Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 312 Became a bosom sister

Chapter 312 Became a bosom sister

Gaara's auction has been done very well, no matter where, as long as there is something, these people will come.

The decoration of cute items in Panda House will not affect the dignity of the auction in the slightest.

"Thirty-level silver, with a special effect, strong output equipment for the mage profession, please see the auction device in your hands for attributes, and start bidding now."



The sound of Didi appeared immediately on the scene, very dense, which means that the people participating in the auction are bidding.

Mage is the most popular profession, the strongest output of the legal system, and the number of players is very large. Not all those who come to the auction are mages, but the demand for equipment for mages does not differ according to their own profession.

A few of the people here came to auction equipment for themselves, and most of them came for their own small groups.

If workers want to do a good job, they must first sharpen their tools. Only when they get good equipment can they have the opportunity to carry out higher-end group activities. The equipment they buy now can be resold after being eliminated later. The investment is not too much.

A big businessman like Gaara is a cancer to ordinary players.

They will clean up the high-end equipment in the market, and then raise the prices of these equipment to exaggerated levels. Most of the high-end equipment will eventually be concentrated in the hands of a few players.

The [-] principle has a market not only in reality, but also in games.

Su Mo sat at the auction site for a while, bid five or six times, and raised the price of the two pieces of gold equipment a lot, but in the end, he still failed to get the equipment.

It's not that he has no money, but that he doesn't intend to take pictures of those two pieces of equipment at all.

Because he sold these two pieces of equipment to Gaara, the money he earned from driving up the price will eventually fall into his pocket.

Of course, he can't go too far, and it would be troublesome if he really fails to shoot, and it will damage Gaara's business reputation.

During the recent period, he has provided Gaara with a lot of equipment, especially silver and gold, among which there are many top-quality and high-level equipment.

Almost all Laifu turned to him.

Regarding the question of who is better at making money, Master Su no longer wants to struggle. It is also a helpless thing that his human form is not as good as the incarnation of a beast.

The auction went on quickly, with dozens of pieces of equipment fully booked, and these people left after the auction.

Then the Panda House welcomed the second batch of guests, almost all girls, and they all came for the pandas.

Su Mo released the ball and let it play on the small table in the center of the Panda House.

At present, there are only a few programs in Panda House, one is pandas climbing trees, the other is pandas eating bamboo, and the other is pandas going to school.

Panda going to school is a program specially set up by Su Mo in order to cultivate Qiuqiu's intelligence. Su Xiaojiu can teach Qiuqiu to count and read pictures, and there are other intelligence-enhancing programs suitable for children.

Su Xiaojiu hasn't come back yet, so the show Pandas Going to School can't be done.

It is relatively simple for pandas to eat bamboo. Just put the bamboo there and let Qiuqiu eat it. They are the freshest bamboo shoots, and Qiuqiu also likes it very much. None other than them.

There is also a panda climbing a tree. There is a tree-shaped prop, and Qiuqiu will climb up and down to play.

Throwing Qiuqiu to the Panda House to let the girls compare their hearts and take pictures, Su Mo went to Anxiang Shuying to bring out the latest player requests.

This is not much different from the player taking it to the mercenary group, the difference is that it is more mysterious here.

There are six notes in total.

On the first one it says--

Old man, I have been unable to complete a task, although the rewards are not good, but I am obsessive-compulsive disorder, where can I find such things as old-fashioned pine nuts?

Su Mo thought for a while, and confirmed that he had never heard of old pine nuts.

He planned to go back to the monster chat group to inquire. If he could find the answer, not only would he be able to accept the player's previous twenty gold coins, but he could also earn an extra sum.

The asking price cannot be low, and the guests who can make it into the dark fragrance and sparse shadows have a small fortune.

If you charge too little money, you will look down on others.

Second letter.

Dear Mr. Iron:

I've been with my girlfriend for [-] years and recently cuckolded me, all kinds of pain after the breakup, I want to die now, what advice do you have.

Su Mo almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, what a mess.

The dog's blood came so fast, some were caught off guard.

Su Mo paused, then wrote: Thinking about it from another angle, you can be regarded as cheating on someone else's wife, and it lasts for six years. Let's take it easy. This article is free, and the tea seat money is not refundable.

Third letter.

Hello, old iron, I chose the wizard profession, and I feel that the future of this profession is bleak, what do you think?
Su Mo tilted his head and thought for a while, not thinking about how to answer this question, but thinking about how to screen out such naive questions that have no lower limit.

"When did the wizard become a career with a bleak future? Write to him and let him die." A voice sounded from behind.

Su Mo turned his head abruptly, only to find that the old man who came today was standing behind him.

He didn't notice anyone approaching. The comfortable environment lowered his vigilance, or the old man became quieter because of his weight.

But writing to let customers die is too much.

Su Mo sighed, and wrote: Any profession has its meaning, and it is not useless. Isn't it enough for the wizard king to poke the pirate king's eyes blind?

"Haha, you young man is very insightful, you are really discerning." The old man seemed very happy.

"Is your old man a wizard?" Su Mo threw the paper into the box, turned around and asked, he saw the wooden stick the old man was leaning on again, and inexplicably had a thought in his heart, could this thing be A staff.

"Wizard? You can put it this way, young man. I came back from a far away place and took a nap. I felt like I was alive again, but if I want to get a new life, I have to take a bath, and then Just have a good meal."

Take a bath?

Su Mo looked at the old man's dirty appearance, and felt that he really needed to be taken care of, but what the hell is taking a bath? Is there such a place in the game?

"Haha, young man, I invite you to take a bath, and there are back rubs!" When the old man thought of the steaming bathhouse, he couldn't help it, and he dragged Su Mo away.

Su Mo was worried that he would fall down by himself, so he hurriedly walked with him by his arm.

After leaving the tavern and entering the main road of Huggins, after walking for a certain distance, the old man led Su Mo into a small alley.

red light?

Red light district?
There is such a place in the game?
Su Mo felt that his three views had been subverted. He never knew that there was such a place in the game.

(End of this chapter)

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