Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 313 Go, take a bath

Chapter 313 Go, take a bath

[New World] It's not completely virtual reality. The real real world is not so grand and upright, and there should be places where filth is hidden.

However, the virtual game law clearly stipulates that eating and drinking are encouraged, and prostitution and gambling are prohibited.

Even if there is business such as playing with them, they are very civilized and normative, more innocent than romance dramas, not to mention the red light district in front of Su Mo.

It turns out that only NPCs can come to such a place with them.

Then a new question came, what did the old man drag him to such a place?
Mr. Su prides himself on being an upright gentleman, with a yellow belly that would not be touched even if killed, and this old man, half of his foot has already stepped into the coffin, and he is as thin as a stick, so what can he do.

"Master, come and play."

"Brother, come to sister quickly."

"Old man, I will take good care of you."

Seeing two potential customers appear, those girls and young women who either wore heavy makeup, or had no face, or were luxuriously dressed, or ragged, all began to solicit business.

Su Mo was serious, without squinting.

He didn't find it too unacceptable. There are always some people in this world who love leisure and work hard. They can earn money without hard work, so why bother to sweat it.

But not all of these people are the same.

Those hungry daughters, hungry sisters, and hungry mothers who are struggling on the lifeline are not qualified to talk about dignity, and the unemployed poor who have been deprived of production tools can only survive in this way.

"Haha, haha, hahaha." The old man was very happy.

Constantly teasing women, and often throwing handfuls of copper coins, that is really extraordinary generosity, I can't imagine that he is so rich in shabby clothes.

Passing through the alleys of the red light district, Su Mo saw the old man's destination - the bathing center.

Su Mo is not sure if there is such a thing in the Middle Ages in reality, but since magic and bull demons that do not exist in reality appear in the game, so one more bathing center is naturally the author, oh no, it is what the game company said up.

There are waiters at the door to welcome customers in.

He has a very good business literacy, and he will not discriminate against the old man in the slightest because he is in tatters, nor will he reject Su Mo because he is an adventurer.

After walking for a while, they arrived at the inner gate. The two changed their shoes and got a bamboo token each.

It's warmer here. Huggins itself is warmer than Tallinn. The location of this bathing center is even more advantageous, and there are natural hot springs everywhere.

Su Mo and the old man took off their clothes and went into the hot spring to take a bath.

"Hey, every time I come here, I feel that all the hard work is worth it. I work hard, just to take a bath in peace?" The old man leaned on the brown rock beside the hot spring and sighed comfortably. .

"Old man, what do you do?" Su Mo asked curiously.

What does it mean to work hard just to take a safe bath? The copper coins that your old man swayed just now are enough for you to soak in a safe and stable bath for half a month.

"Didn't the old thief tell you?" The old man opened one eye and squinted at Su Mo.

"No, the old thief left in a hurry." Su Mo thought about it for a while, and there was indeed no handover conversation about the old man.

"Haha, let's not talk, let's take a bath, you don't need to talk when you take a bath."

Isn't this what your old man said first? Su Mo cursed inwardly, but he started to take a bath in peace.

The virtual reality technology makes the experience of taking a bath extremely real, as if you are really in a bathhouse, you are almost falling asleep in comfort, and you can't tell whether it is fantasy or reality.

Some people say that the most frightening thing about dreaming is not being able to find a toilet.

In fact, the scariest thing about dreaming is not that you can't find the toilet, but that you have found the toilet, but you still haven't woken up.

When Su Mo woke up, his whole body was sore - don't get me wrong, it's mainly because he sat in one position for a long time and was soaked in hot spring water, so it's no wonder he wasn't sore.

The old man was gone.

Su Mo crawled out of the pool and found the old man in the bathing place.

The reason why he was able to find this old man by hearing the sound was mainly because he groaned shamefully during the process of being scrubbed, which made Su Mo feel ashamed to say that he knew this person himself.

"Sir, do you need to take a bath?" A strong man with big arms and round waist came up to meet him.

"Rub it, what am I doing here if you don't rub it?"

After getting a definite answer, the man was overjoyed and brought Su Mo to the bed, which was no different from the place where he took a bath in reality.

Su Mo lay down calmly.

"Hiss!" These two guys must have a grudge against him, Su Mo looked at the bloodstains on his body speechlessly, and was really hurt.

"This is an ancestral handicraft. If you can't help it, you can call it louder." The strong man grinned.


I believe your evil, probably it's the old man's tricks, and he's still playing tricks right now.

In fact, there is nothing to rub in the game. Players still enjoy the benefits of refreshing every 10 minutes. However, there is a reliable source that this benefit will be canceled soon. Players will also have to take a bath in the game in the future. The gentleman players in the game finally saw the hope of voyeurism.

"Give some salt after rubbing, it's good for the skin, it can remove dead skin." The strong man asked.

Su Mo felt very comfortable after being rubbed. Hearing this, he immediately asked vigilantly, "How much is the salt?"

"The medium one is 130, and the advanced one is 180. If you use the medium one, the entrance fee is 29. If you use the high-end one, the entrance fee will be waived for you."

Master Su calculated in a daze, thinking that it is better to be advanced.

"Then let's do advanced ones."

After rubbing and rinsing, Su Mo followed the old man to the steam room.

Su Mo was really worried that the old man would disappear as soon as he steamed. After all, the temperature of the steam room is high and the air is thin. The house signs say that people over the age of 80 are not allowed to enter. Children should enter under the guidance of their parents.

Unexpectedly, the old man was quite resistant to heat, and he was so steamed that he didn't want to leave.

Su Mo didn't have that much time, so all kinds of persuasion made the old man nod and agree to leave, and when he paid the bill when he left, Su Mo realized that he had been cheated.

180's bath, even though it was only copper coins, still made him feel sore.

But the old man also spent 180. He was not cheated, he was just being taken advantage of, because in the end it was Su Mo who paid the bill.

"Why do I always feel that my money is inexplicably less?" Su Mo said uncertainly after paying the bill.

"Isn't this nonsense, you just spent two [-]." The old man said.

"No, even if these two [-] are removed, the number is still wrong. I am very sensitive to numbers, especially gold coins." Su Mo clearly remembered the coins in his backpack.

"Oh, I must have misremembered. Can someone still steal money from your backpack?"

"It seems to make sense, but as soon as you mentioned this, I remembered that the old thief can peek at the coins in my backpack. If he hadn't left, I really doubt that he stole my money."


(End of this chapter)

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