Chapter 129

Huang Jin: "Master's words, slaves don't dare to agree. Lord Yu and slave's godfather, Lu Fang, are not stupid, but they are all caring to master. There are also many loyal ministers, who are not stupid, so they may not be caring to master. Let's just talk about that Li Shizhen, who was an errand in the imperial hospital, contradicted her master and left the palace. After so many years, she still cares about her master, and traveled all the way to Beijing to prescribe medicine for her master. If she is not caring to her master , they wouldn't do that."

Jiajing thought for a while: "You can't say what you said is unreasonable. But after all, in this world, there are only two kinds of people who are really reliable: one is stupid people, and the other is straight people. I don't care about these two kinds of people, and I don't care about them. For example, you are straight and stupid, so I don't worry. There are some people who are straight but not stupid. They won't make things difficult for them either. Do you know who the kind of person I'm talking about is?"

Huang Jin thought for a while, "Is Li Shizhen one of them?"

Jiajing: "Count it as one. There are more."

Huang Jin thought again and suddenly said, "That Hai Rui from Hubu?"

Jiajing smiled: "It seems that you are not stupid."

Huang Jin also smiled innocently: "No matter how stupid the slave is, he can't be that stupid. He contradicted the master, but the master didn't care about him, so the slave can only think of these two people."

"Li Shizhen's medicine is good!" Jiajing stopped talking to him about this topic and stood up.

Huang Jin hurriedly stood up, holding his arm.

Jiajing opened his hands, stretched his long arms upwards, and took a deep breath; hugging a circle, retracted his arms to his chest, and let out that long breath again, feeling that he was at a loss at this time. Qing Qilang: "I want to go out for a walk, but you are not allowed to stop me."

Huang Jin was startled: "Where does master want to go?"

Jiajing: "The two palaces and the two Taoist temples will be completed the day after tomorrow. Don't disturb others, you can go and see with me."

"That can't be done!" Huang Jin became anxious when he heard that, "It's snowing outside, and it's going to be terrible if you get cold again."

"Wear thicker." Jiajing waved his hand, "Find out the leather robe and cloak I used back then from the bottom of the box."

He didn't sit in a sedan chair or take any entourage. Huang Jin led the way with a lantern. Jiajing wore a black leather cloak and covered his head with his hat. The master and servant walked along the Taiye Pool. Walk along the road along the Forbidden Wall of Xiyuan to the distant light.

Fortunately, the snow stopped at this time, and the master and servant stepped on the snow on the road, making a crackling sound, which was quite special in the silence of the night.

"These slaves are getting lazy, and they don't sweep the snow on the road." Huang Jin was afraid that Jiajing would fall, so he stopped and came to support Jiajing.

"It's a good thing they didn't sweep it." Jiajing was very excited at this time, "Treading snow can relieve anger, you don't understand. It's up to you."

"This slave really doesn't understand. Then the master has to leave." Huang Jin lit up the lantern again in front of him, watching Jiajing as he walked forward.

"Who! What are you doing!" Not far away was the forbidden gate of Xiyuan, and a loud shout came from there.

"It's me, come and see the project, what are you shouting about!" Huang Jin replied loudly, "Just focus on other places!"

"Yes! I understand, Eunuch Huang is ready to go!" The other side replied loudly, the tone was already very respectful.

Jiajing laughed and said, "I can't see that someone as stupid as you is still afraid of you."

Huang Jin: "Master's words are wrong, this is not fear, this is called rules."

"What a big rule." Jiajing teased him again.

Walking around a curved wall while talking, across the ice surface of Taiye Pool, under the light of the east is the Wanshou Palace and Yongshou Palace projects, and under the light of the north are the Chaotian Temple and Xuandu Temple projects. About a mile apart, they are all being retouched overnight, and they are faintly visible.

"Master, if you go any further, you will pass through the forbidden gate, so let's take a look here." Huang Jin stopped.

Jiajing didn't say anything but he didn't say no, but he stood still and looked at the Wanshou Palace and Yongshou Palace in the east under the light from a distance, and then looked at the Chaotian Temple and Xuandu Temple in the west under the light. It looks so deep.

"Huang Jin." Jiajing called softly.

"Master." Huang Jin also replied softly beside him.

Jiajing: "I'll read you a Tang poem. Guess who I'm talking about."

Seeing Jiajing's sick body and good mood at this time, Huang Jin was delighted: "The slave may not be able to guess, if you can't guess the master, you can tell the slave."

Jiajing looked at the night sky and began to chant softly: "In the Qin Dynasty, the moon was bright and the Han Dynasty was closed, and the people who marched for thousands of miles have not yet returned. But if the Dragon City Flying General is here, it is not called Huma Duyin Mountain."

Huang Jin: "The master underestimates the slave too much. This person is talking about Li Guang."

Jiajing still looked into the distance: "Stupid slave, Li Guang wants you to guess."

Huang Jin heard Jiajing's melancholy from his tone: "Master, do you think of Hu Zongxian?"

Jiajing: "Yan Song and his son are not up to snuff! I can't even use a talent like Hu Zongxian. If he was still there, Yu Dayou and Qi Jiguang would have wiped out the Japanese pirates in Fujian and Guangdong. This year, the millions of taels of military pay It’s saved, silk porcelain and tea can be sold to the West long ago..."

Having said this, the master and servant felt sad for a while.

Jiajing: "I have an idea. After I have completed these two palaces and views, I will let King Yu take over. I will devote myself to Xuanxiu. Tell me, which of the ministers in the court and the officials outside the border can assist King Yu?"

"Master, I dare not answer this question." Huang Jin replied.

"I don't blame you either, the truth is that the answer is yes." Jiajing was very gentle.

Huang Jin was a little anxious: "The slave really can't figure it out, it's not because he is afraid that the master will blame him."

"That's right!" Jiajing sighed, "Even I can't make up my mind for a long time, so how can you figure it out? There are so many civil servants and military generals in my Ming Dynasty, but there are still a few who can really leave it to future generations. Especially some People, now they are making plans on King Yu, even on my grandson, I have to guard against such people." At this point, he looked at the lights to the west, "Find a way to go around , Go to Chaotian to see what that Feng Bao is doing." Before Huang Jin could reply, he had already stepped on the snow and walked up a small dirt hill on the left in front.Huang Jin hurriedly followed with a lamp in hand.

This location was well found. Pines and cypresses grew on the small soil hill. Looking forward, you can see the gate and yard on the left side of Chaotianguan. Looking back, you can see the road leading to the forbidden gate outside the palace wall not far away. People standing in the tree It is not easy to be found by others.

"Blow out the lights first," Jiajing said.

Huang Jin blew out the lantern, hung it on a branch beside him, broke off a few pine branches, swept the snow on the stone bench behind Jiajing, took off his cloak and folded it into several pieces. Layered on the stool: "Master, please sit down."

Jiajing sat down on the cloak, and as far as his eyes could see, the yard inside the Chaotianguan gate and the archway outside the gate could clearly see all the people who were rushing to repair and those who directed the repairs.

Huang Jin also stood still behind him.

Although he was sick, it might be related to taking pills all the year round. Jiajing now has black beard and hair, and his eyesight is also very good. In fact, this is the most confusing part of pills.With piercing eyes, he first searched for the people painting and grinding the steps inside the Guanmen, but he didn't see Feng Bao.His eyes moved to the outside of the archway, and he soon found Feng Bao.

The archway was the last project. After the repairs were completed, the scaffolding was dismantled. At this time, they had to be transported out of the palace one by one. Two laborers were lifting a long wooden frame to Feng Bao's shoulder. Holding the wood on his shoulders and supporting his thighs with one hand, he straightened his waist, and walked to a car with difficulty on the snow with the big long log on his shoulders, but there was no one to help him here, and he squatted slowly Get down and unload the long log on your shoulders to the cart. Fortunately, the long log is firmly supported on the piled timber on the cart.

There were still three long logs left under the archway, Feng Bao let out a breath, and walked over again, but the overseer eunuch in a cloak suddenly shouted to the two foremen who carried the logs: "Don't do your business, rest!" Go ahead, let Feng Bao move these by himself!"

The two laborers immediately clapped their hands and walked towards the small work shed opposite the archway.

Jiajing watched steadily, and Huang Jin also opened his eyes wide.

There are still many painters in Guanmen who are painting a few places for the last time.Feng Bao was the only one left to move the wood in front of the archway.

Feng Bao wiped off his sweat, so he had to walk alone to the long logs under the archway, but when he got to the long logs, he was stumped looking at the long logs that were thick and long and slippery with snow. , How to carry them on the shoulders, it is really difficult for him alone.

The eunuch in the cloak: "Don't move yet, just stand here and wait for the Chinese New Year!"

Feng Bao didn't say a word, walked to the thinner end of a long log, raised his hands, and put them on his shoulders with great effort, thinking that only by moving his shoulders to the point of strength in the middle of the long log could he lift the log, so The body slowly moved forward bit by bit, the long log slowly stood up on the shoulders, Feng Bao's body also slowly straightened up, it must be a little bit of strength, Feng Bao put his hands to support the thick log in front of him. Head, but can't hold it up after a few times.Suddenly the whip came, Feng Bao lashed out in pain, and stood upright not to let the log fall.

The supervisor and eunuch: "Aren't you capable? You can't move a piece of wood, and you are still thinking about becoming a eunuch with palm prints in the future? I will count to three times. If you can't move it, just gnaw this piece of wood." .one, two..."

Before the word "three" could be uttered, Feng Bao slammed his hands together, and the piece of wood lay across his shoulders. Immediately after he swung his body, the back end of the long piece of wood hit the eunuch's head hard. The eunuch immediately fell to the ground!
Feng Bao carried the wood to the front of the car, and unloaded it on the car without bending his shoulders.

"Good!" Huang Jin couldn't help cheering in a low voice.

Jiajing slowly turned his head and looked at him.

Huang Jin lowered his head.

Jiajing turned his head to look over there again.

I saw Feng Bao walked up to one of the two remaining long logs, and just like moving the previous long log, he lifted the thin end, put it on his shoulder and moved it forward.

The eunuch, the supervisor, had already stood up, gritted his teeth, walked behind him and gave him a whip, and jumped away when he was done. He whipped the ground, and jumped away after the whip.Feng Bao endured the pain and continued to move forward.

"Master, the slave has to take care of it." Huang Jinxian begged Jiajing angrily.

Jiajing: "What do you care?"

Huang Jin: "Feng Bao committed a heinous crime. After all, he has served the eldest son for several years. It's not their turn to be punished."

Jiajing: "That slave is Chen Hong's slave, right?"

Huang Jin: "Return to master, that's right."

Jiajing: "Then don't worry about it. You can't beat Chen Hong."

Huang Jinwu was not convinced, so he had no choice but to swallow the breath with saliva.

Jiajing looked at Feng Bao who was carrying the long log and walked towards the car, and suddenly said, "This is probably the one who can kill Chen Hong from now on!"

Huang Jin was startled.

Jiajing went on to say: "In the future, don't be too straightforward, don't talk back to Chen Hong in person, I'm doing this for your own good."

Huang Jin was completely stunned there, his mind was in chaos.

"It should be those people who have come." Jiajing faced the heavenly watch but listened to the forbidden door behind him, and suddenly said this sentence again.

How could Huang Jin's brain keep up with this master, he hadn't figured out what he said just now, but when he heard him say this again suddenly, he had to ask, "Who is here? Who did the master say is coming?"

Jiajing: "Just look back."

Huang Jin still didn't hear anything at this time, so he turned his head and looked at the forbidden gate of the palace wall, and was immediately startled.

——Half a mile away from the forbidden gate, there were indeed many lanterns illuminating many people running towards the forbidden gate!

"Someone is really coming!" Huang Jin was startled and suspicious, and looked carefully, this time he could see clearly, "Master, it seems that they are all officials, there are one hundred and ten people coming to the forbidden gate!"

Jiajing still sat there without moving: "I brought you here just to let you see what kind of officials I am in Ming Dynasty. Then let you see how powerful Chen Hong is!"

In front of the forbidden gate were Li Qingyuan's people, numbered a hundred and ten, at this time each of them was holding a memorial book in their hands, and they all knelt down outside the forbidden gate.

The imperial guards on duty outside the forbidden gate of Xiyuan are all young people. They have never seen such a scene in their experience. They only heard that the current emperor was fighting for a "big ceremony" with his officials more than 40 years ago. There was an incident where more than 200 officials collectively went to the evacuation outside Zuoshun Gate. That time, the emperor was so angry that he rode to death on the spot, injured dozens of people, and arrested dozens of people.Since then, although there have been officials who went to the shuffle, there were only a few people at most, and there has never been so many people going to the shuffle collectively.Now that the Yan Party has collapsed, it is Xu Jie who is in charge, and Xu Ge has always been good to officials. Why did such a big incident suddenly happen, and it was just around the time of the Chinese New Year?They were all nervous, lined up, and guarded the forbidden door tightly with knives and guns.

Today, leading the guards on duty is a senior eunuch from the Criminal Division, standing on the steps in the middle of the gate outside the gate: "What are you doing here? Are you trying to plot rebellion?"

Li Qingyuan knelt in the middle of the first row, and held up the memorial: "In my Ming Dynasty, there are ministers who remonstrate with death, and there are no ministers who rebel! We have memorials to be presented directly to the emperor!"

The eunuch: "There is a way to go to Shangshu. First, you will communicate with the political envoy, and then the general political envoy will hand over to the chief inspector. Don't you know this rule?"

Another official kneeling next to Li Qingyuan replied loudly: "We are participating in the General Administration, as well as the officials of the various ministries, and the cabinet! We can't leave this to them!"

Li Qingyuan immediately said: "Eunuch, please submit our memorial directly to the emperor immediately!"

All the officials had discussed it, and at this time they all said in unison: "Please accept the advice of the emperor!"

Xiyuan has been a forbidden palace for more than 20 years, and it was very quiet after nightfall. Suddenly, more than a hundred people roared in unison, and the sound shook the night sky. Many resident birds on the trees were startled and flew up.Even on this small dirt hill, there are many birds flying!

Huang Jin was worried, and quickly straightened the back of her hands and bent over to cover Jiajing who was still sitting on the cloak from the side: "Master, master, let's go back to the palace first."

Jiajing sat there without moving: "How old are you this year?"

Huang Jin was anxious, but had no choice but to answer: "The master knows that this slave is forty years old. The master is shocked here! The slave has to serve the master back to the palace immediately."

A light flashed in Jiajing's eyes, and murderous intent was revealed in his tone: "Shocking? You haven't seen the shocking thing. It's been more than 40 years, and the people who made trouble with me that time were much more than this time. It's better." I was still a bachelor. I dealt with two or three hundred people by myself and killed them all! Lu Fang was by my side at that time, but it is a pity that you were too young to meet me."

Only then did Huang Jin fully understand that the master brought him out alone tonight just to wait for this moment, his heart tightened suddenly, he couldn't tell whether it was fear, nervousness or sadness, why did he want to be with his courtiers as a gentleman? How about fighting like this?He was stunned there.After a while, he still said: "Master..."

"Shut up!" Jiajing immediately sternly said, "One more word, you go down and carry wood with Feng Bao!"

Huang Jin was stunned.

Jiajing softened his tone again: "It's time for Xu Jie and Chen Hong to come out, watch carefully, and write down everything you saw today when you write "Records" to me in the future. I didn't provoke them, it was they who provoked me."

"Yes..." Huang Jin turned around slowly, and looked outside the forbidden door not far away.

Xu Jie was led by Zhao Zhenji at the front, followed by Li Chunfang and Gao Gong, followed by two teams of imperial guards, all holding torches, surrounded by four cabinet members, and walked to the stone steps under the eaves of the Xiyuan forbidden gate stopped.

When more than 100 people kneeling there saw them, they didn't make a sound, but still held the memorial in their hands high.

Xu Jie slowly looked at the crowd and spoke slowly: "The state affairs are difficult, and we have not done well. I am sorry to our ancestors, I am sorry to the emperor, I am sorry to you, and I am sorry to the people of the world. But things have to be done step by step. At this time , everyone shouldn’t come here, alarming Sheng Jia, how can you and I bear it?”

(End of this chapter)

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