Chapter 131

After saying this, Hai Rui ignored him, strode towards the people on the snowy ground, and said loudly, "The porridge will be ready soon! Folks and folks, please sit up if you can, and please sit up if you can stand." Stand up, if you lie down again, you won’t be able to get up! We’ll all move to the city after drinking the porridge, and your county magistrate will arrange a house for you! Listen to me, if you can’t get up, please ask someone else to help you Put it!" As he spoke, he walked up to an old man and squatted down, took the dying old man's arm onto his shoulder, and half hugged and half supported him up.

Helping the old man up, Hai Rui looked towards the county magistrate and the guards: "You are still standing, do you want me to invite you one by one?"

The servants and others rushed over.

In this way, Hai Rui guarded the victims in Daxing County for the 45th year of Jiajing, and it was already the evening of the fifth day of the first lunar month when he returned home.Only the mother and wife spent this year at home.

Hai Rui's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his face was so thin that his cheekbones were exposed in just a few days, and the official uniform he was wearing was already filthy. He even put on a smile when facing his mother and wife: "Mother, my son is not filial. , I couldn’t spend New Year’s Eve with my mother at home.” As he spoke, he turned to look at his wife, “Hurry up and help Auntie to sit down, let’s give Auntie New Year’s greetings.”

Hai's wife hurried over to help Haimu to sit down on the chair in the middle. Haimu looked at her son with loving eyes and said, "No need, you look like this, hurry up and eat something hot, take a wash and rest first."

Hai Rui had already knelt down, and although Hai's wife was pregnant, she also knelt down beside him: "My son and daughter-in-law have wished my mother a happy new year, and wish my mother a long life!" After saying that, Hai Rui kowtowed.Kai's wife put her hands on her stomach and bent down.

Haimu: "Okay, help your daughter-in-law up."

Hai Rui raised his head and went to help his wife. Just when he raised one leg and was about to stand up, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he fell down with a thud.

"Ru Xian!"


Hai Rui could no longer hear Hai Mu and Hai Wife's calling.

On this day, this night, the Qintian Supervisor in Xiyuan chose the auspicious time for Yujia to move to the new palace-the end of the first month of the 45th year of Jiajing, and the auspicious time was not in line with the astronomical phenomenon-heavy snow fell The world is chaotic, and the 36 lanterns in the outer courtyard of Yuxi Palace are dim and yellow in the heavy snow. You need to look carefully to see: 36 lanterns are in the front, which signifies the number of 72 heavenly gangs, and 72 lanterns are behind, signifying [-] The number of earth evil.The inside and outside of Yuxi Palace are brilliant.

Under the dim light of 32 lanterns, the emperor's 32 eunuchs carrying dragons could be vaguely seen in the heavy snow in the middle of the road in front of the stone steps of the main hall, and [-] eunuchs carrying eunuchs knelt on one leg and waited under their respective sedan chair poles.

On the left side of Longyu, there are the temple masters and Taoists holding law enforcement weapons.

On the right side of Longyu, there are Xuandu temple masters and Taoists holding law enforcement weapons.

Xu Jie led the six officials of the Jiuqing Hall to kneel and wait on the stone steps of the main hall. Officials below the third rank suffered a lot. Although there was an order for them to stand, they all stood on the stone steps and the ground outside the hall. One person's body was not covered with snow, all eyes were dimly looking at the opened Yuxi palace gate.

In the center of the brightly lit Yuxi Palace Hall stands a large copper kettle hourglass.

In the silence, the dripping of the big copper pot can be clearly heard.

In every direction of the main hall stood eunuchs holding imperial relics and waiting with bated breath.

There was only one person walking in the hall at this time, although his steps were extremely light, his momentum was still compelling, and that was Chen Hong.But I saw him stepping to the gate of Tongjingshe for a while to listen to the noise inside, and for a while he walked to the big copper pot to look at the carved wood slowly floating up, going back and forth like this without stopping for a moment.This made the figures of the cabinet officials kneeling outside the door and the officials of the Six Departments of the Nine Ministers so short that Chen Hong was so abrupt that he flew up alone.

Everyone inside and outside the hall was waiting for the end of the unitary hour, waiting for Jiajing in the jingshe to ring the bronze chime.At that time, the Jingyang Bell will ring one hundred and eight times, and the Taoists of Chaotian Temple and Xuandu Temple will play fairy music in unison, and then the whole city of Beijing will hear the sound of guns and guns. moved.

There was also a copper kettle with an hourglass in the abode. Huang Jin stood quietly by the copper kettle and stared at the floating wooden carving, not daring to look away for a moment.

Jiajing changed into the Taoist gown embroidered with five thousand words of the "Tao Te Ching", with his hair still tied up and only a black ribbon tied, sitting cross-legged on the futon, looking at a congratulatory watch in his hand.

A huge vanilla crown was quietly placed on the coffee table on the left side of him, and the bronze chime was placed on the rosewood stand on the right side of him.More than a dozen congratulatory forms that have already been read are stacked on the right side of the short table in front of him.

Jiajing finished reading the congratulatory form in his hand, threw it on the stack of congratulatory forms on the right side of the short couple, and shot the last congratulatory form left on the left side of the short couple, but stopped taking it, and suddenly asked : "Here are all the congratulatory forms?"

Huang Jin's gaze was fixed on the woodcut, and at this moment he quickly turned his head and replied, "Master, it's all here."

"No more?" Jiajing's face was already very ugly when he asked this sentence.

In fact, Huang Jin had been waiting for him to ask this question for a long time, and was also worried that he would ask this question, so he answered according to the caliber that he had discussed with Xu Jie in advance: "The slave is confused, thinking about the auspicious time to start driving, and unexpectedly Forget about this matter. When Mr. Xu Ge sent the congratulatory form, he asked the servants to pass it on to the emperor. He was worried that it would be too tiring for every official to present a congratulatory form, so he only asked each of the six departments and nine ministers to present a congratulatory form. It doesn't make the master too tired, but also conveys the loyalty and love of all my subjects in Daming to the master."

Jiajing laughed, a grim smile: "I'm not afraid that I'll be tired if every official presents a memorial, but I'm afraid that I'll be tired if every official presents a congratulatory form? It's just to see how many houses I built. Some people suffered a lot years ago. Chen Hong scolded me in his heart for beating me, and he didn't want to show his congratulations. Huang Jin, Xu Jie used these words to fool me, and you also fooled me?"

Huang Jin immediately knelt down: "Master! The master is the ruler of the world. The ruler has a safe place to live. The subjects of the world can only be happy. How could they be so heartless. On the day of great auspiciousness, all the ministers and servants are happy That said, the master is an immortal Buddha who came to the world, so he should be very happy."

There was no trace of joy in Jiajing's eyes. He wanted to refute him again, but when he saw his begging eyes, he stopped looking at him and turned his gaze to the door inside the monastery, and passed through the window on the south wall that opened directly opposite the door. , looking at the twinkling stars in the distant sky, suddenly murmured to himself a poem: "There are thousands of buildings in Ande, which shelters the poor and the poor in the world. Woo hoo! Frozen to death is enough!"

Huang Jin turned pale with shock: "Master, on this auspicious day, master must not..."

"Shut up!" Jiajing had already closed his eyes.

Huang Jin had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

The dripping of the big copper pot is getting louder and louder!
Chen Hong, who lowered his head and stared at the hourglass woodcut, raised his head abruptly, walked quickly to the entrance of the main hall, and made a gesture of preparing to issue orders.

Xu Jie and those officials straightened up.

The two groups of Taoists in Daping outside the hall took up the magical instrument Xianle.

Countless pairs of eyes were looking at Chen Hong's upraised hand, waiting for the hand to be pressed down, and they shouted long live and rang the bell to play music.

Chen Hong raised his hand high, his left ear was almost stretched, just waiting for the bronze chime in the monastery to ring.

Huang Jin kept his eyes straight, the last woodcut of the word "尤" on the copper pot woodcut had surfaced, and the word "Xu" could already be seen through the water.

With a smile all over his face, Huang Jinqiang took out the chime from the copper chime, raised his legs high and knelt down towards Jiajing: "The heaven and the earth are auspicious and the time is good, the slave will start to drive, the master, Long Live!"

Jiajing slowly opened his eyes, looking at the chime and pestle that Huang Jin was holding in front of him, but he didn't move.

The dripping sound of the copper kettle became louder, and Jiajing remained motionless. Huang Jin felt every drop of water dripping from the copper kettle land on his forehead and heart, and the water droplets turned into sweat again from his hair. It ran down the face.

Jiajing finally stretched out his hand slowly, grabbed the chime and pestle, glanced at the copper chime beside him, suddenly raised the chime and pestle and threw it to the ground!The chime and pestle immediately broke into several sections, and many fragments burst into pieces!

Huang Jin knelt there and his eyes were straight!
He only heard a sound inside, Chen Hong was about to press down with his hand, but he stopped immediately—with a look of astonishment on his face!
Xu Jie and the others who were kneeling by the door also heard the sound. It was not the knocking of the copper chime, but the sound of smashing things. Everyone was shocked!
All eyes were looking in the direction of the Abode.

From the gate of the main hall, it can be seen that those people waiting in Daping are also there in astonishment.

Everything returned to silence again, and the heavy snow all over the sky was actually less at this time, and the [-] lanterns on the upper Yingtiangang and the lower Yingdisha were shining brightly.

No one dared to move, everyone was waiting, waiting for the unknown sound coming from below.

Jiajing took out an imperial edict from his sleeve and threw it at Huang Jin who was kneeling on the ground: "Go out and announce the edict!"

Huang Jinsheng came to his senses, quickly picked up the imperial decree, kowtowed, got up, and staggered towards the outside of the monastery.

Chen Hong finally heard footsteps from the jingshe, and then saw Huang Jin coming out.

Chen Hong immediately greeted him, and lowered his voice: "What's going on?"

Huang Jin didn't even look at him, and went straight to the gate of the palace, walked out of the gate and stood there.

Countless eyes turned to Huang Jin who was standing at the gate of the hall.

When did Huang Jin have such a big aura, standing there like a big mountain, making everyone hold their breath.

Huang Jin unfolded the imperial decree: "Shangyu!"

"Long live!" Everyone reacted immediately and replied in unison. The ministers who were kneeling all knelt down, and those who were standing on the stone steps and the palace grounds knelt down.

Chen Hongben was still angry with Huang Jin at the entrance of the hall, so he had no choice but to kneel down in the hall.Behind him, all the eunuchs who were holding imperial objects all knelt down.

Huang Jin didn't know the content of this decree beforehand, so he read in a trembling voice: "I have been in the imperial court for forty five years! Respect the heavens and cultivate your body, you can't sleep on a couch, you don't eat five flavors, and you don't take more than eight sets. There are thousands of buildings in the building to avoid and do not live in, thinking that there are still people who have nothing to stand in the world. Therefore, they moved to Xiyuan, only seeking a place for self-cultivation, so as to avoid the wind and rain. However, the construction of Wanshou Palace and Yongshou Palace was criticized by the world. No one from the hundred officials came to congratulate me? And because there are hungry people in the wild, and officials who owe their salaries to complain to me, my virtue is so thin that it is almost like this! I will entrust hundreds of trillions of subjects in the two capitals and thirteen provinces to the cabinet and the government. There are various ministries and divisions. In the past, Yan Song and his sons and their henchmen harmed the people because of their greed for ink, but now Xu Jie and other ministers have acted helplessly and hesitated to harm the country. All parties are guilty, and I am the only one who is guilty!" After reading this, Huang Jin has already His face was sweating, his mouth was dry, and he couldn't read anymore.

Xu Jie and other ministers all prostrated themselves on the ground, all inexplicably terrified.

Huang Jin finally brewed a mouthful of body fluid, moistened his tongue, and then read: "All the officials criticize me, I am sick! The people are hungry and die, I am worried! Do you want to live in the Longevity Palace and the Yongshou Palace? Zhuer, Xu Jie and others will work with King Yu to come up with a good plan to secure my Ming Dynasty and save my people. The world is restless, the people are restless, and I will not move to the Wanshou Palace and Yongshou Palace. I respect this.”

In order to repair these two palaces and two views for him, Xu Jie and others racked their brains and did not hesitate to demolish the east wall and the west.Now when it was time to move, he suddenly stopped moving, and scolded all the officials, and the crime spread to everyone. The reason was that all the officials in Beijing did not show their congratulations after being severely beaten.It is said that there are unpredictable things in the sky, after all, the foundation knows the rain, and the moon halo knows the wind, and there are traces to be found.But this emperor is so unpredictable, not only is there rain when there is no moisture, and wind when there is no dizziness, it is simply a drought, thunder, and hail!After listening to the decree, Xu Jie and the others froze physically and mentally.

Everyone was stunned, but Xu Jie, the chief assistant, had to make a statement. He tried his best to put his hands on the ground, raised his head, and said loudly: "Minister Xu Jie and others are in the cabinet. Their behavior is helpless and hesitant to harm the country. I left the father's worries. I beg my sage, Shanglong, to move to the Longevity Palace and Yongshou Palace, and make up for the unforgivable crimes of my ministers. Otherwise, my ministers will die in peace!" The grievance turned into a wail, and the old tears flowed freely!

The other three members of the cabinet, the six ministries and the nine court officials were also extremely wronged. At this time, Xu Jie's mournful voice touched their hearts, and they burst into tears together!
Huang Jin, who was standing in front of them announcing the decree, also turned around and knelt down at this time, and then burst into tears.

Standing in Dapingli, the two temple masters of Chaotian Temple and Xuandu Temple had other countermeasures at this time. They looked at each other and chanted the spell aloud.Immediately afterwards, the Taoists behind them recited the spell together.

For a while, the sound of crying, chanting mantras and the growing cold wind in the middle of the night combined, and the main hall of Yuxi Palace swayed in the lights, as if it was about to be floated up by this wave-like sound!

(End of this chapter)

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