Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 301 The shady scene in the classroom

Chapter 301 The shady scene in the classroom
"Students, the exam is about to start now. Do you see the pot next to it? If you answer the wrong question, I will whip it." Teacher Big Bad Wolf held a pointer and showed his signature sinister smile.

Six students, antelope, ostrich, kangaroo, zebra, mouse, black bear.

They all started to sit upright, and they were able to enter the third level, and they were more or less wise, especially the kangaroo, black bear, mouse, and even the veteran monster apostles.

"Three penguins, one said that there are two penguins in front of me, one said that there are two penguins behind me, but the third penguin said that there are no penguins in front of me, which classmate will tell me why?"

Laifu looked at the six students.

The six monsters looked at it stupidly, but no one answered.

"Why are you silent? Didn't you still talk before the teacher came? Why don't you talk now? Have you brought your brains to school? Even if it's a dog, it can wag its tail. What's the use of you!" Lai Faolan As soon as the eyes were kicked, he raised the pointer and whipped them one by one.

The monsters suddenly became restless, the whip was whipped on their heads, and their eyes were staring at the pain.

Moreover, the blood volume dropped by one-third in one swish, and after two more pumps, it would directly kill him.

At the beginning, they were quite happy when they were notified by the system that they wanted cosplay students in the third level.After going out, we can say that we are also educated.

It's just that I didn't expect that this big bad wolf teacher doesn't want money, it's life-threatening.

"Have you all eaten fat intestines? Your brain is full of fat!" The big bad wolf was still happily scolding the students, feeling as refreshed as eating ice cream on a snowy day.

"Teacher, we really can't figure it out, why don't you tell us." The kangaroo is a muscular monster, Laifu knows this guy, it is the younger brother of the big cat Bigworth, and its fighting power is very amazing.


With another whip, the kangaroo monster only had one-third of its health left.

"I tell you to study hard all day long, but you just don't listen. I can tell you the answer now, but when you really use your wisdom, can I follow you all day and tell you the answer?"

The kangaroo monster was very angry at first, so I just said a word, and you beat me. It's just a show to be the number one boxing champion in Lancelow Prairie. Believe it or not, I beat you all over the place. , it suddenly felt that this remark made sense, it can't rely on the teacher for everything.

In case the teacher is not there, who should I call when something happens.

So it could only sit there obediently, lowering its head in shame.

After a round of addiction, Laifu began to announce the answer: "Isn't this a very simple matter? The penguin at the front and the penguin at the back both stand facing south, and the penguin in the middle faces east. There are no people in front of and behind it. ?"

"That's right, it seems to be like this." The monsters suddenly realized that they all looked up to Lai Funa.

"Is there any other answer?" Laifu raised his pointer.

"No...not anymore." The little antelope was so scared, but under the cover of the demon teacher, it didn't even dare to move.

"Why is it gone? Can't the penguin in the middle lie down?" Laifu went up and gave it a whip, and scolded as he beat it: "Every one of them has brains like elm lumps, and the mud can't support the wall. .”

The little antelope was ashamed to the limit, and began to sob with its head down.

If he smoked again, he would probably be eliminated, but he didn't hate Teacher Laifu at all, because Teacher Laifu was right.

"Now we are starting a new subject, cheer me up!" Teacher Laifu was very serious, and all the students sat up straight.

Especially those three children who have not officially become monster apostles feel that the teacher is second only to the existence of the system god, Teacher Laifu is so knowledgeable, and Teacher Laifu is so handsome.

"Three people use three barrels of water for three days, so how much water do nine people use for nine days?"

"Nine barrels!" The kangaroo monster rushed to answer.


Immediately, two whips went up, and the other monsters were shocked, watching the kangaroo monster being whipped to death by the teacher.

Laifu calmly went up to pick up the dropped equipment and gold coins, and conveniently put the corpse into his backpack.

It's another monster I haven't eaten before, looking forward to adding some attributes and skills.

This teacher is really too fierce!

After killing a monster in a hostile chat group, Laifu felt elated, and then looked at the other two monster apostles.

One of them, a black bear, has a name called Dobson.

Originally, many of their own people entered the Tongtian Demon Tower, but unfortunately they were all randomly eliminated by the system. Even if Laifu and Iron-winged Goshawk Snow cheated, they couldn't change some of the system's settings.

The answer was agreed, and while the other monsters weren't paying attention, Laifu gave it a 27.

Why is it 27? Dabson was very puzzled, but Laifu Boss was right. He didn't need to know why. He immediately raised his hand and gave the answer of 27.

The other students looked surprised.

Because everyone didn't think it was 27, and thought that Mr. Laifu would go up and beat the black bear monster to death with two whips, but to everyone's surprise, Mr. Laifu nodded his head.

"That's right, the answer is 27. This student did a good job and is worthy of praise. You have passed the test. Go back and receive the reward."

"Thank you, Boss Laifu!" The black bear leader Dabson thanked heartlessly.

Then it was teleported away by the system. This stupid guy was let go of the first level, and then passed the second level. In the third level, he hooked up with Teacher Laifu.

Its three views are complete, and the water in it is simply a vast ocean.

It is impossible for the system to be ignorant of this, but it still chooses to ignore it. What the monster apostles need is wisdom, not simplicity.

The complexity and darkness of human society are also complicated among monsters.

Then Laifu turned his head and looked at the mouse. He had never seen this mouse before, and he didn't know which chat group it belonged to. It was very big and looked like a mouse.

The mouse was sweating coldly after being watched by Laifu.

It is also afraid, especially after hearing the black bear spirit's thank you boss just now, it is keenly aware that there must be something tricky and shady in it.

The other three monsters were not monster apostles, so they couldn't capture the deep meaning of the black bear's strange words at all.

But the Rat Monster is different, it is the apostle of the monster, and it is also a very smart kind.

The kangaroo monster was beaten to death for some reason, probably not the wolf teacher's own person, and the black bear spirit answered correctly because he was the big bad wolf teacher's own person.

And what about yourself?

The mouse monster knows very well that he doesn't know the big bad wolf teacher, let alone be one of his own people, so what kind of fate awaits him?

(End of this chapter)

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