on this son and these two disciples in front of him.At this time, the winter was coming early, and it was snowing outside. He sat in front of the white cloud copper brazier with a green fire, and looked at the three people who came in and knelt in front of him. .

"Is it cold on the boat?" Yan Song asked while looking at Yan Maoqing's figure.

"Seeing Elder Ge, it's already warm as spring." Yan Maoqing replied with a smile as he hadn't seen Yan Song's change for a while after being away for several months.

"What is like spring?" Yan Song didn't hear clearly, so he asked again.

Yan Maoqing was startled.

Yan Shifan whispered in his ear: "It's not what happened three months ago. Now my eyes are blurred, my ears are deaf, and I can't hear the sound of urinating." He stood up and walked to Yan Song's seat , and said loudly in his ear: "He said that seeing you grow old is like a spring breeze, it's not cold anymore!"

Yan Song smiled like a child: "I can hear it, what are you doing with such a loud voice?"

"Ge Lao heard it. Get up and sit down." Yan Shifan called Luo Longwen and Yan Maoqing to get up.

All three sat down beside Yan Song.

Yan Shifan looked at Yan Maoqing, still shouting loudly: "Tell Elder Ge how much salt tax you have collected for the imperial court during this visit to Lianghuai and Zhejiang."

Yan Maoqing still looked at Yan Song in a daze: "It's only been a few months, I didn't expect Mr. Ge to grow old so quickly..."

When he was happy, Yan Shifan was impatient with his sad and disappointed look, and interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Talk about happy things! Tell the old man how much money you have collected."

Yan Maoqing turned a smiling face: "Mr. Ge is still so impatient. There is no end to talk about official business. Mr. Ge is old. I wrote a detailed post about the inspection of the salt affairs, and let Mr. Ge read it slowly." He took out a thick post from his sleeve and handed it to Yan Song with both hands.

Yan Song took the post but held it in his hand: "Have all the detailed account books been sent to the emperor?"

Yan Maoqing replied loudly: "Give it away! The silver was sent to the treasury, and the account book was presented to the emperor."

"That's good." Yan Song put the post in front of the light and looked at the cover. He couldn't see clearly, and then looked at Yan Maoqing: "I can't see clearly. Tell me, how much tax money was collected this time?" .”

"Ge Lao!" Yan Maoqing raised his voice, then raised his left palm and stretched out two fingers: "Two hundred!" Then he raised his right palm and stretched out three fingers: "30 taels?"

Yan Song heard it clearly, but he didn't express his position immediately. He seemed to be thinking about it, and he said after a long time: "230 million, it should be enough to make up for the salaries of the Beijing officials and the expenses of various government departments this year. What about the palace?"

"Don't worry!" Yan Shifan said loudly, "The ambush in the palace has been laid long ago. The 230 million is for the treasury, and the remaining 100 million I received from the Ministry of Industry. It was sent to the palace 50 years ago to reward the emperor." People. The remaining 50 taels will help the emperor repair the Longevity Palace that was burned last year after the new year!"

Several people looked at Yan Song with interest, waiting for his happy response.

Yan Song's brows were frowned, and he was thinking hard again, then shook his head: "You shouldn't do this. Give someone a handle..."

Yan Shifan was poured with cold water, and his big face turned cold all of a sudden: "You are too old and timid. I don't know how much effort it will take to allocate the money after it reaches the treasury. The emperor will only be happy if you do this, who dares to take it?" The emperor's handle!"

Yan Song: "Did the 100 million taels be written in the accounts presented to the emperor?"

Yan Shifan: "This is to hide from those people, how can you hide from the emperor, of course it must be written."

Only then did Yan Song nod his head: "Just write it down."

Yan Shifan was excited again: "With these 330 million taels, let the emperor see who is the loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty! Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng want to overthrow us, and they made Zhao Zhenji take over the weaving bureau. How about it?" ? It’s almost the end of the year, and the 50 pieces of silk are less than half of the number. Now it’s all right, they’ve done it themselves in the team. Let’s wait and see the show!”

His voice was loud, and Yan Song listened carefully, this time he could hear clearly: "What did they do?"

Yan Shifan: "Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng, and the others recommended that Hai Rui was suspected of being a coward. I ordered people to read a book and forced Zhao Zhenji to order him to be arrested. Zhu Qi of Jinyiwei has already escorted him back to Beijing today. You always Just wait and see Xu Jie, Gao Gong, and Zhang Juzheng fight on their own!"

Yan Song was startled: "You caught that Hai Rui?"

Yan Shifan: "He hasn't been moved yet. The leader of a mulberry household in Chun'an was arrested, and he led the rebellion since the rice was changed to mulberry. Later, he was arrested by He Maocai after Tongwa, and that Hai Rui was released. He was also sent to Hu Ruzhen to fight in the war, which is really against the sky. If this person is arrested, that Hai Rui will not be able to escape, and the people who encouraged Hai Rui to make trouble will not be able to get rid of their responsibilities."

Yan Song was silent again.The capture of Qi Dazhu was originally a matter of Yan Song's secret performance of Chen Jiajing and then secretly carried out by Beizhen Fusi.But what Yan Song didn't expect was that his son sent people to ginseng at the same time, and kept it a secret from himself.The father and son are of the same heart, yet they are so incoherent, Yan Song has nothing to say now even if he wants to say something.

Yan Song raised his head slowly, and said after a long time: "Don't cause trouble. After all, King Yu is behind your back."

Yan Shifan: "There are some things you don't know. A seventh-rank official who came from Juren actually turned Zhejiang upside down. Half of the lives of Zheng Michang and He Maocai were lost in his hands. This time Yan Maoqing went to Jiangnan and he openly challenged him again." , The trouble with Lao Yan is not due to the fact that there are people behind him! Lao Yan is not up to date, afraid of him, even Chun'an dare not go. You say you are angry, but you are not angry!" He stared sideways at Yan Maoqing.

Yan Maoqing smiled awkwardly: "It's not that I'm afraid of him, what's the point of doing anything with him?"

The corner of Yan Shifan's mouth twitched: "The more we retreat, the more people come forward. In the case of Zhejiang, our people were all killed by them. If we don't deal with them, we will not be able to turn around. Father, you are always in trouble with this matter." Just leave it alone and let your son take care of them."

Yan Song's anger was weak, and this son was annoying in these places——in high spirits, he couldn't help but put the post of Yan Maoqing in his hand on the tea table beside him, lay down, and simply closed his eyes and remained silent. .

Yan Shifan had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

Luo Longwen always came out to change things at such times: "Elder Ge is right, Mr. Ge, some things are better discussed in the long run."

"Tongwo has to think long-term!" Yan Shifan glared at him.

"Mr. Ge, let's talk about business matters slowly." Yan Maoqing begged, glanced at Yan Shifan with a flattering smile on his face, then turned to Yan Song, and said loudly: "Mr. Ge, my sons have something that will really make you happy. Haven't said it yet."

Yan Song slowly opened his eyes again, looked at him, and sighed lightly: "Don't tell me about the trouble."

Yan Maoqing laughed and said loudly: "It's really a mess, you will be happy."

Yan Song stared at him blankly.

Of course, Yan Shifan didn't want to disappoint the old man too much at this time, so he forced a smile on his face and looked at Yan Maoqing: "I'm so deaf, no matter how loud your flattery is, he might not be able to hear it."

Yan Maoqing: "This Xiaoge old man doesn't understand. Just memorize things you don't like, but don't memorize things you like."

Yan Shifan: "Then let's not talk about business, just flatter you."

Yan Maoqing walked to the window with a smile, turned on the light, and the light from the courtyard came in. He said loudly: "Play harder, play louder than usual!"

Suddenly there was a crisp sandalwood board outside the window, followed by the sound of the small hall drum, and then a melodious sound of the flute.

At this moment, Yan Song's ears seemed to be really relaxed, and his lying body straightened up, his head was tilted sideways, and light slowly flashed in his eyes.

Then came a Kunqu opera in the authentic Wu dialect by Kun Ling outside the window:

The face bullies the peach, the waist is timid, and the brows are frowning.

It's not hurting the spring, because I lie behind closed doors.

Afraid of seeing bees swimming outside the window, catkins flying in front of the eaves, thinking that the time will be over at the beginning of Qingming...

Yan Song suddenly raised his right hand and stopped in the air.

Yan Maoqing hurriedly shouted by the window: "Pause!"

The singing of the sandalwood flute stopped suddenly.

Yan Song leaned on the armrest of the recliner and wanted to sit up, Yan Maoqing and Luo Longwen supported him to sit up straight.

Yan Song's eyes sparkled: "This is the aria of "Huansha Ji·Holding the Heart". It doesn't look like the original Kunshan accent. Who changed the song?"

Yan Maoqing immediately smiled flatteringly and said loudly: "Ge Lao is indeed Faer. This is the new Kunqu tune that Wei Liangfu from Kunshan has reformed with a water mill for ten years behind closed doors. People in the south of the Yangtze River call it a water mill tune. Right now, only this troupe can sing, and it is Wei Liangfu himself. It was trained. My son spent 20 taels of silver to buy this team, especially to honor your old one. Does it sound better than the original one?"

"This Wei Liangfu is amazing!" Yan Song was still intoxicated by the lingering sound, "Thanks to his ten years of water grinding, there is no fireworks."

Yan Maoqing was overjoyed, and immediately walked to the window: "Keep singing!"

Outside the window, the sandalwood flute rang again.

Kunling's singing voice drifted in tactfully again:

Dongfeng has no choice but to send another spring.

Good things are wasted, and the win is sick and sick...

The gate of Yuxi Palace was closed tightly, and the silver charcoal in the four large white jade and copper pots at the four corners of the main hall burst into blue flames from the inside out.

On the two long red sandalwood tables on the left and right, there are two red sandalwood abacus each one Zhang long!Twelve eunuchs were quickly counting the salt tax accounts sent from Jiangnan with their left hands and right hands.

In the center of the main hall stood two large wooden boxes rimmed with copper skin. The lids were lifted, and the remaining half of the seal on the wooden boxes could still clearly see the words "Salt Transport Envoy"!
The two eunuchs who delivered the accounts took out the account pages from the wooden box in the center of the hall and sent them to the long case like a shuttle, and then took the account pages that had been calculated from the long case back to another wooden box in the center of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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