Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 302 Teacher Laifu's back door is easy to walk through

Chapter 302 Teacher Laifu's back door is easy to walk through
I don't know them.

The mouse spirit was about to cry, and it made a decision immediately after Laifu saw it.

"Brother, my stomach hurts, I don't want to play anymore, I want to quit, master of the system, help me." I was afraid that I would be beaten to death in the next second.

Seeing the mouse spirit's figure gradually fade away, Lai Fu actually didn't have too many regrets.

It is really not interested in eating mice, even if the taste of mouse meat is not bad, it does not want to try it. In reality, the beef rolls and mutton rolls in many places are made of mouse meat, as well as the kebabs on the street.

I also heard that rat farms have been opened in some places.

This thing reproduces much faster than beef. A mouse conceives at least eight times a year, ten or twenty at a time. As the saying goes, one male and one female are three hundred and five a year.

The artificial breeding is even more exaggerated. A mouse weighs half a catty, how many kebabs need to be grilled.

The rest are three ignorant elementary school monks, antelope, ostrich, and zebra, all monsters who have not yet obtained the qualifications of monster apostles, but have already enlightened their wisdom.

The exit of the mice did not make them flinch, and they all sat upright and waited for Teacher Big Bad Wolf to continue the class.

"Let me ask another question. The little white rabbit has twelve radishes. After he gave three to the little gray rabbit, they both have the same amount of radishes. May I ask how many radishes the little gray rabbit originally had?" Laifu solved it. The three monster apostles began to deal with the remaining three children.

The three children, the little antelope lowered its head in shame, the little ostrich buried its head in the desk drawer, with only one butt exposed outside, and the little zebra blinked and blinked with its big pure eyes, even ignorant So righteous.

"You three, there is really no cure. I wanted to put water on you!"

The three little animals were crying all of a sudden. Although they all rushed to the Tongtian Demon Tower by instinct, and they were fighting to clear the level with their shallow wisdom.

Subconsciously, they know what clearance means.

There is a new and magical world waiting for them, as long as they step out, they are no longer savage beasts.

"But this matter is not without discussion, hehehe." Laifu paused, and gave the three cubs a look that could only be understood but could not be expressed in words.

This is really playing the piano to the cow, the three monsters don't understand why the big bad wolf teacher is blinking.

The "hidden rules" failed, and Laifu hummed twice, and finally opened the skylight and said bluntly: "I can let you pass the test, but you will join me under my command, are you willing?"

It's all said so clearly, if the three monsters don't understand anymore, then they are still worth a fart.

"Is it really possible, and I can too?" The little antelope felt ashamed at every turn, obviously lacking in self-confidence. Hearing this now, he was even happier than having cleared the level.

"As long as you let me clear the level, I can do whatever you want." The little ostrich didn't say anything.

"I..." The little zebra seemed to be unable to accept this kind of behind-the-scenes transaction, so Laifu whipped his whip, the crackling sound almost scared him to pee, and immediately nodded without hesitation: "I am willing, I am willing to listen to everything from the teacher."

"Go to this coordinate after school, there will be an eagle waiting for you, and you will be temporarily under its jurisdiction in the future, whoever doesn't go, hum!" Laifu issued a final threat with his nose.

The three monsters were subdued by it, and they all made promises at the moment.

"What is one plus one?" Laifu asked the little antelope.

The little antelope froze for a moment, then replied confidently, "It's equal to two."

"Okay, you passed the third level, go and get your own rewards, you see, you just passed the third level with your own ability, you should be more confident in the future." Teacher Lai Fu announced with a wave of his hand The little antelope successfully cleared the customs.

The little antelope thanked the teacher gratefully, and then was sent away.

When it was the little ostrich's turn, Lai Fu asked without even thinking: "Xiao Ming's elder brother is called Da Hao, what is the name of Da Hao's younger brother?"

The little ostrich scratched its almost bald forehead, and tentatively replied: "Xiao Ming?"

"Well, the answer is correct. You have made great progress in your studies recently, and you have passed the test. Clean up and go to receive the award, and make persistent efforts in the future."

Teacher Laifu dismissed another good student like this.

If the mouse knew that the following questions were so simple, it would probably vomit to death.

In the end, the little zebra was left, and Teacher Laifu didn't make things difficult for it, and asked, "Zebra, giraffe, wolf, morning glory, which of these four is not an animal?"

"Trumpet flower." Such a simple question, no matter how stupid the little zebra is, it can answer it.

Even if it has never seen morning glory and does not know what kind of flower it is, zebras, giraffes, and wolves are all typical grassland animals, so it has no reason to be wrong.

If you really want to increase the difficulty, Laifu can make it different.

If he deliberately made things difficult, he would list four things that the little zebra had never heard of, especially things whose names looked like plants but were actually animals, or things that looked like animals but were plants.

The little zebra also successfully cleared the level. Teacher Laifu looked at the empty classroom and could only announce that the get out of class was over.

After it completes its defense, it will naturally receive its own Sky Demon Tower reward.

This time the system was very generous and directly gave it a promotion qualification - this thing is worthless to it, but it can be sold, or used to buy people's hearts for its own little brother.

There is also a meatball with an attribute of twenty.

This is the best attribute meatball it has ever seen. At the beginning, all the attributes it saw were plus ten, or even five attributes, and only later did it see the balls with attributes plus fifteen.

Now I finally see the full attribute plus [-].

Laifu didn't intend to eat this thing, it was meaningless, compared with the attributes it increased by eating the meat of various monster apostles, the twenty attributes were nothing at all.

So, it's better to give it to Qiuqiu to eat.

Moreover, Laifu also plans to take some low-level attribute pills to the player world to sell. Su Mo saw similar things in the trading shop two days ago, probably the attribute pills obtained by players through hidden tasks, and they can only be used for pet.

All attributes only increased by three points, but it was sold for a high price of one hundred gold coins. The problem was that someone bought it.

What about adding five to all attributes, or adding ten?

This money is not profitable, and Laifu plans to sell some low-level attribute pills first.

Of course, it's just a small amount of low-level attribute pills, and you can't sell too many at a time, otherwise players will think that this thing is produced a lot, and what they will do is not to buy it with money, but to search for sources of supply with all their energy.

You can't take out too high-end ones, in that case, the low-level ones are worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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