Chapter 308
Hearing that Su Mo joined the army when he was in school, and then went back to school to continue his classes, the teacher immediately looked at Su Mo with admiration.

Next, I asked about Su Mo's schedule for school and games.

Su Mo told the truth that he was indeed too addicted to games recently, except for the classes he had to attend, he spent all his time playing games.

"No matter what kind of achievements you get in the game, they are all temporary. Only when you have accumulated enough knowledge can you go far enough in your life," the teacher said after pondering for a moment, "It's like climbing a towering tower into the clouds." Although every floor has a beautiful view, you can only see farther if you stand taller, and you can see more beautiful views.”

"Thank you teacher, I will." Su Mo nodded.

"You have been a soldier, and you have a stronger sense of social responsibility. Where the collision between education and virtual reality technology will go, everything is unknown. I hope you can pay close attention. This is my contact information. You are welcome to come to Jiaotong University to study this topic with me. When you take the postgraduate entrance examination, you will get extra points if you apply for our school.”

This teacher seems to have a good impression of soldiers—in fact, at this time of year, as soon as most people hear that you are a soldier, they will immediately treat you differently.

Su Mo is a college student who is about to graduate, and he is a soldier. He seems to be doing well in the game, which fully meets his criteria for recruiting graduate students.

Continue to school?

Su Mo really never thought about it. His life plan didn't include taking a master's degree or a doctorate. His current life plan is to become a rich second generation or a rich generation again.

Other wishes?
Does world peace count?
However, if he could go through the back door, it would be good to continue studying. Anyway, it would not delay him from playing games to make money, and maybe he could get in touch with some new things from research.

Su Mo has always been curious about the game [New World]. These intelligent NPCs and intelligent monsters are full of magic to him.

Especially the special existence of Laifu, is it because Laifu is special because of him, or is he himself in the light of Laifu.

The time for chatting passed quickly, and soon it was the stipulated time for handing in papers.

All the test papers were confiscated, and the expressions of the players who did the questions were different. They were completely full of scenes of life. Some of them did better in the test, and they were secretly happy. I didn't expect that Xueba would finally have a place to play in the game.

However, most of the candidates do not feel very good.

After all, there are only a small number of top students who love to play games, and most of the students who come to play games are actually the kind who don't like to study.

Because it is an intelligent correction in the game, everyone's test scores are almost instantly available.

Su Mo was originally worried that his grades would not be enough for him to pass the test, but he didn't expect that after other people's grades came out, he realized that he was completely worrying too much.

He is actually No.2.

There was only one dull-looking girl who surpassed his score with a score of more than 260, and most of the others couldn't even pass.

"Now everyone knows your own level. Those who failed the exam have a high probability of failing in the next final exam. It would be a shame to go home with a failing score. What's the matter." The teacher squinted and said with a smile, looking very accommodating.

"Does that count as passing?" No one of everyone would care about the final exam right now.

After all, even if it is the grade and school for the earliest final exam, it will take at least half a month to wait, and everyone has plenty of time to review.

"Forget it, you all pass the test." The teacher squinted at the cheering people and said with a smile: "However, the rewards are different. For the three students who passed the exam this time, what you get is a big carousel reward." , and students who failed the exam this time, your customs clearance reward is a complete set of exam questions corresponding to your studies, I hope you will do well after you go back, thank you."

This Nima is also called passing the test?
Sure enough, squinting eyes is not a good thing, it is too bad.

The third level ends here.

Su Mo didn't meet anyone he was familiar with from the beginning to the end, and he didn't know how the others were doing.

In front of him was a big turntable similar to the one seen in the Tongtian Demon Tower, with nine grids and five useful rewards, and the remaining four were all blank.

There are several useful rewards, one is to add five to all attributes, one is to add one to the level (no matter how much current experience is, it will be upgraded to 0% experience of the next level), one is to hide the mission clue, one is to unidentified equipment, and finally There is also a skill book "Strengthening Skeleton Soldiers".

Enhancing skeleton soldiers is a popular skill book for necromancers, which can make the skeletons they summon more powerful.

At present, necromancers in the game, such as Yunfei, basically rely on smashing scrolls to strengthen skeletons. Once you have this skill book, you don't need to spend money and reputation to burn enhanced scrolls in the future.

These five rewards are actually very good, and Su Mo turned on the turntable very satisfied.

As for turning to the four blanks, he never thought about it that way. His hands were not as dark as some people's. He was shrouded in a halo of black hands all day long. How could he be so unlucky.

Sure enough, the pointer finally stopped at the level plus one.

This is more embarrassing.

It's not that the increase in experience is not much, now Su Mo's experience is 31% at level 47, and it suddenly becomes 32% at level 0, a full increase of 53% experience.

Adding half a level of experience at such a level is more powerful than any hidden missions in the main line.

For some people who want to climb the rank list, this is probably the most valuable reward among the five rewards, and it is a reward that cannot be bought with a lot of money.

However, Su Mo didn't want experience, and he just slapped him in the first level.

It made him realize how unreliable the level of counterproductive growth is, and he was determined to improve the skill level with one arrow at a time, and as a result, another wave of experience was poured into him.

Now I'm level 32, and I'm heartbroken.

After leaving the Tongtian Tower, the communication equipment returned to normal, and he began to ask about other people's situation.

The first thing that comes to my mind is of course my silly younger sister, and I don’t know if other people will have a chance to take care of her. Don’t be eliminated in the first pass, it will definitely make you sad.

"Well, it's over, now? Stay with my friend now?" Su Xiaojiu replied perfunctorily to her brother.

She did pass all three levels.

The first level was held hostage by Nicole, if you don't hang up, you will pass the level.

In the second level, Nicole continued to hold her hostage. She cooked a pot of goat soup for Nicole and ate some tiger meat, mainly Nicole was eating. She is a little human girl and can't eat anything at all.

But Nicole didn't finish eating all the food, she still saved a lot and planned to take it back to her friends.

(End of this chapter)

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