Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 314 Fu Jiafeng Beats a Child Violently

Chapter 314 Fu Jiafeng Beats a Child Violently (Happy New Year)
After a busy day, soaking in the bath has been fully relaxing.

Su Mo and the old man became friends naturally. After changing clothes, the old man still looks like a human being, with white hair and white beard, and a face full of vicissitudes of wisdom. After changing into a white robe, he looks extraordinarily immortal.

Only the tall pointed hat looked very discordant.

However, Su Mo knew that this was a symbol of a wizard, and the old man was obviously a wizard NPC who didn't seem to be too low-level.

The basis for judging that his level is not low is not that Su Mo saw the old man's big move.

The old man looks very old, with white hair, white beard, wrinkles and so on, he must be at least 80 years old.

This is not The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Don't look at Hong Qigong's white hair and white beard when he appeared on the stage. In fact, he is in his 40s and has high martial arts because it is a martial arts novel. In martial arts novels, he can usually come out and dominate the world.

Magic is not only the accumulation of strength, but also a breakthrough in one's own understanding of the world.

An 80-year-old wizard, even if he goes to the red-light district to take a bath all day without doing business, he should at least be a great wizard of the third rank or higher.

In this way, the old wizard stayed in the One Piece bar.

Unlike the one-eyed pirate's good food and drink, he hardly has any desire for food. He likes to take a bath most. He goes to the bath when he has nothing to do, and when he comes back, he holds his stick-like witch's staff and leans against the corner of the wall to bask in the sun.

He is not very interested in everything in the tavern, except Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu also likes the old wizard very much. When Su Mo is in the tavern, it will stay by the old wizard's side, basking in the sun.

Su Mo once worried that the ball would turn into a pure black bear if exposed to too much sun, but he completely over-thought, no matter how sun-dried a panda is, it is still a panda, where it should be black is black, and what should be white is still very white.

The existence of the old wizard did not have much impact on everyone.

Su Mo went offline earlier this day, and Tongtian Tower made him realize his lack of academic work. It's not that he didn't have no interest in the olive branch thrown by the teacher of Jiaotong University.

He got 30.00% wrong on today's exam questions.

For this 30.00%, he plans to go to the library to look up the information to find the correct answer first, if it is really like the teacher said that he will take the exam, wouldn't it be worth playing for nothing.


Two crisp sounds made Su Mo's fine hairs explode just a few steps after he walked out of the Internet cafe. He almost rolled over and hid behind the private car parked on the side of the road.

Fortunately, he judged in an instant that it was not a gunshot.

Fortunately, more than a year has passed since the war, and his nerves are not as fragile as they were at the beginning.

Hearing the sound and looking over, Su Mo found two running children.

"Don't run, stop for me, do you two brats want to die?" Su Mo, who was about to leave, was immediately happy when he heard the familiar voice.

Isn't this Fu Jiafeng?
It really was Fu Jiafeng, he grabbed a child with one hand, with a fierce and tangled expression on his face, he was probably wondering which of the two children should hit first.

"Old Fu, what are you doing? It's not a good habit to bully children."

"Hey, it's you, come here and help me grab one, I can't handle two by myself, help me grab this, I'll hit the other first." Fu Jiafeng commanded very familiarly when he saw Su Mo .

In his mind, Su Mo was his younger brother, and it was his duty to help his elder brother do things.

"I'll tell my mother to go, if you dare to hit me, I'll tell my mother!" one of the children shouted in horror.

The other also shouted while struggling: "My uncle is old school, if you dare to beat me, let him catch you."

"I don't want to bully children with you. Even if they do something wrong, their parents and teachers will take care of them. If you really beat them up badly, you will definitely not be able to live without it." Su Mo refused to accept such a situation. assignment.

Hit Fu Jiafeng if you want to hit him, what are you doing with these two kids who look like they are only about ten years old?
"You sand sculpture knows nothing, these two little bastards have to be educated, if you don't hit me, I will hit myself," Fu Jiafeng had already started to activate his provocative attribute without knowing it.

"You tell me why you beat them first." Su Mo hesitated whether to teach this kid a lesson, but there are people coming and going in this place, and in front of the two children, isn't it too merciless.

Fu Jiafeng grabbed the two children and allowed them to kick and bite him. He quickly brought them to a car. Su Mo didn't know what they were doing, so he followed them.

"Su, are you blind, can't you see?" Fu Jiafeng raised his chin.

"Stop making noise!" Su Mo raised his leg and kicked each of the two boys. The two boys immediately felt pain in their buttocks, and naturally it was impossible to attack Fu Jiafeng.

This is a white ordinary car.

There are no problems in other places, except that there are some traces of smoke in the gap of the fuel cap, and there are some remains of firecrackers left after the firecrackers burst.

What a bear.

If it was spilled outside during refueling and ignited by the sparks from the firecrackers, the entire fuel tank would explode, and the parking lot here is densely packed, one next to the other.

It was just after school in the afternoon, and there were a lot of people surfing the Internet. If the car exploded or even exploded in a row, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Su Mo looked down at the two brats who were crying and cursing, and really had the urge to kick them all to death.

He can no longer say that there are parents in discipline.

What kind of good thing can parents do for a brat who can do this kind of thing? If they really find him, they might even blame Fu Jiafeng for doing something to their child.

"What do you think we should do?" Su Mo would have nothing to say now.

"You guys finally understand that I am the party of justice now." Fu Jiafeng smiled proudly, but unfortunately he is not handsome at all, his body is covered with shoe prints from the kicks of the two boys, and there is a bite wound on his hand , has begun to bleed.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, I'll grab one for you." Su Mo looked around, and stepped on one of them with his foot.

Then Fu Jiafeng rushed forward and beat the one who was not stepped on.

Little gangsters fight all year round, they have no other skills, the best thing is knowing how to fight without accidents, and it hurts like a chicken.

After beating one and beating the other, the two kids who were still cursing didn't dare to swear any more, they just begged for mercy and sobbed.

"Huhu, it's really enjoyable!" Fu Jiafeng finally understood how Su Mo's satisfied expression came from after beating him.

"Have you finished the beating? Do you want to just let him go or send him to the police station?" Su Mo asked.

He didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, mainly because he is such an old man, and it's hard to hit a child no matter what, well, an older child like Fu Jiafeng is an exception.

Everyone, happy new year, I may ask for leave today, there is no second update, it depends on the situation.

 Happy New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai
(End of this chapter)

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