Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 303 Group Owner and Administrator

Chapter 303 Group Owner and Administrator
Black Bear Leader Dabson: Boss Laifu is awesome, I passed all three levels, and the final turntable turned to a new skill.

Raun the mangy yellow lion: what skills.

Black Bear Leader Dobson: Wild Bear Rage is a very powerful skill. After using it, my size will skyrocket and my strength will also double. It lasts for a full 30 seconds.

Salted Fish King Victor: Poor crampon bear.

Black Bear Leader Dobson: What's the deal with Misha?
Salted Fish King Victor: Hehehe.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Alright, next time the Tongtian Demon Tower will do this again, let's take over the tower as much as possible, so that we can master an excellent way to recruit newcomers.

Jamie the Langley Parrot: Those little monsters are no use at all.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It cannot be said that it is useless. They will all have their own development in the future, and they may develop very well. Moreover, sometimes the crowd tactics will play an unexpected role.Just like the big cat Bigworth, if we have 81 brothers, even if it has [-] clones, we will not be afraid of it.

As soon as Laifu mentioned Mr. Bigworth, everyone immediately fell silent.

In fact, that battle did not cause too exaggerated losses to everyone. It was just that everyone who had always been smooth sailed was hit by a blow to their self-confidence. They usually felt that they were extremely powerful. When they gathered together, they felt that they could challenge the master of the system. Unexpectedly, a kitten made everyone feel ashamed.

Uzi the Silver Horned Deer: ヾ(=^▽^=)ノ

Jamie the Langley Parrot: Well, let's try to have a monster army too.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: What is the origin of Uzi, why does it keep expressing expressions and does not speak, is there a language barrier?

Nicole the Golden Python: No, the silly roe deer used to be able to talk, but now he is dumb.

Jamie the Langley Parrot: That’s called shut-up practice. The Holy See got it from somewhere. Their great priest has been silent since a certain day. Became dumb.

The ferocious wild wolf Laifu: It turns out that Uzi is the Holy Beast of the Holy See, do they treat you well?

Silverhorn Uzi:

Jamie the Langley Parrot: Don't listen to its nonsense, the holy beast of the Holy See has a high status, and can almost sit on an equal footing with the cardinal. During the sacrifice, even the cardinal has to stand behind her.

Nicole the Golden Python: Oh, what's so good, Uzi is not allowed to come out to play all day, and there is no variety of delicious food. In my opinion, it is harder than going to jail.

Jamie Langley Parrot: Look at you, you know how to eat all day long.

Nicole the Golden Python: Eating is also a kind of pursuit, and having a pursuit is a positive attitude towards life, brother Laifu said, right?

Ferocious Wolf Laifu: Uh, yes.

Iron-winged Goshawk Snow: Then I will go and collect those little animals. If they can become monster apostles, they will be drawn into our group.

One-legged King Allen: It's a pity that we belong to a certain chat group, so it's fixed, otherwise we can attract others to our chat group.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Very good idea, everyone should go to the system for feedback.

Salted Fish King Victor: Listening to the chats of those players, they always mentioned the administrators in the group, and the group leader. Should we also have it?

Raven the mangy yellow lion: I know the group owner, they say that the group owner wears women's clothing, and the group owner gives out red envelopes, what is women's clothing?
Black Bear Leader Dabson: It's a lady in disguise. These two words seem to be used together. I really envy the player's world, and there are things like a lady in costume that sound fun.

Ferocious wild wolf Laifu: Group owners and administrators can also apply to the system together, and then everyone can run for the positions of group owners and administrators.

Tiger King Angus: The leader of the group is a high-ranking official, so it must be done by the boss of Laifu.

One-legged King Allen: Laifu is a little weak.

Raun the mangy yellow lion: My boss is weak. If any of us can repel the big cat Bigworth, my boss can do it. What does it hold? The big cat makes it look like a mountain cannon.

One-legged King Alan: Ahem, this is true.

Poisonous Toad Oreo: My boss is also very smart.

Black Bear Leader Dabson: But Boss, can you pretend to be a woman?

The ferocious wild wolf is blessed: o(╯□╰)o, there is no shadow, what's the point of all these things, why don't you hurry up and find a way to grow us, I suggest that you exchange things you don't need, you can In exchange for things, you can buy and sell with gold coins...

It seems that there is no benefit in managing the monster chat group. Being a group leader does not get paid, but the group leader is a leader, which helps to improve the authority in the chat group. When everyone gets used to obeying orders, if there is anything wrong , just give an order from Laifu.

The monster apostles are the real sons of the game system, and they almost respond to the problems they ask for.

Laifu can completely use these monsters to make the functions of the chat group meet its own requirements as much as possible. As for itself, although it can also feed back problems to the system in some ways, it has a guilty conscience, and its skin and soul are completely inconsistent. The system found that it was not good.

Laifu asked everyone to pay attention to the information about Tongtian Tower, and then switched Su Mo's perspective.

Su Mo is also very busy here, and he doesn't even have time for leveling. He needs to coordinate everything in the tavern, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure that everything goes according to his ideas.

Fortunately here is the game, everything can be quickly prototyped.

It took only two or three days. Old John and Little John had already done most of the work, and the rest only needed some minor modification and modification.

The next day, Su Mo planned to supervise all the rest of the work, but when he switched the perspective for a short time, he received a message that he had to leave for a short time, and he didn't leave alone.

Tongtian Tower has been refreshed!

In the past, Su Mo entered Tongtian Tower alone and gained a lot of benefits. This time, he wanted to bring his sister and brothers in as well.

Of course it is impossible to tell them that they know where the Babel tower is.

Even if they are all close relatives and trustworthy people, Su Mo still doesn't want others to know his secret. If Su Xiaojiu accidentally leaks something, it is likely to be known by her classmates, and her classmates are more likely to spread it widely.

Then, an excuse must be found.

"The flowers and plants are a bit monotonous. I know that there is a kind of bitter dove flower in the Twilight Forest, which blooms very beautifully. Let's go and pick some, and Xiao Jiu can cook some special dishes. We have been busy for two or three days, so let's relax." Su Mo did this. The best, the reason is at your fingertips.

"I know the bitter dove flower, and it can be used as seasoning, but is the bitter dove flower beautiful?" Su Xiaojiu wondered.

"Plant some in the garden. It tastes elegant and looks good. You can also pick it up and use it as seasoning. What's so bad about it?" Su Mo argued.

"Okay, then I don't need to go to the market to buy bitter dove flowers." Su Xiaojiu thought about it, and really thought it was good.

(End of this chapter)

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