Chapter 130

"Mr. Xu Ge!" Li Qingyuan replied on behalf of all the officials, "Your cabinet has already said this many times. I don't know how long it will take to do it step by step as Mr. Ge said? The Holy Majesty handed over all the land and mountains of Ming Dynasty I leave it to you, there is no military pay for defending against the Tatars in the north, and fighting against Japanese pirates in the south, so many refugees and disaster victims starved to death everywhere, and in the past two days in Shuntian Mansion, one or two thousand starved to death! We have not come here at this time, When are you going to come here!"

Zhao Zhenji continued: "You are exaggerating and alarmist! Who said that the north and the south did not allocate military salaries? How can there be starvation everywhere? Early in the morning, the Ministry of Households received the starvation of people in Daxing and Wanping. We immediately used military rations from Tongzhou to send people Don’t you know about this? The Ministry of Household Affairs owes you your salary, isn’t it just reissuing it bit by bit? Several people in our cabinet haven’t received their salary this year, so what can I do to you? I told you, Master Gao also told you, I must find a way to make up for the salary owed to you in the spring of next year, why are you making trouble at this time? Knowing that the palace built for the emperor will be completed soon, Daddy On the auspicious day of the Chinese New Year, do you have to make trouble so that the emperor has a bad year before you are willing to retire?"

"We didn't come here to complain about the lack of salary!" The official next to Li Qingyuan answered loudly, "We don't have money to celebrate the New Year, we can go there with a bowl of porridge and a bite of cabbage. We are here to tell the truth to the emperor, so that the emperor can ask you What have these cabinet ministers and ministers been doing for the past two years? It will be the 45th year of Jiajing, what strategies do you have to save my Ming country and my subjects!"


"Talk back to us!"

All the officials roared together.

"Where's Chen Hong!" Jiajing suddenly asked on Tushan, "Didn't Chen Hong come?"

Huang Jin looked into the forbidden door, and at a glance, he saw that there were already many people standing in the forbidden door, all of them were holding torches, some were holding court sticks, some were holding long whips, They were all lined up and quietly waiting for instructions.

"Return to the master." Huang Jin then said to Jiajing who was still sitting facing the Chaotian Temple, "Many people from the Division of Criminal Justice and the Division of Zhenfu have come, but Chen Hong is not there."

"Do you know where he went?" Jiajing looked sideways at Huang Jin.

Huang Jin: "How does the servant know?"

Jiajing: "He is looking for me. If he wants me to make an order, he will kill me so much."

Huang Jin: "The servant understands."

"We want to see the emperor!"

"We want to present the memorial to the emperor!"

Not far away from the forbidden gate came the roar of hundreds of officials.

"Your Majesty!" Huang Jin exclaimed in shock, "Old Xu Ge and the others knelt down to all the officials!"

Jiajing's body also moved.

Huang Jin then shouted: "Chen Hong is here!"

Jiajing sat there motionless again.

Seeing Chen Hong striding forward, the eunuchs and eunuchs of the Division of Probation, Division of Prosecution and Jin Yiwei who were waiting in line inside the forbidden gate all knelt down in unison when they saw Chen Hong striding forward.

Looking out from the gate, Chen Hong saw Xu Jie, Li Chunfang, Gao Gong and Zhao Zhenji all kneeling on the steps facing the officials, who were still shouting.

Chen Hong's eyes were fierce, and his face was full of anxiety. He walked back and forth in the two kneeling queues, and suddenly stopped: "Master Long Live is in the Qing Dynasty, and it is too late to ask for orders. Get up!"

Zuo Ti Xing and Right Zhen Fu, those people all stood up.

Chen Hong raised one hand in the air, and suddenly swung it down: "Rush out, hit!"

"Yes!" With a roar, the two teams rushed out like arrows.

Under the shadow of the lamp, I saw the whip and stick waved together, and the people fell like mud!
Poor those civil servants, they knelt there one by one without comprehending themselves, some of them were knocked to the ground, and blood flowed from their heads and faces.

Gao Gong was the first to wake up, and immediately stood up from the stone steps: "Who told you to beat people? Stop! Stop!"

Xu Jie had also been helped up by Zhao Zhenji, and his face turned pale when he saw this: "Eunuch Chen! Eunuch Chen! You can't do this! Tell them to stop..."

Li Chunfang also got up: "A big deal happened, a big deal happened..."

Chen Hong was standing in the middle of the steps next to them, and he ignored them at all at this moment, watching his subordinates beating people there.

"Meng Jing! Help me over there!" Xu Jie was already in a hurry, and with Zhao Zhenji's support, he walked towards the beating place.

Gao Gong was on the other side of him and walked over together.

"Stop!" Xu Jie shouted.

"Stop!" Gao Gong also shouted.

After all, they were cabinet members. Wherever they went, the people from the Division of Prosecution and Division of Prosecution stopped beating people, but the whips and sticks surrounding the officials were still waving.

"Chen Hong!" Xu Jie turned his head suddenly, "If you don't stop, just beat me too!"

"That's all!" Chen Hong gave an order.

Those whips and sticks stopped immediately.

Except for some officials kneeling in the middle who were lucky enough not to be beaten, the officials kneeling all around had been beaten to the ground, some were moaning, and some had passed out.

On the dirt hill, Jiajing was still sitting there quietly, and even at this moment, he didn't turn around to see the tragedy that happened in front of the forbidden gate.

Facing him, Huang Jin knelt down: "Slave wants to participate in Chen Hong! Master Rong Zuo!"

Jiajing looked at him slowly: "What are you going to do with him?"

Huang Jin: "I didn't ask for an order to beat all the officials. This is arrogance!"

Jiajing: "Why did he beat all the officials?"

Huang Jin: "All the officials are wrong, and it's nothing more than dissatisfaction with Mr. Xu Ge and the others. The last negligence will not be so cruel."

"You are too honest." Jiajing finally stood up slowly, "They are not dissatisfied with Xu Jie, nor are they dissatisfied with the cabinet. Retirement. Yan Song and Yan Shifan dare to do this? I use Chen Hong, and I use the word "ruthless" in him. If there is no Chen Hong, my Ming Dynasty will be turned upside down immediately."

Huang Jin is also an old man in charge of ceremonies, but usually he is only on duty and never thinks about these things. Today, he brought Jiajing here, saw the scene face to face, and heard the words of the emperor with his own ears. Master is a frightening and honest man, at this moment, he only felt a ray of cold air rise from the soles of his feet to his forehead!
Jiajing: "I don't want to do this either, but I have to. Now you should understand why I let Lu Fang go to Nanjing, right?"

Huang Jin looked at Jiajing blankly: "Slave, I don't understand..."

Jiajing: "Lv Fang won't do such a thing, and I don't want him to do it either." As he spoke, he walked down the mountain.

How could Huang Jin's brain keep up with him? At this time, he didn't have time to fetch the lantern, and he didn't even take his own cloak. He chased after Jiajing and helped him. He only recognized the path under his feet and supported him with the peripheral vision coming from far and near. Go in the other direction.

I could no longer see the side of the forbidden door, but I heard a lot of crying over there.

"That Hai Rui doesn't seem to be among the people in Shangshu today?" Jiajing suddenly said this again.

Huang Jin was startled again, so he had no choice but to continue: "It's the slave's fault. The Governor of the town has a report in the evening. It seems that Hai Rui was sent by Zhao Zhenji to Daxing to help the victims..."

"If Zhao Zhenji doesn't send him an errand, he won't come either." Jiajing quickened his pace, "Go up and down, keep an eye on this person."

What is "up and down"?How did Huang Jin know that this was a divination made by Jiajing when the Zhejiang case was difficult, so he told Lu Fang alone at that time.From then on, the name "Hai Rui" often surfaced in his mind.The inscription of Liubiju made him feel that Hai Rui's "lower" and his "higher" would one day have a relationship between ruler and minister.As for what variables will arise from the hexagrams and lines, he is waiting.He has always believed that the lack of power in the court and the silence of all horses is because in the 44 years of his imperial reign, among so many courtiers in the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty, God has never born a single person who can get along with him as a "supreme" The hexagram of "Qian Xia" made the Manchu dynasty submissive, and the Qian hexagram did not arise.He has repeatedly warned the sky, and it is precisely because he is independent that he can only talk to the sky.Today, after finally waiting for a group of Qingliu officials to make trouble, they are still so vulnerable.Looking around with a sword, they are all rotten soldiers.This kind of long-term fatigue caused by "the only yang does not grow", and the extreme loss of "the solitary yin does not grow" due to the perennial fatigue, how can others understand it?
Including Huang Jin, of course they couldn't understand, but at this moment they had no choice but to reply: "My slave understands."

In fact, Jiajing himself never understood that as the No.11 emperor of the Ming Dynasty, his name is naturally the "Qian" of Zhiyang; but as Zhu Houcong himself, who has been practicing Taoism all the year round and has an extremely gloomy personality, he is not the yin and yang fish in the Taiji diagram the sun, but the yin.

Hai Rui is the most masculine sun!
When all the officials gathered at the Forbidden Gate of Xiyuan, and the "Zuoshunmen incident" happened again after 40 years, Hai Rui rushed to Daxing County on the same day despite the cold weather.

Daxing County belongs to Shuntian Prefecture, which is only fifty or sixty miles away from the capital. There is such a miserable scene under the feet of the emperor. Although Hai Rui has two county magistrates' experience and has personally experienced several catastrophes, the current incident still makes him unbearable to witness. , can't believe it.

More than a dozen porridge sheds have been set up under his stern supervision, and more than a dozen large pots are cooking porridge on the fire, but the living people do not rush to line up, but sit or lie down everywhere. On the snowy ground, these people didn't even have the strength to stand up.

What's more tragic, not far from the living people, there were many dead people lying on the snow. At this time, the people recruited by Daxing County Government pulled the bamboo mats from the car and wrapped them up one by one.

Hai Rui's eyes were full of sadness, and he turned his head to look at a porridge shed, his gaze immediately became severe.

The county magistrate of Daxing also came, and he was wearing a thick fur cloak, and there was an servant who moved a chair for him and placed it in front of a large pot of stove to warm up there.

Hai Rui told the secretary office of the household department next to him, "Call the magistrate of Daxing County over here."

"Yes." The book office walked to the stove, "Master County, our Master Hai invites you to come over."

The county magistrate stood up and walked to Hai Rui's side: "Master Hai."

Hai Rui: "How do you bury so many dead people?"

The county magistrate: "I'm looking for someone right now, and I'm going to dig a big pit for a funeral, and I'll bury it in one place."

Hai Rui: "There are so many alive, even if there is a bowl of porridge to drink, where will they sleep at night?"

The county magistrate sighed: "I am also worried. There is no place for so many people to sleep."

Hai Rui: "Then let them freeze to death?"

The county magistrate of Daxing is also a sixth rank, and seeing Hai Rui's stern voice, he was not happy: "Who would have thought they would freeze to death?"

"The porridge shed is not set up in the city, and so many people stay in the wilderness in the snowy weather, isn't it just to let them freeze to death!" Hai Rui's gaze stabbed at the county magistrate.

"So many people have entered the city, how can they be resettled?" The county magistrate showed no sign of weakness.

Hai Rui: "Where do you sleep? Where does your family sleep? Don't they all live in the city? If you have a place to sleep, you won't be able to accommodate these refugees!"

The county magistrate was startled: "Master Hai, Hai, how can you talk like that..."

Hai Rui: "What do you want me to say? The imperial court handed over Daxing County to you. The people in Daxing are your people. Do you treat your own son and daughter like this? Let me tell you, I have already given the food to you. You have brought it here, if it is not enough, I will ask the Ministry of Households for it. From today on, if one person starves to death or freezes to death, I will join you in the imperial court!"

The county magistrate was a little discouraged: "Then Master Hai gave me an idea, what should I do if you come to be my county magistrate?"

Hai Rui: "Free up the county government office, free up the county school, temples, Taoist temples, and some big families, all the places that can be freed up in the county, let the refugees live in!"

County magistrate: "Yes, is there such a rule?"

Hai Rui: "Let me tell you, I have the same rules in Chun'an and Xingguo Dangzhi counties! After serving this porridge, we set up a porridge shed in the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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