Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 316 The Parents Are Here

Chapter 316 The Parents Are Here
The little girl nodded again and again, eager to say: "Okay, okay."

So the little girl stood between the two little boys, helping to watch the two little boys racking their brains to solve the problem, and pointing out in a very excited tone which of the two little boys did something wrong.

Su Mo and Fu Jiafeng would judge for themselves at the beginning.

After all, the little girl showed that she liked to watch people beat children so much, so it was not ruled out that she deliberately said that the two children did something wrong, and then watched them get beaten.

Then they discovered that the little girl not only had good grades, but was also very principled.

Right is right, wrong is wrong, she will never talk nonsense.

"Look at others, and then look at yourself, you've embarrassing men." Fu Jiafeng slapped a child on the buttocks, and reprimanded him with joy.

"Beat him, beat him, this question is a question for the fourth grade of elementary school, and you can do it wrong, oops, I remember they have done a similar one just now, and the two mistakes are exactly the same." The little girl is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. , I'm afraid that the buttocks of these two little boys won't hurt.

The beaten little boy limped back to his seat, and couldn't help taking a breath when he sat on the small bench.

It hurts.

Under the pain, he couldn't help but glared at the little girl. It was because of this girl that the two brothers were in such a mess.

As for the two chief culprits, Su Mo and Fu Jiafeng, they are only afraid now, and they have long since dared not be cruel. Their only wish is to escape from the clutches of these two people.

"He stared at me, he stared at me, I was so scared." The little girl's white little finger immediately pointed to the little boy who stared at her.

"How dare you stare!" Su Mo exclaimed.

Fu Jiafeng has already pressed down and hit without saying a word.

Just like this, two miserable children, sobbing and doing their homework under the supervision of a primary school bully who doesn't mind watching the excitement.

They wanted to ask a question.

Is life always this painful, or is it only when you're a kid?

If you ask Su Mo this question, he will reply that it has always been like this.

Especially for those brats like them who would die if they didn't do it, if the firecrackers ignited the fuel tank, it wouldn't be a matter of pain or pain. Death was a good thing, and if they didn't die, life would be worse than death.

"Oh, my dear grandson, what's wrong with you?" A sharp voice sounded, and then everyone saw an old lady running over, hugged one of the boys and cried out.

Fu Jiafeng didn't hit him in the face deliberately, but he was so angry at the beginning that he didn't beat him mercilessly.

The little boy was inevitably a little bruised and swollen.

This made the old lady fall into an uncontrollable anger, pointing at passers-by and cursing while making phone calls.

"You two bastards, hurry up to XX Road, your son is about to be beaten to death."

"Your nephew is about to be beaten to death. Hurry up and bring someone here and arrest them all. What is it that is not in compliance with the procedures? I worked so hard to give birth to you, and pulled you up with shit and pee. You just repay me like this, and you just don't care about my beloved baby."

"My wife, come quickly, our grandson, my poor grandson."

She is an old lady, Su Mo and Fu Jiafeng really dare not do anything, if she goes to the ground, no one can tell what's going on, our law is very good at promoting this kind of unhealthy tendencies.

The brat had a backer, and finally began to return to his soul.

Not only did he throw away the pen in his hand, but he also snuggled into the old lady's arms and told the story of the matter in a more eloquent way.

They became normal children playing with firecrackers, and the two passing by forced them to violently attack them.

"You wait, we must sue you, my son is from the police station, you just wait to go in." The old lady originally wanted to scratch Su Mo and Fu Jiafeng, but when Su Mo stared, she immediately became a little cowardly up.

Mr. Su is a master at playing an honest person, but playing a murderous person should not be underestimated either.

Soon, the whole family gathered here.

"Sorry, I don't know how the child offended the two of you. I am his father. I will compensate you. We will compensate for any losses." The first person who ran over was a middle-aged man. Surprisingly, he did not Consistent with the old lady, instead he kept apologizing without asking about the situation.

"Liang Feiwen, you're such a foodie, what are you talking about!" Upon hearing this, the old lady immediately became unwilling.

"Mom, I..." The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, wanting to explain.

"Which... %¥&, Mom, is Longlong okay?" Afterwards, a fat woman ran over, her whole body trembling as she walked, which is probably why she didn't keep up with the middle-aged man named Liang Feiwen .

Not only is her figure exaggerated, but this woman's quality is also worrying, and she has a long list of swear words.

"Shut up, old Fu, explain to them, what did these two brats do?" Su Mo interrupted her impatiently.

Although the vertical body shape is not as good as this fat woman, Su Mo looks more fierce, and he really calms down everyone, no matter whether it is the old lady or the fat woman, they dare not shout loudly.

Who is Lao Fu?

I thought I would see an old Fu, but I didn't expect that Fu turned out to be a young man.

Fu Jiafeng shook his hair, first sneered sarcastically, and then explained the whole thing. Even when he was a blind man, he was also a principled blind man. They are women, children and children, but they are merciful.

When the middle-aged man heard what Fu Jiafeng said, he almost fainted from fright. After he ran to the scene to take a look, he was immediately convinced.

"What are you doing around my car?" A short man wearing a big gold chain came out of the small restaurant next to him and asked curiously.

Then he found the marks left by the firecrackers on the fuel tank cap of his car, and he was covered in cold sweat.

Some things are really unclear. A thief went to your house to steal something. When he went through the window, he fell out and died. Yes, the owner of the battery car has to lose money, who let you use unsafe products.

If his car blows up and kills this brat or other passers-by, he, the owner of the car, will not be able to pay for it no matter how thick the gold chain is.

It turned out that he was only a child away from bankruptcy.

The man with the big gold chain hesitated whether to call the police or not.

"You bastard, you want to die, don't you!" Frustrated, the middle-aged man Liang Feiwen went up and wanted to grab the little boy named Longlong to enforce the family law.

The old lady and the fat woman were a little guilty at first, but when they saw that Longlong was going to be beaten, they immediately forgot everything. They rushed to grab Liang Feiwen, scratched and scratched, and cursed in all kinds of ways.

(End of this chapter)

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