Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 309 Need rent to open a shop?

Chapter 309 Need rent to open a shop? (Add 34 for the new lord to remember the past in the later period)
Especially Tiger King Angus, must use delicious food to soothe its wounded heart.

Tiger King Angus, a new gourmet expert, is not so good at cooking or eating food, nor is he commenting on food, but that he can become food himself.

Tiger meat is really great, not inferior to the bison king.

Nicole had already ordered the next meal after Tiger King Angus was resurrected. Under the temptation of two [-] full-attribute meatballs and two hundred gold coins, this guy decided to lie down on the cutting board and wait without hesitation. be slaughtered.

"I really can't do anything, and I don't have much attack power." Su Xiaojiu kept shaking her head.

Coming out of the Tongtian Tower, Su Xiaojiu met the golden python outside the tower as agreed, and then was gesticulated by the golden python for a while. Finally, it took a lot of effort to understand the meaning of the golden python.

Nicole hopes that Xiao Jiujiang can kill herself, and then use her own meat to make a few dishes.

Su Xiaojiu was terrified.

The golden python Nicole lowered her head in frustration. She is indeed not easy to die. It doesn't matter if her own blood volume is high, the key is that the blood can be recovered quickly. It is completely unrealistic for Su Xiaojiu, a rookie, to kill her.

As for running into the crowd of players and not fighting back, let alone how to get the corpse back, the problem is that she still has a bit of self-esteem.

Others also passed all three levels, and some were eliminated in the first level.

Tongtian Tower has nothing to do with strength, IQ, sincerity, luck is the main factor.

The rewards he got were messy, and they were mostly experience. Su Mo disliked experience points, but it didn't mean that others didn't like them.

Su Mo didn't know that Su Xiaojiu's friend was Nicole, otherwise he would be terrified.

He thought that Su Xiaojiu's friend was a player. Now that he had passed three levels and went out to play with his friend, he went back to the bar in peace.

Now, all the friends who went to Tongtian Tower knew that Su Mo had opened a tavern, a panda house, and a dark fragrance.

Generally speaking, it is still dominated by bars.

So many people know about it, and Gaara naturally got the news, and he didn't think about it at all. When Su Mo took the job from him, he was willing to accept it for 100 or [-]. For five gold coins Spend half a day with others.

What is the concept now, the store is open!

It’s not that there are no shopkeepers in the game, but most of them lose money to make money. In reality, companies or products will open a shop to pretend to be famous in order to gain popularity.

A poor guy like Su Mo can afford to open a store of this size, even in a remote town like Hudgens, that is enough to impress Gaara, and his curiosity prompted him to come over to see what it is Such a small shop.

As a result, after seeing it, I immediately became envious.

The shop he opened himself is in Tallinn, with an area less than one-tenth of Su Mo's, and the monthly rent is already a pain for a big businessman like him.

"It's a lot of rent this month." Gaara rubbed his chin to make sure there was no saliva flowing down.

"Rent?" Su Mo was stunned. Do you need rent? The old pirate didn't mention it from the beginning to the end, and he didn't ask why there is such a thing as rent.

"Could it be that you didn't pay the rent? How could the NPC give you the shop for nothing." Gaara finally couldn't hold back his saliva this time.

"It's not for nothing. I help him look after the store. Don't you need to be paid?" Su Mo said rascally. He was sure that the old pirate would not settle accounts after the fall, and he didn't know why he had such confidence. He and the old pirate That's a lot of iron.

"Pfft." Gaara vomited blood enviously.

"Do you think this design method of dividing into three is appropriate?" Su Mo never doubted that he was a business genius, but he also needed the affirmation of professionals.

"It's not a question of whether it's suitable or not. It's that your place is big enough. This NPC bought such a big place and opened a tavern. It's really a waste. You have pandas, so you don't have to worry about business at all. Just keep the price up." Shilibiao, don’t take the cheap route, the location here is really a bit out of the way, not suitable for the public route.”

"That's necessary, that's what I think." What Su Mo thought in his heart was to throw away those price tags and make new ones, and then asked casually, "How do you think the price of drinks is more appropriate?"

"Low-end ones need at least one gold coin for a glass, ten gold coins for the middle-end ones, and a small panda accessory, and twenty gold coins for the high-end ones, and a free panda close contact." Gaara is easy to come by, not because he is so good at it. He has a business mind, mainly because he has been exposed to this all day long, so the pricing is naturally at his fingertips.

"And the food made by my sister, high-end boss ingredients." Su Mo said.

"Then you have to fight hard. If you want to make a brand, you have to be different from others. Maybe you don't make that much money at the beginning, but you will get better and better later on." Gaara looked at this place more and more. The more satisfied he was, he tentatively asked: "Old Tie, why don't you transfer this store to me, and I'll give you this amount a month!"

What was stretched out was a hand with five fingers slightly spread.

Five thousand gold coins?

5 yuan?

Fifty thousand gold coins?

50 yuan?

Su Mo was embarrassed to find that he couldn't figure out Gaara's perception of the potential of this shop, but he couldn't act like he didn't know anything, so he could only pretend to shake his head deeply, and said with a smile: "I have something to do with this NPC." It's a special deal, it's inconvenient to transfer, I'm afraid you will be disappointed, Lao Luo."

"That's it." Gaara couldn't hide his disappointment, he always felt that throwing such a good card into Su Mo's hands was blind.

"However, a big guy like you is welcome to come and consume. Lao Luo, you can introduce more business for me." Su Mo grabbed Gaara's hand, and this was an obvious big customer in front of him.

"It's necessary. We have no advantages, but loyalty. How about this? My auction will be arranged in your Panda House this time. What do you think?"

"Don't say anything, you can pay the venue fee as you like, and the tea fee is free this time!" Master Su is also very proud, at least on the surface, it was originally a place to consume tea, and the tea is free, and it's making a lot of money .

But Gaara can't let him suffer, isn't there a so-called venue fee for booking the venue?

The two businessmen looked at each other and smiled, each took what they needed, and reached the first transaction of the Panda House. Su Mo made money, and promoted the place of Panda House among Wo Gaara's customer group, and I love Luo found a suitable place, and at the same time pushed his auction to more panda lovers.

The publicity quickly caught up. One Piece Bar opened with free beer and a panda performance.

The Panda House will hold an auction hosted by players. At that time, there will be more than ten gold equipment interviews, two guild tokens, and countless silver equipment.

There are also dark fragrances and sparse shadows. It is a good place for you to drink tea and chat. It is said that many clues to hidden missions can be found there. Hidden quest clues found.

(End of this chapter)

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