Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 311 Respecting the old and loving the young are traditional virtues

Chapter 311 Respecting the old and loving the young are traditional virtues
Such an old man, Su Mo couldn't drive him away just because he looked old and sloppy. In fact, he was even a good boy who respected the old and loved the young in reality.

Let's not talk about Aiyou, Fu Jiafeng can testify that he has contributed a lot to Mr. Su's reformation now.

Since he was eight or nine years old, he was taken by Su's mother to work in a nursing home as a voluntary labor - Su's mother used to work in the nursing home donated by Grandpa Su Mo before.

Helping the elderly since childhood, I have developed a pair of piercing eyes.

He will take the initiative to help when the elderly neighbors in the neighborhood have any heavy objects to carry.

If there was an old man staring at the tricycle and going up a steep slope, no matter what Su Mo was doing, he would run to give him a push until he reached a suitable terrain.

Meeting such an old man in the game, even if today is a good day for Su Mo, he would not be able to drive him away.

"Hi old man, can I help you?" Su Mo went up and asked.

"You? Help me?" The old man looked at Su Mo in surprise, then turned his gaze back to the plaque, and asked, "Isn't this the One-Eyed Pirate Tavern?"

"Yes, but the original owner left for something, and gave it to me, and I modified it a little bit. As for the plaque, the name One-Eyed Pirate is too sad, and it doesn't sound as overbearing as One Piece. Your old man has been here before. here?"

"Hey hey, One Piece, that's a good name," the old man smiled inexplicably, "I'm good friends with the previous owner here, I wonder if we can continue to stay here for a while?"

"Of course, we are holding an opening ceremony today, would you like to have a drink together?" Su Mo asked.

"Forget it, you guys are too noisy, just take me to rest." The old man walked with difficulty, leaning on the stick in his hand.

Su Mo hurried up to support him.

After touching it, I found that the old man was as thin as a stick, with no flesh on his body. I was really worried that the old man would be blown away by the wind.

Although he used all the places in the tavern as much as possible, Su Mo didn't touch the room where the old pirate slept and the guest room. Only the warehouse and other places were rectified.

He originally planned to live in the guest room by himself, so that he could save the money for staying in the hotel, but now it seems that the money can't be saved.

Su Mo helped the old man to lie down on the bed in the guest room.

The old man was lying on the soft bed, holding his stick that looked like he picked it up on the side of the road, and sighed contentedly.

Then Su Mo heard heavy snoring.

Falling asleep so quickly, it seems that the old man is very tired.

Su Mo helped him cover the quilt, and closed the door when he left the room. This room will belong to the old man from now on. Since he is a friend of the old pirate, he is entitled to eat and live here.

Back at the tavern, it was already overcrowded.

Su Mo reckoned that at least [-]% of the people here came to join in friendship, and at most [-] to [-]% came to see the news and free beer.

As the owner of a newly opened shop, Master Su needs to show up.

He is wearing the most commonly used makeup to cover up his real appearance - of course, if it is a close relative like Su Xiaojiu, and a life-and-death brother like Tian Dazhuang, he can still easily recognize him.

"Everyone, I am the owner of this tavern. If you save face, you can call me old man. We will be friends from now on."

Iron Horse Glacier was not considered a celebrity, but at least he briefly occupied the top spot in the rank list.

So I simply don’t use my own game ID, and naturally I won’t use any information in reality, so I chose the title Gaara used when he was sarcastic about him—Old Iron.

Iron Horse Glacier, of course, is an old iron.

Old iron, I'm heartbroken, this old iron doesn't hurt my heart, I'm cheating money!

No matter what the purpose of the people below, they all applauded enthusiastically, and from then on, Lao Tie can be regarded as the number one person in their circle.

If you are interested, invite a few friends over for a drink and a chat.

When I saw the boss, I said something old-fashioned, and then explained to my friend that this is the owner of the tavern, my friend, Bel is very strong.

"Today's beer is free," Su Mo said with a self-deprecating smile after a pause, "I definitely don't mean that you can't pay for the beer, this is the cheapest beer, and it's not worth a few copper coins, as long as you don't dislike it .”

The audience laughed loudly, no one would dislike the poor quality of beer.

Those who stay in the tavern are all players who like to be lively, and they advocate blood and loyalty. Since they advocate loyalty, it is naturally impossible to dislike the poor and love the rich.

"Huggins is a small place, but the transportation is convenient. If you have a chance to stay in the future, you might as well come here and have a glass of wine. The small courtyard next to it is a place for discussing things or talking about love. The above is the place of pandas. Home, prepared for those who like pandas, everyone, don’t look outside, if you don’t get drunk today, you won’t go home.”

Su Mo didn't continue to talk nonsense, leaving a group of people here to drink in a big bowl, and went to the small courtyard.

The name is very elegant, and people who come here don't drink water, but choose the elegant tea culture.

Not only Su Mo understands this thing, but Su Xiaojiu has been fascinated by it since she was a child, so she naturally does it well.

A real person with a head and a face is either here, or he will go to the Panda House and sit there. Drinking and bragging with a group of men in a tavern is really a loss.

Since it is necessary to be competitive, it cannot be too cheap.

Not only is the money calculated according to the tea and snacks, but even the seats cost [-] gold coins. Su Mo followed Gaara's advice and not only took the high-end route, but even directly became a black-hearted profiteer.

There is a small box in the middle of the seat, which can put things in it.

If players have any unsolvable game problems, they can write them on paper and put them in. On the third day, when they come here to find the waiter, they can get the solution to the problem.

If you can't solve it, don't be frustrated, because the table fee of [-] gold coins will be refunded.

If it is solved, everyone will be happy, and if it can’t be solved, there seems to be no loss. Today, a few pretend players who came to this place out of curiosity and drank a lot of tea thought about the problems they encountered in the game, and left note.

Su Mo didn't stay here. He planned to make a word-of-mouth brand with Anxiang Shuying, so he couldn't act too hastily.

Then there is the Panda House, which takes the cute route, but the way it was used at the beginning was full of copper smell. Gaara, the big businessman in the game, held his N+1 auction.

Gaara Auction has an old-fashioned name and not too many items, but it is a very famous brand in the minds of high-end players.

At the very beginning, the equipment that appeared was basically blue, with only a few pieces of silver with average attributes.

No one would dislike it, because at that time, most people were still green, and blue was a minority, and silver was even more fiercely fought.

Now everyone's equipment is getting better and better, and silver is not a rare thing, but only a few big merchants including Gaara can take out gold equipment for auction.

(End of this chapter)

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