Chapter 132

After returning from Daxing, Hai Rui suddenly fell ill and became unconscious. This was the first time in Haimu's nearly 50 years of memory.A mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law have no children who answer the door. The poor two women, one old and one pregnant, half dragged and half carried Hai Rui to the nearby Haimu's bed, and covered him with the thin bed that Haimu usually made. quilt.In desperation, Hai's wife begged the neighbor on the opposite side. The neighbor knew that Mr. Hai was an upright official, so he was entrusted to send someone to inform Wang Yongji.Upon hearing the news, Wang Yongji went to Prince Yu's mansion first with a long follower, called out Li Shizhen, and rushed to Haizhai, it was already time to sign up.

Hai Rui was lying on the bed still awake, with his eyes closed and his teeth clenched.Li Shizhen sat silently on the stool beside the bed, with three fingers on his wrist.

At this time, Hai's wife didn't care about avoiding suspicion, she stood aside and kept crying, while Hai's mother sat beside her son's bed, holding his son's hand with one hand, and wiping away tears with the other.

Wang Yongji was also full of anxiety, staring at Li Shizhen to diagnose Hai Rui's pulse.

Li Shizhen let go of her hand: "Prepare a few things."

"What?" Wang Yongji hurriedly asked.

Both Haimu and Haiwife held back their tears and looked closely at Li Shizhen.

Li Shizhen: "Bring all the quilts at home to cover him, and bring a brazier to light a big fire."

"I'll get the quilt!" Hai Wife hurried over.

Wang Yongji immediately said to the long follower standing outside the door, "Go to the kitchen, move the brazier and firewood!"

The long follower immediately rushed out towards the main entrance of the living room.

"He is fifty this year, and he has never been like this before." Haimu said and looked at Li Shizhen with tears in her eyes, "Why did he become so ill all of a sudden?"

Li Shizhen: "Mrs. Tai, don't worry. Brother Gangfeng was originally an extremely yang body, and he is very resistant to wind and cold. But when he suddenly arrived in an extremely cold place, because he didn't eat or sleep for several days and nights, the extreme yang was exhausted and the extreme yin was born. , the wind and cold invaded the musculoskeletal, so this."

Haimu immediately changed her expression: "Is it important?"

Li Shizhen hurriedly answered: "It doesn't matter if I'm here. First sweat profusely, and then prepare a bowl of hot porridge. After drinking it, I'll slowly adjust it for him."

"There is porridge in the kitchen, I'll heat it up." Haimu immediately stood up.

Wang Yongji supported her: "Mrs. Tai, let me go."

Haimu: "I heat the porridge, I know where it is. Please help me accompany Dr. Li."

"Then Mrs. Tai is good to go." Wang Yongji had no choice but to let go of Haimu.

While talking, Hai's wife had brought a quilt, Wang Yongji quickly took it and covered Hai Rui.

"Not enough." Li Shizhen said, "Please bring as many quilts as you have."

Hai Wife stood there with her head bowed, tears streaming down her eyes again: "This is the only quilt at home..."

Li Shizhen and Wang Yongji met their eyes, and both of them felt sour.

Wang Yongji was about to put it on the chair and copied his own cloak and Li Shizhen's cloak to cover Hai Rui's quilt.

The long follower came in carrying a lit pot of fire.

"Brighten the fire!" Wang Yongji said to the long attendant, and at the same time went to take off the cotton robe on his body.

The long follower quickly got down and blew on the fire, and the fire blazed up.

Wang Yongji had already covered Hai Rui with his cotton robe.I only wore an inner cloth gown and a thick cloth jacket.

"Bring more firewood and burn it bigger." Li Shizhen said loudly.

The long follower ran out again.

At this time, Li Shizhen also took off the cotton robe she was wearing, and covered it with Wang Yongji's cotton robe.

Hai Wife burst into tears, and also went to untie her belt.

"No way!" Wang Yongji hurriedly stopped Hai's wife, "Sister-in-law who is pregnant should not catch the cold anymore. Also go to the kitchen to help Mrs. Tai, I am here."

Hai's wife still had to take off the coarse cotton shirt on her body.

"That's enough." Li Shizhen also stepped forward to stop her, "My wife is going to get sick again and hurt the fetus, and I can't help you. Listen to Mr. Wang, go to the kitchen and help Mrs. Tai."

Only then did Hai Wife shed tears, bowed her head and walked out.

Wang Yongji came in again with his long suit, but he only held a few sticks of firewood in his arms.

Wang Yongji: "The firewood is gone?"

The long follower nodded: "There are still a few sticks left, Mrs. Tai wants hot porridge."

Wang Yongji looked at Li Shizhen, and Li Shizhen also looked at Wang Yongji.

The worried eyes face each other, and the four eyes are sad.

"It's so cold in Gangfeng, my friend didn't do his best!" Wang Yongji blamed himself, and turned to the long follower, "Drive back, bring more oil, salt, firewood, rice, and quilts!"

"Yes." The long follower immediately ran out again.

Li Shizhen looked at Wang Yongji with emotion and appreciation.

"Is there any serious problem?" Wang Yongji asked in a low voice while avoiding his gaze, looking at Hai Rui who was still unconscious.

Li Shizhen: "It's hard to say. The body is easy to heal, but the heart disease is hard to heal. I only told Mrs. Tai about half the cause of the disease. Gangfeng's disease is more caused by heart disease."

Wang Yongji: "How do you say that?"

Li Shizhen: "When he wakes up, just ask him."

After another two quarters, Hai Rui still didn't wake up, but beads of sweat were already forming on his forehead.

Haimu was sitting by the brazier, holding the bowl of porridge in both hands and stretching it out by the fire, Haiwife was standing behind her mother-in-law, holding her armpits with both hands, Wang Yongji was standing at the foot of the bed, and the three saw him lying on the bed. Seeing sweat on his forehead, Hai Rui's eyes lit up.

Wang Yongji took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and went to wipe his sweat.

"Don't touch him." Li Shizhen said.Stretching his hand under the quilt, he took Hai Rui's pulse again. After a while, he opened his eyes, took out a roll of moxibustion from the medical bag, went to the brazier and lit the moxibustion, and returned to the bedside, Pulling off the hairpin from Hai Rui's bun, brushing aside the hair on the top of his head, he spotted the Tianling acupoint, moxibusted it down, and then retracted the moxibustion.

Haimu gasped.

All eyes were on Hai Rui's face.

Hai Rui's mouth slowly opened, as if exhaling a long breath from the deepest part of his abdomen, and that long breath was accompanied by a deep sigh!Then, his eyes slowly opened, and he gradually saw Li Shizhen standing beside him: "Mr. Li."

After waking up from a serious illness, he was still out of breath while speaking.

"Don't be so loud." Li Shizhen smiled, then turned to Wang Yongji and said, "Wipe his sweat for him."

Hai Rui saw Wang Yongji again: "Brother Runlian is here too."

Hai's wife has already helped Haimu to walk to the bed in a hurry.

"Mother!" Hai Rui saw his mother and struggled to sit up. He raised his head, but he couldn't get up.

"Lie down and don't move!" Haimu said hastily.

Hai Rui had no choice but to put his head back on the pillow. Seeing that his mother's face was stained with tears and her eyes were full of concern, she forced a smile from the corner of her mouth: "My son is fine...don't worry, Mom."

Mother Hai held the bowl of porridge in both hands and looked at Li Shizhen: "Princess Li, can I give it to him?"

Li Shizhen moved away from the stool she was sitting on, and moved to the middle of the bed: "Mrs. Tai, please sit here and feed him slowly."

Haimu sat down on the stool, scooped up a spoonful of porridge, and brought it to Hai Rui's mouth.

Hai Rui opened his mouth to take the spoonful of porridge, swallowed it, and then looked at Wang Yongji: "Brother Runlian, help me."

Wang Yongji hurried to the bedside: "What can you help me with?"

Hai Rui: "Please help me sit up."

Haimu: "Don't sit up." Then she put the second spoonful of porridge to his mouth.

Hai Rui stopped taking the spoonful of porridge, and forced a smile, "My son is already fifty, mother, let him sit up and drink by himself."

Li Shizhen answered: "Mrs. Tai, let him sit up and drink by himself."

Hai Mu didn't stop, and asked Wang Yongji to support Hai Rui and sit up.

Hai Rui took the porridge bowl from his mother with both hands, his hands were still trembling when holding the bowl, Wang Yongji quickly helped him hold the bottom of the bowl with one hand.

Hai Rui brought the bowl to his mouth, opened his mouth and drank the bowl of porridge in one gulp.

Several pairs of eyes were fixed on him.

Hai Rui stretched out another hand, and Haimu quickly handed him the spoon in her hand. Hai Rui scraped the porridge left at the bottom of the bowl to the edge of the bowl with the spoon, and ate it again in one bite.Then he handed the clean empty bowl to his mother: "Mother, my son is already well."

Haimu took the bowl with tears in her eyes: "It's good, it's good, it's good..."

Hai Rui then said to Wang Yongji, "Brother Runlian, please help me out of bed."

"Lie down!" Li Shizhen shouted from the side.

Haimu immediately said, "Lie down!"

At this moment, Li Shizhen looked at Hai's wife who was already in tears again, and said to her gently: "Mrs. Sister-in-law, go over and cover him tightly with the quilt."

Now it was Hai Wife's turn to take care of her husband, she hurriedly wiped away her tears, walked over, and carefully wrapped the quilt tightly around her husband.

Taking advantage of his wife's body blocking his mother, Hai Rui took a deep look at her and nodded his head slightly.

The wife glanced at her husband quickly, and tears filled her eyes again.

"Look at the car, move everything!" At this time, there was a faint voice from the door outside the courtyard, followed by the voices of many people saying hello and moving things. Obviously, Wang Yongji's long follower led the people to bring things here.

"Master, all the things have been moved!" Sure enough, the voice of the long follower came from the door of the main room in the north house.

"Move in quickly!" Wang Yongji said loudly.

Haimu and Haiwife went inside without knowing it, and looked out of the house.

Wang Yongji's original long-term follower brought another long-term follower, one of whom was holding two thick quilts, and the other came in with a large bundle of firewood.

"Put on the fire first!" Wang Yongji ordered loudly.

The attendant who carried the firewood put down the firewood and hurriedly added firewood to the brazier.

It turned out that the long follower stood beside the bed holding two thick quilts.

Wang Yongji lifted Li Shizhen's padded gown from Hai Rui's quilt first, and said to the attendant, "Put on the clothes for Mr. Li."

The long follower holding the quilt put the two quilts at the foot of the bed, just about to pick up the clothes.

"No, I'll do it myself." Li Shizhen took the clothes and put them on by herself.

Wang Yongji had no choice but to pick up his own clothes and said, "Take off the cloak and put on the quilt."

The attendant immediately took away the cloaks of Li Shizhen and Wang Yongji and put them beside the bed, shook off a thick quilt and covered Hai Rui.

Hai Rui lay on the bed silently watching them busy with these things, and only then did he realize that after he fell asleep, his two friends took off their clothes and covered him. His eyes, which had been smiling all the time, could no longer stop Wet.I have read books all my life, and I think I have a deep understanding. Only then do I know what it means to "undress and vomit and eat!"

Mother Hai had never been favored by others in her life, and now she was supported by her daughter-in-law and sat next to the brazier, but she was only moved and said nothing.

Hai Wife usually never said a word, never took an extra step. Today, in this situation, seeing her husband and mother-in-law were silent, she couldn't help but swallowed tears and said goodbye to her husband's two best friends. Shen Yifu: "Mr. Li and Mr. Wang have treated my family so kindly, how can we repay..."

"Sister-in-law, don't say such outrageous things." Wang Yongji replied, then turned to the two long followers, "Move this quilt to Mrs. Hai's room, and move everything else to the kitchen."

The entourage with him picked up the remaining bed and was handed to another entourage, who carried the quilt and went out, this entourage still stood in the room looking at Wang Yongji.

Wang Yongji immediately knew that he had something to say: "What else?"

The long follower: "Go back to the master, someone from the Metropolitan Procuratorate has come, and inform the master to go to the Ministry immediately."

Wang Yongji: "Do you know what happened?"

The long follower: "It seems to be saying that, except for those who are out of Beijing on business, all officials in Beijing have to send congratulations to the emperor overnight."

Wang Yongji shook his head sadly, and couldn't help looking at Hai Rui, and then at Li Shizhen.

Hai Rui just looked back at him without saying anything.

"You go. I'm here." Li Shizhen told him to go.

Wang Yongji sighed softly, then glanced at Hai Rui again: "The Department of Hu probably doesn't know you're back." Then he turned to Hai Mu and clasped his hands together: "Mrs. Grandma, Nephew Wan has no choice but to excuse me."

Haimu stood up immediately: "Business is important, and you have been tired."

Wang Yongji bowed to Haimu again, and then to Li Shizhen: "Mr. Li is tired." Then he walked out of the door, and the long follower followed him, but Wang Yongji turned to the man as he walked. The long follower said: "You two don't need to follow me, you stay here today with Mr. Li to take care of Master Hai."

Both Haimu and Haiwife were sent out.

Li Shizhen's words were already obeyed in Hai's house. That night, Hai's mother went to the wife's room to rest, and the two attendants were also arranged to go to the west room in the north, where they lit a fire and took a nap while waiting for orders.

A pot of fire, a chair, and a cloak covered her body. Li Shizhen sat on the chair beside the bed facing Hai Rui, holding the iron tongs and lowered her head to fiddle with the fire in the brazier. Very complex and very heavy.

Hai Rui was still covered by the quilt, but he was already half-sitting and leaning against the head of the bed, looking closely at Li Shizhen.

"Life is less than a hundred years old, and I often worry about a thousand years old." Li Shizhen finally spoke, "Since you are determined to go to school and sacrifice your life for benevolence, I can't stop you, and no one can stop you."

"Then Mr. agrees that I'm going to college!" Hai Rui asked immediately.

"I didn't agree with it." Li Shizhen put the tongs aside, looked up at Hai Rui, "Going to the memorial is like prescribing a medical prescription. Go to the doctor to treat the country, Chinese medicine to treat people, and go to the doctor to treat the sick. The Ming Dynasty is already dying. Do the memorials want to heal the sick, the people, or the country?"

This was the conversation, and Hai Rui's eyes sparkled: "The country is sick because of the people! To heal the disease is to heal the people, and only to heal the people can the country be healed."

"Somewhat symptomatic." Li Shizhen's eyes showed approval, "What is the root cause of the disease?"

Hai Rui: "Treat the country as a family, rule by one person, take what you give and take what you take, treat all officials like nothing, and ignore the common people in the world. This is the root of the disease!"

Li Shizhen couldn't help clapping her hands on her knees: "Well said! Keep talking."

Hai Rui: "In the history of China, the Xia and Shang dynasties were a world where there were only kings and no people. At that time, there was a saying in the "Shangshu": "When will the day be mourned? I will die with you!" With the heart to perish with Xia Jie. Xia Ming during the Shang Revolution, he still cared about the common people in the world hundreds of years ago, but when he came to King Zhou, he simply regarded the people as worthless and died in an instant. Born Confucius, taught the benevolent to love others. Following Mencius, he said The principle of "the people are the most important, the community is the second, and the emperor is the least" has never changed. The Qin Dynasty did not respect Confucius and Mencius, and the three generations died. By the time Emperor Wen of Han really understood this truth, he practiced respectfully and frugally, governed by the monarch and his ministers, and ruled with the people. Based on this, it was the first time that China really had a peaceful and prosperous age, known as the rule of Wenjing in history. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty followed him and ruled the world with virtuous ministers, and then there was the rule of Zhenguan. After that, how many times did the dynasties change? Governance and people-oriented will bring peace to the world. If a monarch rules alone, abandons good ministers, and disregards the people's livelihood, he will decline and perish. In the Ming Dynasty, my great ancestor, Emperor Gao, was born in poverty and immediately won the world. He still knows the suffering of the people. , punishing corruption and punishing evil, ignoring corvee and ignoring taxation, and benefiting the world. However, it was the evil fruit planted by Emperor Taizu Gao. At that time, he actually moved the tablet of Mencius out of the Confucian Temple. The principle of governing the country is that the king is light'. Strictly implement the rule of one monarch, treat the cabinet as a servant, and set up a hundred officials as enemies. Fight as you say, kill as you want. Authorize the handle to the eunuchs, and rule the world as house slaves The two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty are regarded as the private property of Zhu's family. It has been passed down to eleven emperors, especially the current emperor! He has not been in court for more than twenty years, and his name is Xuanxiu. Governance. The strict party is used externally, and eunuch slaves are used internally to search for the wealth of the people of the world. How many officials with a conscience fought desperately and lost their lives. Officials without conscience simply flattered the king's evil Your Majesty, the royal family is greedy, they are greedy, and they plundered all the wealth of the people of the world, pity the people of Ming Dynasty to suffer more, how many died of tyranny, how many died of hunger and cold!"

Having said this, Hai Rui's throat choked up.

Li Shizhen looked at him and was already excited with righteous indignation.

(End of this chapter)

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