Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 258 What is a Girlfriend

Chapter 258 What is a Girlfriend

After questioning, Dabson realized the plight of his own little girl.

It thought hard, but couldn't think of a suitable solution, and finally realized in a flash of inspiration that it was not alone, and that it had a boss, so it took advantage of today's opportunity to ask Laifu for help.

The boss is the boss, and the problem that Hei Xiongjing racked his brains hadn't thought of, seems to be easily solved when he comes to Laifu.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: There's something going on right now.

Raven the mangy yellow lion: What's the boss, just give orders directly, there are more and more players.

Sandwalker Kitson: If there are more, then there are more. We all went up three by three, so we let them breathe. If we rush up in a swarm, we will definitely kill them all.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: No, one of my brothers, the black bear leader Dabson, recently got out of the singles and has a girlfriend...

Nicole the Golden Python: What is a girlfriend, okay?

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Uh, not for eating, but maybe it will help you find something to eat.

Nicole the Golden Python: Then I want a girlfriend.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Let’s talk about this later, anyway, Dabson is not alone anymore, he has a girlfriend, and this girlfriend is relatively low in level, can’t beat the player, and is always killed by the player, Now we need to take her with us.

Green-skinned lizard Orlando: This is no problem, and there is nothing wrong with bringing it around, but I have a question, that is, am I considered out of the order now?

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Are you male or female?

Orlando the Green Lizard: Then I should be considered a male.

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: What does it mean to be... well, is Oreo male or female?
Green-skinned lizard Orlando: Wait a minute, let me ask... It's a male, it says it's a male.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Then it's not considered divorced, how can you two males be together.

Orlando the Green Lizard: Why can't two males be together.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Uh, I don’t know too well. Forget it. If you want to be together, you can stay together. Let’s continue the topic just now. Dobson’s girlfriend Misha is a crampon bear. The level is only ten.

Sandwalker Jason: Oh my god, level ten!
Pale Wolf King Pease: How to take it, take it to slaughter Xinshou Village?
The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It is a solution, but now we are all in the Pavo swamp, if we can solve this problem in the Pavo swamp, then naturally there is no need to go to any novice village.

Tiger King Angus: That's right, we are all high-level bosses now, and it's too low to kill Novice Village.

Salted Fish King Victor: I really can't imagine how to bring a tenth-level kid to level up in the Pavo swamp. I find it difficult to do this. If you can do it, Laifu, I will recognize you as a big brother.

One-legged king Allen: Oh, can you show some face, a high-level boss insists on recognizing the boss with a shy face, and still finds such an excuse.

Salted Fish King Victor: I will not invite you to drink poisonous chicken soup next time, I will invite you to drink real chicken soup!
The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Alright, I already have two plans for this matter, please listen to my instructions now.Snow, go to the sky to scout and find the players who are alone. My order means ten or less players. Report the coordinates when you find them.

Iron Winged Goshawk Snow: Got it, wait for my message.

Sloth King Foles: ...ha...

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: I ask you to follow us, Pease, you block any players who approach us, except for the target person, I don’t want any other players to get involved, the tenth-level BOSS is too fragile, Barbara, you Come here too, and add blood to this Misha later, if it is not killed in a second.

The monsters who got the task did not hesitate to execute it, and everyone was curious about what Laifu could do.

The players who can come to the swamp are at least level 20, and most of them are already level 31, and there may even be a level [-] master. Even if such a person can't instantly kill the crampon bear, killing her at most will not be enough. A matter of two or three strokes.

The most likely situation is that Misha, the crampon bear, has died on the way before he can attack the player.

Laifu quickly found them according to the coordinates provided by the black bear leader Dabson.

One black and one white, one big and one small, two bears cuddling together, the scene is very harmonious, very wolf-abusing.

"Now get on Jason's back. Barbara, Pease, and Nicole come up too. Let's move together. When the coordinates provided by Snow are available, we will rush over immediately." Sen's back.

If there are no psychological barriers, no hypocritical diseases such as intensive phobia, Jason is really a very good mount.

In addition to being unable to lift into the air, it can walk on land, mud, sand, water...almost all terrains are flat, and it has strong combat effectiveness. Deep down in Laifu's heart, Jason has been regarded as his own mount. .

"There are more than a dozen players on my side!" Iron-winged Goshawk Snow yelled and gave the coordinates.

"Didn't I tell you that there are less than ten, forget it, just a dozen." Laifu motioned Jason to move towards the coordinates.

"I'm doing business, don't worry, there were fourteen originally, and Fules and I killed four, and now it just meets your requirements. Ten of them gathered together to guard against my attack, very well-behaved." Winged goshawk Snow said.

"Nice job," what else could Laifu say, except that Snow, who couldn't say anything about the flight accident, was at least reliable.

"What to do next?" Snow asked.

"Let Fules shock them continuously, but don't kill them all at once, just leave a little blood." Laifu said.

Having said all this, if you still don't understand Laifu's strategy, then you are really calling the monster apostle in vain.

Only Nicole's eyes suddenly lit up: "If we catch the prey next time, let Forles repeatedly shock the meat, will the electric cooked meat be particularly delicious?"

"You can try it next time. If you are a human being, you will lose control of your body if you are electrocuted too much. At that time, all your feces and urine will come out. It will be unhygienic to eat, and the taste will not be very good." Laifu reassured her. A rapidly expanding appetite.

"Oh my god, it's disgusting. I used to eat it whole. Now that I think about it, vomit..." Nicole couldn't take it anymore.

While speaking, Jason, who was sailing freely in the swamp like a big ship, had carried everyone to the scene of the murder. Several of them had already turned into corpses, and nine others were struggling in the power grid.

"Why are there only nine?" Not to blame, Laifu was just curious.

"My brother accidentally killed one just now, shouldn't it be all right?" Iron-winged goshawk Snow was a little embarrassed, while the sloth king, Foles, still controlled its lightning domain, and released it when he saw everyone coming. A slow smile.

"It's okay, I'll continue to consume their blood." Laifu rushed into the lightning field, and the sloth king's lightning would not have any effect on it.

Teaming up between players requires manipulation, and teaming up with monsters before is subjective. If I don’t want to shock you, then I won’t shock you.

(End of this chapter)

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