Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 259 The Weird Game Event

Chapter 259 The Weird Game Event
With the continuous electrotherapy of the sloth king, Foles, the players are actually desperate.

Their nanny was killed by the Eagle Boss a long time ago. During this time, they were all relying on healing potions. One of them who was usually too stingy and reluctant to buy potions died, leaving only nine of them who were numb and took potions. .

There was a time when the potion was about to run out, and at this time they saw more bosses.

Player B withdrew his hand embarrassingly, and stuffed the medicine he was holding into his backpack. They were all bought with money, so there was no need to waste them here.

They belong to a small mercenary group, and they do some tasks to make money on weekdays.

Make money, this is a very important word, [New World] In fact, none of the ten players in this game can make money. Most of them don’t make money or make money. , and some are constant krypton gold.

Just one flush, one more flush, one last time, and it goes on and on.

Lucky, hardworking, and shameless, such people can make money from this popular game.

Little B, who made money, drifted away involuntarily, and wanted to reach the pinnacle of life on a whim, so after seeing the news on the forum, they gathered all the online fighters and set off for Pavo Swamp.

Perhaps, many years from now, someone will write:

An inadvertent decision allowed them to earn the real first pot of gold in life.

With such a beautiful fantasy, they entered the swamp and rushed all the way towards the coordinates of the underground palace. There were no monsters along the way, so they didn't need to be cautious and ready to fight at any time.

Unexpectedly, a big eagle spotted them.

Several of them were caught and killed directly, and although the rest did not encounter poisonous hands, they were trapped by a piece of lightning.

You can't advance, you can't retreat, players can only rely on potions to stay strong.

They didn't use reinforcements, the mercenary group only had so few people, and those who died back were useless at all.

But they are also reluctant to die. As long as they don't die, there is still hope for everything. This feeling of hope lasts until a group of bosses arrive.

Player B watched a wild wolf approaching him helplessly, his little heart was beating wildly.

These days, no one would underestimate the wild wolf boss, not to mention the flat-headed brother who killed all directions, and then there were a few wolf bosses that were too strong to be unreasonable. I heard that wild wolves also appeared in the Pavo swamp. a batch.

Player B closed his eyes in despair.

Even without the double deceleration of attack and movement, he may not be able to fight back, let alone in the deceleration state now.

Alas, there is no end to this game.

The attack fell on him, and he unexpectedly found that he was not dead.

Come again, still not dead.

Player B was overjoyed, he had put life and death aside, and was looking forward to the embarrassment on the boss's face.

It's a pity that the opponent's wolf face can't see anything at all. After a few attacks, the wolf boss retreated a little, letting out the one behind him - the little white bear, and then player B was given a paw by the little white bear. Scratched to death.

He didn't know that his other brothers had the same fate as him.

Some didn't resist, and some resisted symbolically. There was almost no difference. The only accident was that a player chopped off most of the crampon bear Misha's blood.

Fortunately, Barbara the Desert Fox's healing technique arrived in time.

Angrily and furiously, Lai Fu pressed the player under him with his claws, and made Crampon bear complete all the steps of killing the player to earn experience.

" seems to have been upgraded." Misha the crampon bear babbled foolishly, and she cried happily after a while. Her intelligence is already very low, and too many deaths have wiped out her intelligence. If you don't If there is an accident, it will only take a few days at most, and she will be no different from other ordinary bosses.

Kill a few monsters, oh no, it's human, and it will be upgraded directly.

It's unbelievable to other apostles, but if you consider that the crampon bear is only level ten, and the players killed by her are all around level thirty, it's not surprising.

The upgraded Misha got the new skill Bash.

The [-]th level BOSS uses heavy blows, which makes it easier to kill players.

Laifu intends to upgrade this crampon bear to level [-], so that she will not have any difficulty dealing with the players in Novice Village. Even if she can't run rampant within the range of Novice Village, at least she won't be defeated by everyone.

Groups of players have encountered strange events in the game.

However, in order not to let the players feel that the monster apostles are too independent, Laifu did not use the method the first time. The main reason is that after having new skills, the crampon bear does not need the help of others to feed experience.

In the Lightning Domain of the Sloth King, she can already independently kill a player who does not exceed level 29.

The reason why it is said not to exceed level 29 is naturally because players at level 25 start to wear new equipment, and equipment at level [-] and equipment at level [-] is a huge leap, which greatly improves the player's strength.

[New World] is a very magical game, subverting many previous game modes.

At least no one has ever seen such a thing as a boss teaming up to kill players.

When the three BOSS teams were unable to resist the ant-like players, Laifu began to adjust the BOSS lineup and combat methods.

Increase the number of bosses, six if three are not enough, match strength, magic and physics, plus defense boss tank players in front, the fighting style is unreasonable.

And just when Laifu brought monsters to brush players...

Edith, the old loach, also quietly appeared.

This time it was not a monster, but brought two other ones, one of which was longer than Edith and looked better. It was the King Cobra Cobra, and the other was a crow. It's the King of Claws, Brad Pidge.

"Aren't they all players? There are so many." Brad Pidan stepped on a dead branch, lazily combing the scorched feathers on his body.

"Oh my God, I think I'm going to fall in love, no, I'm already in love, you see, that's my wife." The king cobra brother Prah hissed out the snake letter, a pair of vertical pupils without blinking Look at the golden python Nicole who is fighting the player.

"Uh, I think you'd better forget about it, that's a giant python, and you're not strictly the same kind." Edith, the old loach, didn't think much of this relationship.

"Okay, you talk a lot of nonsense. If you fail to do what your lord ordered, there will be no good fruit." The seemingly weakest black crow is actually the leader of their group. After it spoke, the other two monsters immediately Just shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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