Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 315 The most vicious punishment

Chapter 315 The most vicious punishment

"It's useless to send it to the police station. The world is as black as crows. Didn't you hear what this little bum said just now? His uncle is old school." Fu Jiafeng immediately objected.

Su Mo stretched out his hand and slapped him on the back of the head: "Who did you learn to be so cynical and as black as a crow in the world? Can you use words? If you don't send them to the police station, what are you going to do? Just cover them up and let them go?"

As soon as the two children heard that they might let themselves go, they immediately begged for mercy: "Brothers, we don't dare anymore, just let us fart."

"Tsk tsk, look at these two kids who are very knowledgeable about current affairs, why didn't you know how to beg for mercy when you were beaten." Su Mo laughed at Fu Jiafeng.

Fu Jiafeng immediately became angry and continued to beat the child.

At this time, there were already many passers-by watching.

It stands to reason that when two adults beat two children, people who have no sense of justice may look at the injustice with their eyes, but after learning the reason from the enthusiastic food stall owner, they immediately feel that the fight is very good, and they can't wait to go up Also kicked two feet.

However, it is unlikely that the fight will continue, and a lesson will do. After all, serious consequences still only exist in hypotheses.

The car never exploded and there were no casualties.

"No, we can't let them go so easily. If we let them go later, they might even get worse and set off firecrackers everywhere," Fu Jiafeng was angrily, and added later: "I have experience!"

Come on, Su Mo can no longer refute because he lacks experience in this field.

"We have to think of an unforgettable punishment for them, or cut off one of their toes?" Fu Jiafeng asked for Su Mo's opinion.

Su Mo looked at the two children. When the two children heard that their toes were about to be cut off, they hugged each other and howled.

"It's not impossible to cut off the toes, but the scars are healed and the pain is forgotten. It is estimated that they will be able to set off firecrackers again in two or three months."

"Then what do you say, or cut their little dicks and make them girls." Fu Jiafeng recalled, but in fact, there is not much to do. After all, such an old child, killing his parents is not enough. There will be no criminal penalties.

"Uh, how do you know they don't want to be girls?" Su Mo was curious.

"No, we don't want to be girls, please." The two little boys were so frightened that they vowed never to set off firecrackers again.

"I want to be a girl when my brain is flooded." Fu Jiafeng sneered: "Su Mo, you don't have such an idea, let me tell you, if you really go to Thailand for surgery, don't blame me for not recognizing you as a little brother. "

"Old Fu, I really don't want to hit you, especially at this time." Su Mo's teeth started to hurt again.

"What do you want, I didn't offend you." Fu Jiafeng looked at Su Mo vigilantly, feeling that his little brother was about to fall ill again.

"Okay, okay, old Fu, you have experience, tell me, when is your most painful time?"

"Hold your urine while playing games?"

"You mean we water these two boys, make them urinate, and suffocate them to death?" Su Mo was speechless, even though he was cooperating with Fu Jiafeng to scare the two boys, it was a bit too much to play like that.

What if the bladder is burst at a young age.

"Then it's time to do homework. It's very uncomfortable when doing homework." Fu Jiafeng said.

Hearing this, Su Mo's eyes lit up immediately. He looked at the second-hand bookstore next to him. It was full of various teaching aids and exercise sets, some of which were already filled, and more of them were blank. .

A few minutes later, Su Mo found eight exercise books from a second-hand bookstore at a price of one yuan and fifty-one kilograms.

Two students in the sixth grade of elementary school should have no problem doing the sea of ​​elementary school questions.

"From now on, you start to work on the topic, and you can leave when you finish. Don't slack off, don't make any perfunctory, or I will beat you." Su Mo borrowed a table and a small stool from a nearby food stall.

The food stall owner cheerfully moved over a broken table and two broken benches.

The two children sat on the stool in bewilderment, handed two pens to the "good-hearted man", and started to do the questions without tears.

It is said that there was a primary school student who didn’t want to do homework, so she deliberately lost her schoolbag—now she doesn’t need to do homework anymore, and she even naively thought that she would not need to do homework in the future. Said that the family really believed it, but before the evening, the police came to the door and delivered the schoolbag back.

The policeman said, kid, the bus driver picked up your schoolbag. He was afraid of delaying your homework, so he sent it to our police station before he got off work. It took us a lot of effort to find out your identity and send it to you. .

Take a look, is this your schoolbag?

Wow, Uncle Cop is good and bad, Uncle Cop is a bad guy.

Regardless of whether it is exam-oriented education or hope for success, Chinese elementary school monks basically have the same attitude towards homework.

These two sad children are doing their homework now.

On the cold winter street, a group of passers-by, A, B, B, Ding, who watch the bustle and don't know how to respect the old and love the young, and two fierce big brothers.

As long as they were distracted, they would be beaten up immediately.

The body and spirit of the two children have all suffered major setbacks.

"Is this question right?" Su Mo stood next to him, and asked Fu Jiafeng uncertainly. It wasn't that his level was poor, but mainly because he had forgotten what he learned in elementary school.

"How do I know, it shouldn't be right." Fu Jiafeng shook his head.

"Wrong, I should choose C." A girl with a babyish voice rang out. Su Mo turned his head to look, but he didn't see it. He looked down and saw a slim little loli, who looked better than these two. Boys are even smaller.

"Choose C, that's a mistake, you go ahead." Su Mo signaled Fu Jiafeng to do it.

Doing homework as a punishment is not strong enough, of course, some extra prizes are needed, so writing came into being.

"Little sister, what grade are you in?" When Fu Jiafeng was beating someone, Su Mo squatted down to block the little girl's sight.

"Fifth grade, uncle." The little girl stood on tiptoe, as if she wanted to see clearly what happened at the scene.

"Little sister, aren't you afraid of beating someone?" Su Mo asked.

"If you don't hit me, I'm not afraid. If you hit me, I'm afraid." The little girl was impatient and took two steps to find a better perspective to watch the excitement.

"Little sister, your grades are very good." Su Mo didn't stop her.

"Average, the third in the whole school." The little girl waved her hand socially, obviously not wanting to talk to Su Mo, an old man whose grade was too different from her own.

"Then can you help me supervise these two little brothers' homework, if you make a mistake, just tell us, and we will show you the child, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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